Gross Expenses definition

Gross Expenses shall have the meaning set forth in the Mortgage Loan Agreement.
Gross Expenses means all expenditures of the Partnership, computed by the accrual method of accounting, whether incurred directly or indirectly, with respect to the Partnership’s operations and activities during the relevant period, including, but not limited to, costs of farming, insurance, taxes, rentals, general and administrative expense, and payments of principal and interest on indebtedness of the Partnership (other than principal payments on debt having a term of one year or less), but not including Capital Expenditures of the Partnership (or any depreciation or amortization with respect to such Capital Expenditures), depreciation or amortization with respect to Contributed Properties or Adjusted Properties, expenditures in connection with a Capital Transaction, the Farming Fee, Management Fee or Incentive Fee incurred during the relevant period, or any deemed expenditure of the Partnership as a result of an allocation of a portion of the initial value (or Adjusted Basis) of the Contributed Properties to inventory items. “Gross Expenses” also includes reserves established, in the Managing General Partner’s discretion, for any potential expenditures of the Partnership or in order to effect a leveling of Partnership distributions.
Gross Expenses means all the expenses incurred by the Landlord in connection with the Estate including, without limitation, the matters referred to in Schedule 7;

Examples of Gross Expenses in a sentence

  • The ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets reflects the expense ratio in the absence of any waivers and reimbursements.

  • Shares 1,035,501.8705 NAV 10.65 ---------------- Factors to be used: 1.002506893 1.002506893 1.005020071 1.002506893 1.007539549 1.002506893 1.010065343 1.002506893 1.012597469 1.002506893 1.015135943 SEC YIELD - Assumes Reimbursement 2.92% ================ BNY HAMILTON INTERMEDIATE NEW YORK TAX- EXEMPT FUND - Investor Shares Without Reimbursement Income 37,077.29 Net Expenses: Gross Expenses 10,409.16 Less: Reimbursement 0.00 10,409.16 ---------------- Avg.

  • Shares 3,087,421.0157 NAV 10.65 ---------------- Factors to be used: 1.002705527 1.002705527 1.005418374 1.002705527 1.008138561 1.002705527 1.010866107 1.002705527 1.013601033 1.002705527 1.016343358 SEC YIELD - Assumes Reimbursement 3.16% ================ BNY HAMILTON INTERMEDIATE NEW YORK TAX- EXEMPT FUND - Institutional Shares Without Reimbursement Income 110,545.99 Net Expenses: Gross Expenses 24,388.65 Less: Reimbursement 0.00 24,388.65 ---------------- Avg.

  • In the event of an increase or a decrease in the interest of a Partner at any time after the Partnership's initial fiscal quarter other than at the end of a fiscal quarter of the Partnership, the share of the Gross Income and Gross Expenses and the Distributable Cash of the Partnership shall be allocated among the Persons whose shares are changed as determined by the General Partner pursuant to Code Section 706(d).

  • Shares 36,801,928.5387 NAV 10.61 ---------------- Factors to be used: 1.004173715 1.004173715 1.008364850 1.004173715 1.012573477 1.004173715 1.016799670 1.004173715 1.021043502 1.004173715 1.025305047 SEC YIELD 5.06% ================ BNY HAMILTON INTERMEDIATE INVESTMENT GRADE FUND - Investor Shares 30 DAY SEC YIELD Income 18,727.76 Net Expenses: Gross Expenses 3,604.96 Less: Reimbursement 0.00 3,604.96 ---------------- Avg.

  • Shares 364,336.6649 NAV 10.61 ---------------- Factors to be used: 1.003912136 1.003912136 1.007839577 1.003912136 1.011782382 1.003912136 1.015740612 1.003912136 1.019714327 1.003912136 1.023703588 SEC YIELD 4.74% ================ BNY HAMILTON INTERMEDIATE NEW YORK TAX- EXEMPT FUND - Institutional Shares With Reimbursement 30 DAY SEC YIELD Income 110,545.99 Net Expenses: Gross Expenses 24,388.65 Less: Reimbursement 2,803.18 21,585.47 ---------------- Avg.

  • If the Landlord considers that having regard to the nature and degree of use by the Tenant or the other tenants in the Building of any of the facilities referred to in the definition of Gross Expenses or any other factor which the Landlord reasonably considers relevant some proportion other than that referred to in the definition of the Tenant’s Share ought properly to be payable by the Tenant the Landlord may substitute that other proportion in the case of that facility.

  • Shares 3,087,421.0157 NAV 10.65 ---------------- Factors to be used: 1.002620275 1.002620275 1.005247416 1.002620275 1.007881441 1.002620275 1.010522368 1.002620275 1.013170214 1.002620275 1.015824999 SEC YIELD - No Reimbursement 3.05% ================ BNY HAMILTON INTERMEDIATE NEW YORK TAX- EXEMPT FUND - Investor Shares With Reimbursement 30 DAY SEC YIELD Income 37,077.29 Net Expenses: Gross Expenses 10,409.16 Less: Reimbursement 978.12 9,431.04 ---------------- Avg.

  • Shares 6,425,414.1516 NAV 10.04 ---------------- Factors to be used: 1.004189767 1.004189767 1.008397088 1.004189767 1.012622037 1.004189767 1.016864687 1.004189767 1.021125113 1.004189767 1.025403389 SEC YIELD - Assumes Reimbursement 5.10% ================ BNY HAMILTON INTERMEDIATE GOVERNMENT FUND - Institutional Shares Without Reimbursement Income 316,122.15 Net Expenses: Gross Expenses 47,809.13 Less: Reimbursement 0.00 47,809.13 ---------------- Avg.

  • Shares 6,425,414.1516 NAV 10.04 ---------------- Factors to be used: 1.004159172 1.004159172 1.008335643 1.004159172 1.012529484 1.004159172 1.016740768 1.004159172 1.020969568 1.004159172 1.025215956 SEC YIELD - No Reimbursement 5.06% ================ BNY HAMILTON INTERMEDIATE GOVERNMENT FUND - Investor Shares With Reimbursement 30 DAY SEC YIELD Income 61,133.93 Net Expenses: Gross Expenses 11,812.73 Less: Reimbursement 993.73 10,819.00 ---------------- Avg.

More Definitions of Gross Expenses

Gross Expenses means all ordinary costs and expenses related to the ownership, operation and use of the Properties during the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the date of calculation, (A) including (I) assumed management fees with respect to Triple Net Leased Properties in an amount equal to the greater of (a) one percent (1%) of Gross Revenues with respect to such Triple Net Leased Properties during the period in question and (b) actual management fees payable under the Management Agreements with respect to such Triple Net Leased Properties during the period in question, (II) assumed management fees with respect to non-Triple Net Leased Properties (other than the RIDEA Facilities) in an amount equal to the greater of (a) four percent (4%) of Gross Revenues with respect to such non-Triple Net Leased Properties (other than the RIDEA Facilities) during the period in question and (b) actual management fees payable under the Management Agreements with respect to such Triple Net Leased Properties (other than the RIDEA Facilities) during the period in question and (III) actual management fees payable under the Management Agreements with respect to the RIDEA Facilities during the period in question and (B) excluding (i) depreciation, (ii) amortization, (iii) Debt Service, (iv) non-recurring, one-time or extraordinary expenses, (v) capital expenditures and (vi) capital reserves.
Gross Expenses means any and all expenses incurred or paid by Lessee arising from or derived from the operation, use and maintenance of the Stadium and any Event at the Stadium, whether paid or incurred by Lessee or by any entity wholly-owned by Lessee, including but not limited to, costs of goods; payroll (excluding any amount paid to, or incurred for, the salary of any owner of Lessee); taxes and fees; Lessee’s capital expenditures; service and gratuity charges; appearance or other fees to performers or professionals in all Baseball Games and Events; commissions to non-profit organizations or to third party vendors; fees to or for management companies, Minor League Baseball, Major League Baseball, or MLBAM; charitable donations and expenses contemplated by this Agreement.
Gross Expenses means the total of all costs and charges which would have been incurred by the Insured in organizing, running and providing services for the Insured Event, had a loss not occurred.
Gross Expenses means, for each fiscal year or other period, an amount equal to all of the Partnership's deductions provided in Code Section 62, as modified by Code Section 703, including, but not limited to, losses from the sale or disposition of an asset, with the following adjustments:
Gross Expenses of Sublessee with respect to the Subleased Premises for any calendar year shall mean all rent, additional rent, and other sums payable by Sublessee to Sublessor under the Sublease for such calendar year and shall not include any other expenditures paid or incurred by Sublessee except customary brokerage fees and reasonable attorneys' fees actually paid by Sublessee in connection with such subletting or assignment. Within thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter of each calendar year of the Sublease, Sublessee shall deliver to Sublessor a statement sworn to by an officer of Sublessee setting forth the Gross Receipts and Gross Expenses for such quarter and the computation of the Net Profit, if any, for such quarter, together with any payment for any Net Profit which may be due hereunder. In the event any such statement intentionally contains an untrue statement or intentionally fails to include a complete statement of Gross Receipts, Sublessee shall be deemed to be in 007326/13000/180.6 15 material default of this Sublease and Sublessor shall be entitled to terminate this Sublease in addition to exercising any other remedy available to it in law or in equity. For the period of two (2) years after any statement required by this Paragraph 21 has been sent by Sublessee to Sublessor, Sublessor shall have the opportunity to examine the books of Sublessee in order to determine the accuracy of such statements).
Gross Expenses of Tenant with respect to the demised premises for any calendar year shall mean all rent, additional rent and other sums payable by Tenant to Owner under this Lease for such calendar year and shall not include any other expenditures paid or incurred by Tenant except customary brokerage fees and reasonable attorneys' fees actually paid by Tenant in connection with such subletting. Within thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter of each calendar year during the term of this lease, Tenant shall deliver to Owner a statement sworn to by an officer of Tenant setting forth the Gross Receipts and Gross Expenses for such quarter and the computation of the Net Profit, if any, for such quarter, together with any payment for any Net Profit which may be due pursuant to this Article. If any such statement contains an untrue statement or fails to include a complete statement of Gross Receipts, then Tenant shall be deemed to be in material default under this lease and Owner shall be entitled to terminate this lease in addition to exercising any other remedy available to it in law or in equity. For the period of two (2) years after any statement required by this Article has been sent by Tenant to Owner, Owner shall have the opportunity to examine the books of Tenant at Tenant's office, upon reasonable notice to Tenant and within reasonable hours, in order to determine the accuracy of such statement(s). The obligations of Tenant under this subarticle (E) shall survive the expiration or termination of this lease.

Related to Gross Expenses

  • Class Expenses means expenses incurred by a particular Class in connection with a shareholder services arrangement or a distribution plan that is specific to such Class or any other differing share of expenses or differing fees, in each case pursuant to a plan adopted by the Trust pursuant to Rule 18f-3 under the 1940 Act, as such plan or Rule may be amended from time to time;

  • Travel Expenses means any costs incurred by Licensor associated with the transportation, storage or lodging of equipment, supplies, Licensor employees and other items necessary for business use from Licensor headquarters to Licensee’s facilities. Travel expenses may include, but are not limited to airfare, hotel costs, and meals if applicable. Any travel expenses paid by the Licensee shall be paid at allowable government travel rates consistent with Management Directive 230.10, unless otherwise first approved by the Licensee’s authorized representative.

  • Reimbursable Expenses means all assignment-related costs [such as travel, translation, report printing, secretarial expenses, subject to specified maximum limits in the Contract].

  • Current Expenses means operating costs other than personal services and shall not

  • Program Expenses means all UHC’s expenses of administering the Program under the Indenture and the Act and shall include without limiting the generality of the foregoing; salaries, supplies, utilities, labor, materials, office rent, maintenance, furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus, including information processing equipment; software, insurance premiums, credit enhancement fees, legal, accounting, management, consulting and banking services and expenses; Fiduciary Expenses; remarketing fees; Costs of Issuance not paid from proceeds of Bonds; and payments to pension, retirement, health and hospitalization funds; and any other expenses required or permitted to be paid by UHC.

  • Management Expenses means the costs, charges and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred or to be incurred for the management and maintenance of the Land and the Building and the Common Areas and Facilities therein to be borne by the Owners including the remuneration of the Manager as provided in this Deed;

  • Covered Expenses means expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of a Covered Person for treatment, services and supplies covered by the Policy. Coverage under the Participating Organization’s Policy must remain continuously in force from the date of the Covered Accident or Sickness until the date treatment, services or supplies are received for them to be a Covered Expense. A Covered Expense is deemed to be incurred on the date such treatment, service or supply, that gave rise to the expense or the charge, was rendered or obtained.

  • Transfer expenses means all expenses of a transfer that the transfer agreement requires the payee to pay or have deducted from the gross advance amount, including, but not limited to, court filing fees, attorney fees, escrow fees, lien recordation fees, judgment and lien search fees, finders' fees, commissions, and other payments to a broker or other intermediary. Transfer expenses do not include preexisting obligations of the payee that are payable for the payee's account from the proceeds of a transfer.

  • Basic living expenses means the cost of basic food, shelter, and any other expenses of a Domestic Partner which are paid at least in part by a program or benefit for which the partner qualified because of the Domestic Partnership. The individuals need not contribute equally or jointly to the cost of these expenses as long as they agree that both are responsible for the cost.

  • Reimbursable Costs means expenses incurred by the employee in the course of engaging in the planned learning activity and include registration, tuition and examination fees as well as textbooks/discs and applicable taxes. They may also include reasonable, incremental meal, accommodation and travel expenses.

  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses means expenses involving a payment to a Third Party (other than an employee of the Party making the payment).

  • Medical Expenses means those expenses that an Insured Person has necessarily and actually incurred for medical treatment on account of Illness or Accident on the advice of a Medical Practitioner, as long as these are no more than would have been payable if the Insured Person had not been insured and no more than other hospitals or doctors in the same locality would have charged for the same medical treatment.

  • Liquidity Expenses means all Liquidity Obligations other than (i) the principal amount of any Drawings under the Liquidity Facilities and (ii) any interest accrued on any Liquidity Obligations.

  • Allowable Expenses means any Medically Necessary, Usual and Customary item of expense, at least a portion of which is covered under this Plan. When some Other Plan provides benefits in the form of services rather than cash payments, the reasonable cash value of each service rendered in the amount that would be payable in accordance with the terms of the Plan shall be deemed to be the benefit.

  • Parent Expenses means (i) costs (including all professional fees and expenses) incurred by any Parent in connection with its reporting obligations under, or in connection with compliance with, applicable laws or applicable rules of any governmental, regulatory or self-regulatory body or stock exchange, this Indenture or any other agreement or instrument relating to Indebtedness of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary, including in respect of any reports filed with respect to the Securities Act, Exchange Act or the respective rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, (ii) corporate overhead expenses Incurred in the ordinary course of business, and to pay salaries or other compensation of employees who perform services for any Parent or for both such Parent and the Company, (iii) expenses incurred by any Parent in connection with the acquisition, development, maintenance, ownership, prosecution, protection and defense of its intellectual property and associated rights (including but not limited to trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, patents, copyrights and similar rights, including registrations and registration or renewal applications in respect thereof; inventions, processes, designs, formulae, trade secrets, know-how, confidential information, computer software, data and documentation, and any other intellectual property rights; and licenses of any of the foregoing) to the extent such intellectual property and associated rights relate to the business or businesses of the Company or any Subsidiary thereof, (iv) indemnification obligations of any Parent owing to directors, officers, employees or other Persons under its charter or by-laws or pursuant to written agreements with any such Person, (v) other operational and tax expenses of any Parent incurred on behalf of the Company in the ordinary course of business, including obligations in respect of director and officer insurance (including premiums therefor); it being understood for purposes of this definition, that all operational and tax expenses of any Parent are deemed to be incurred on behalf of the Company if the Company’s activities represent substantially all of the operating activities of any Parent and all of its Subsidiaries, and (vi) fees and expenses incurred by any Parent in connection with any offering of Capital Stock or Indebtedness, (x) where the net proceeds of such offering are intended to be received by or contributed or loaned to the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary, or (y) in a prorated amount of such expenses in proportion to the amount of such net proceeds intended to be so received, contributed or loaned, or (z) otherwise on an interim basis prior to completion of such offering so long as any Parent shall cause the amount of such expenses to be repaid to the Company or the relevant Restricted Subsidiary out of the proceeds of such offering promptly if completed.

  • Reasonable Expenses means the reasonable expenses of Employees or Personnel, as the case may be, for which those Employees or Personnel may be reimbursed under the Operator’s usual expense account practice, as accepted by the Management Committee; including without limiting generality, any relocation expenses necessarily incurred in order to properly staff the Mining Operations if the relocation is approved by the Management Committee.

  • Marketing Expenses means the sum of Selling Expenses, Marketing Management Expenses, Market and Consumer Research Expenses, Advertising Expenses, Trade Promotion Expenses, and Consumer Promotion Expenses, each of which is specified below, in each case to the extent directly and reasonably attributable to the sale, promotion or marketing of the applicable ZIOPHARM Products in the countries where such ZIOPHARM Product has been launched.