Power Purchasers definition

Power Purchasers refers to entities that have executed long-term power sales contracts specifically Puget Sound Energy, Inc., Portland General Electric, PacifiCorp., and Avista Corp.
Power Purchasers means the parties to the Power Purchase Agreements as defined in the Agreement for Lease.
Power Purchasers means any or all of the purchasers of power from IPA’s generating facility pursuant to current or future power purchase agreements. Reactive Power shall mean the power consumed in an AC circuit because of the expansion and collapse of magnetic fields (inductive and electrostatic (capacitive)). Reactive Power is expressed in voltampere-reactive (“VAR”). Real Power shall mean the product of the voltage across a branch of an alternating-current circuit and the component of the electric current that is in phase with the voltage. Real Power is measured in xxxxx and often expressed in kilowatts (“kW”) or megawatts (“MW”). Reasonable Efforts shall mean, with respect to an action required to be attempted or taken by a Party under this Agreement, efforts that are commercially reasonable, timely and consistent with Good Utility Practice, and are otherwise substantially equivalent to those a Party would use to protect its own interests. Reliability Management System Agreement means the agreement between Interconnection Customer as “Generator” and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power as “Transmission Operatorrequired by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, formerly the Western Systems Coordinating Council.

Examples of Power Purchasers in a sentence

  • Such insurance shall provide for a waiver of the underwriters’ right to subrogation against Seller, Purchaser, Lenders/Investors of ProjectCo and Purchaser and its Affiliates, Suppliers, Interconnect Utilities, Power Purchasers, Contractors and Subcontractors of any tier.

  • There shall be a Hatchery Committee composed of one (1) representative of each Party, provided that a Party is not required to appoint a representative and further provided that the Power Purchasers may participate as a non-voting observer through a single representative whom they will designate from time to time.

  • There shall be a Coordinating Committee composed of one (1) representative of each Party, provided, that the Power Purchasers may participate as a non-voting observer through a single representative, whom they will designate from time to time.

  • The Coordinating Committee presently consists of its Chairman (the General Manager of the Agency), and the following voting representatives: Power Purchaser(s) Represented RepresentativeVoting Rights Percentage Murray City Blaine J.

  • Adverse economic conditions or other events affecting counterparties with whom the Agency conducts business could impair the ability of the Power Purchasers to pay for services.

More Definitions of Power Purchasers

Power Purchasers and “Power Purchaser” shall have the respective meanings given in Schedule 1.1B to this Agreement.
Power Purchasers means NIMO and Con Ed.
Power Purchasers means Puget Sound Energy, Inc. for the term of its existing long-term power sales contracts with the District.
Power Purchasers means The Connecticut Light and Power Company for the Bridgeport Project, Central Connecticut State University for the Central Project, Pfizer, Inc. for the Pfizer Project, City of Riverside, California for the Riverside Project, the County of Alameda for the Santa Rxxx Project and Long Island Lighting Company for the Yaphank Project.
Power Purchasers means Virginia Electric and Power Company and/or Aquila Power Corporation and Utilicorp United, Inc., and such other entities as may enter into power purchase agreements with Owner, and their successors and/or assigns, each acting pursuant to its agreement with Owner for the purchase and sale of electrical power generated by the Facility.
Power Purchasers means each power purchaser under the Power Purchase Agreements.