Action Required definition

Action Required. Return your signed grant agreement
Action Required. Please kindly e-mail fully completed Application Form to the Staffordshire Training Hub at
Action Required columns in Schedule 2.1(a)(i) and Schedule 5.9(a). [SEE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED TO BUYER AS SET FORTH BELOW.]

Examples of Action Required in a sentence

  • Action Required In accordance with EPA Manual 2750, you are required to provide a written response to this report within 90 calendar days.

  • In the Finance Act, 2022, an amendment is made to the Project Imports Scheme, with a sunset clause prescribed for the exemption to end on 30 September 2023; all contracts after the sunset date will attract a BCD of 7.5%.

  • Cross Reference NHS public health functions agreement 2016-17 Superseded Docs (if applicable) 2015/16 Service Specification Action Required n/a Timing / Deadlines (if applicable) n/a Contact Details for further information Section 7a Programme Management Office NHS England Public Health Commissioning Central Team 4E46 Quarry House Leeds LS2 7UE 0113 8247235 xxxxx:// Document Status This is a controlled document.

  • Action Required: Discussion of employee’s retroactive license compensation due to the SM Water System reclassification to a T-2 permit.

  • DSLs/ Safeguarding Team receive an email alerting them of a new concern DSL/Safeguarding Team decides if correctly categorised, whether action needs to be taken, whether situation needs monitoring and allocates to member of staff Action RequiredNo Action Required DSL consults/makes judgement to ascertain what further action is required Internal or external (agency) intervention?DSL logs on Impero EdAware that no action is required, and whether or not the situation needs to be monitored.

More Definitions of Action Required

Action Required means correspondence supplied to Council, through the agenda, that requires direction from Council.
Action Required. Approved Stop Work: Disapproved: Other Signature: (Owner Project Manager) Dated:
Action Required. This SCOWB Policy is to become a part of your permanent records and made available to appropriate staff and sub-recipients. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED: SCOWB EXEC. COMM. 05/07/18 APPROVED: SCOWB FULL BOARD 06/14/18
Action Required columns in Schedule 2.1(a)(i) and Schedule 5.9(a).
Action Required for Noncompliance (15 month old age group): If the standard is not met and the results are below 34% (42% for SFY 2009), then the MCP is required to complete a Performance Improvement Project, as described in Appendix K, Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Program, to address the area of noncompliance. If the standard is not met and the results are at or above 34% (42% for SFY 2009), then ODJFS will issue a Quality Improvement Directive which will notify the MCP of noncompliance and may outline the steps that the MCP must take to improve the results. Action Required for Noncompliance (3-6 year old age group): If the standard is not met and the results are below 50% (57% for SFY 2009), then the MCP is required to complete a Performance Improvement Project, as described in Appendix K, Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Program, to address the area of noncompliance. If the standard is not met and the results are at or above 50% (57% for SFY 2009), then ODJFS will issue a Quality Improvement Directive which will notify the MCP of noncompliance and may outline the steps that the MCP must take to improve the results. Action Required for Noncompliance (12-21 year old age group): If the standard is not met and the results are below 30% (33% for SFY 2009), then the MCP is required to complete a Performance Improvement Project, as described in Appendix K, Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Program, to address the area of noncompliance. If the standard is not met and the results are at or above 30% (33% for SFY 2009), then ODJFS will issue a Quality Improvement Directive which will notify the MCP of noncompliance and may outline the steps that the MCP must take to improve the results.
Action Required. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to repair torn screens that occur after closing.
Action Required. None Document Availability: X Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available