Grant Plan definition

Grant Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Appendix B.
Grant Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Appendix B or shall mean the plans, performances, events, exhibitions, acquisitions or other activities or matter described in the Application documents; provided, however, that in the event of any inconsistency in such description, the most recent of the conflicting documents shall govern.
Grant Plan means the plans, performances, events, exhibitions, acquisitions or other activities or matter, and the budget and requirements, described in the approved Financial Management Forms Workbook (FMFW). If SUBRECIPIENT requests any modification to the Grant Plan, SUBRECIPIENT shall submit a written request to the SD OHS Executive Director with the following information: Scope of change requested, reason for change, proposed plan for change, summary of approved and requested modifications to the Grant Plan, and any necessary approvals in support of change (e.g., EHP).

Examples of Grant Plan in a sentence

  • If, in connection with this Agreement or the implementation of the Grant Plan, Grantee or any subgrantee creates artwork, copy, posters, billboards, photographs, videotapes, audiotapes, systems designs, software, reports, diagrams, surveys, source codes or any other original works of authorship or Publications, such creations shall be works for hire as defined under Title 17 of the United States Code, and all copyrights in such creations shall be the property of City.

  • Grantee will use the Grant, and any income earned on the Grant funds, for the purpose set out in the Grant Plan.

  • Grantee will provide Funder with narrative and/or financial reports as set out in the Grant Plan.

  • Funder will make the Grant to Grantee in the amount and in accordance with the schedule set out in the Grant Plan.

  • If there are any inconsistencies between the Grant Plan and this Agreement, this Agreement will control.

More Definitions of Grant Plan

Grant Plan means the plans, performances, events, exhibitions, acquisitions or other activities or matter, and the budget and requirements, described in Appendix A and the WebGrants system. If SUBRECIPIENT requests any modification to the Grant Plan, SUBRECIPIENT shall submit a written request to the UASI General Manager with the following information: Scope of change requested, reason for change, proposed plan for change, summary of approved and requested modifications to the Grant Plan, and any necessary approvals in support of change (e.g., EHP).
Grant Plan means the plans, performances, events, exhibitions, acquisitions, personnel, services or other activities or matter described in Appendix A, any budget attached hereto as part of Appendix A, and the Grant Assurances in Appendix B.
Grant Plan means the plans, performances, events, exhibitions, acquisitions or other activities or matter described in Appendix A, any budget attached hereto as part of Appendix A, and the Grant Assurances included in Appendix B.
Grant Plan. The Xxxxx Xxxxxx Companies Inc. Amended and Restated Fiscal 2002 Share Incentive Plan Type of Award: Non-Qualified Stock Options Exercise Price per Share: (Closing trading price on NYSE of the Class A Common Stock on the date of grant) Aggregate number of Shares subject to your options: Exercise Period: Your options shall become exercisable on the following dates (or upon death, disability, retirement, or involuntary termination of employment if these occurrences are earlier), but are subject to termination or forfeiture as per Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Agreement:
Grant Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Appendices A and B, (If more than one Appendix A & B, please list consistent with (d) & ( g) above)) or shall mean the plans, performances, events, exhibitions, acquisitions or other activities or matter described in the Application documents; provided, however, that in the event of any inconsistency in such description, the most recent of the conflicting documents shall govern.
Grant Plan means the activities, performance measures and budget documents described in, or attached as, Appendix B. Commencing with the first disbursement of funds under this Grant to Grantee pursuant to Section 5.3, the Grant Plan shall be governed by the most recent Work Plan submitted by Grantee through the online Contract Management System if, and only if, such Work Plan is approved by the Department through the Contract Management System. See attached Scope of Work and Budget or, the current Fiscal Year Work Plan submitted by Grantee and approved by the Department through the on-line Contract Management System. Additionally, Grantee will participate in evaluation activities of activities funded by this grant. This will include, but not be limited to collection of data on funded activities and participants, analysis of data and reporting of findings. The data to be collected may include but not be limited to demographic information, service utilization information, measurement of outcomes associated with participation in funded activities. The data may be requested of clients, staff and other stakeholders of the funded activities. Grantee may be requested to participate in evaluation activities designed by First 5 San Francisco or First 5 California. Grantee will also participate in an annual fiscal and compliance monitoring. This will include, but not be limited, to review of invoices and all corresponding back-up documentation, financial statements, audits, and policies and procedures. Grantees may be requested to provide more than two months of invoice documentation by First 5 San Francisco. . Appendix C--Form of Funding Request Grantee will use the online Contract Management System to submit funding requests. If the online Contract Management System is unavailable, there will be Department approved forms made available to the Grantee to submit funding requests. Information submitted on paper forms may be required to be resubmitted via Contract Management System. Grantee is responsible for retention of all payroll records, receipts, invoices, and other forms documenting expenses for which reimbursement is requested under this grant. Grantee acknowledges failure to provide adequate documentation – as solely determined by the Department – of an eligible expense may result in denial of reimbursement for the expense in question. Grantee certifies that:
Grant Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Appendix A, Services to be Provided, Appendix A-1, Services to be Provided, and Appendix B, Budget.