Any dispute definition

Any dispute regarding the amount of the third party invoice Sprint PCS attributed to Manager will be submitted for resolution under the dispute resolution process in section 14. Manager must continue to pay to Sprint PCS all amounts, except disputed amounts, owed under this agreement and the Services Agreement during the information gathering and dispute resolution process. If the aggregate disputed amount, combined with any aggregate disputed amount under section 10.13, exceeds $1,000,000, then upon the written request of Sprint PCS, Manager will deposit the portion of the disputed amount in excess of $1,000,000 into an escrow account that will be governed by an escrow agreement containing terms similar to the general terms described in section 10.13 and in a form to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. Manager will deposit the amount into the escrow account within 10 Business Days after its receipt of the written request from Sprint PCS in accordance with the foregoing. If Manager complies with the requirements of this paragraph, then none of Sprint PCS or its Related Parties may declare Manager in breach of this agreement or the Services Agreement because of nonpayment of the disputed amount, pending completion of the dispute resolution process. The dispute of an item in a statement does not stay or diminish a party's other rights and remedies under this agreement, except that the parties must complete the dispute resolution process in section 14 before taking any legal or equitable action against each other. A party can only dispute or correct an amount on a statement in good faith. If a party disputes or corrects an amount on a statement, the disputing or correcting party must give the other party written notice of the specific item disputed or corrected, the disputed or corrected amount with respect to that item and the reason for the dispute or correction within three calendar months after the end of the calendar month during which the disputed or erroneous statement was delivered.
Any dispute. “Any difference” “between the Parties shall be referred to arbitration in Hong Kong” -The “Halki” [1998] 1 Xxxxx’x Rep.465 (CA): “…there was a dispute once money was claimed unless and until the defendants admitted that the sum was due and payable; and if a party refused to pay a sum which was claimed or denied that it was owing then in the ordinary language there was a dispute between the parties.”  “Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Contract shall be referred to arbitration in Hong Kong.” Include: rectification of contract, variation of contract, tort, misrepresentation  “Any dispute under the Contract shall be referred to arbitration in Hong Kong.” Exclude: oral guarantee, warranty, collateral contract, fraudulent misrepresentation Xxxxx Trust Holding Corp and others v Privalov and others [2007] UKHL 40, [2007] All ER (D) 233  Arbitration clause:- “any dispute arising under this Charter” “referred … to arbitration in London”  House of Xxxxx said that the time had come to make a “fresh start”: - “the construction of an arbitration clause should start from the assumption that the parties, as rational businessmen, are likely to have intended any dispute arising out of the relationship into which they have entered or purported to enter to be decided by the same tribunal. The clause should be construed in accordance with this presumption unless the language makes it clear that certain questions were intended to be excluded from the arbitrator’s jurisdiction.”

Examples of Any dispute in a sentence

  • Any dispute or difference in respect of which a notice of intention to commence arbitration has been given in accordance with this Clause shall be finally settled by arbitration.

  • Any dispute resolution process other than litigation shall have venue in Camp County or Xxxxx County Texas.

  • Any dispute arising out of the Contract which cannot be amicably settled between the parties shall be referred by either party to the arbitration and final decision of a person to be agreed between the parties.

  • Any dispute by the Contractor in regard to the performance required by any notification of change shall be handled through Contract Controversies Provision.

  • Any dispute arising from this Contract must be resolved in Michigan Court of Claims.

  • Any dispute, controversy, or claim between the Parties arising out of the Contract or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, unless settled amicably under Article 16.1, above, within sixty (60) days after receipt by one Party of the other Party’s written request for such amicable settlement, shall be referred by either Party to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then obtaining.

  • Any dispute, disagreement or question arising out of or relating to the Contract or relating to construction or performance, which cannot be settled amicably, may be resolved through arbitration.

  • Any dispute in this regard as to priority should be referred to Authority.

  • Any dispute, controversy or claim between the Parties arising out of the Contract which is not resolved within ninety (90) days after one Party receives a request from the other Party for amicable settlement can be referred by either Party to arbitration.

  • Any dispute or difference arising in respect of war risks or war damage.

Related to Any dispute

  • Dispute means any dispute, controversy, claim or difference of whatever nature arising out of, relating to, or having any connection with this Agreement, including a dispute regarding the existence, formation, validity, interpretation, performance or termination of this Agreement or the consequences of its nullity and also including any dispute relating to any non-contractual rights or obligations arising out of, relating to, or having any connection with this Agreement.

  • Legal Dispute means any action, suit or proceeding between or among the Parties arising in connection with any disagreement, dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any related document.

  • Arbitrable Dispute means any dispute arising under or in connection with this Agreement.

  • Labor dispute as used here, means a strike, lockout, or other labor dispute between the Employer and its Employees, during which time the Employee is not paid by the Employer.

  • Formal Dispute means a written objection by an Interested Party to any of the following:

  • Agreement Disputes shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • trade dispute means any dispute or difference between employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, connected with the employment or non-employment, or the terms of employment, or with the conditions of labour, of any person;

  • Disputes shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

  • Resolve and the correlative terms, “Resolved”, “Resolving” and “Resolution” each means that the Services are restored to a point where the Customer can perform their job. In some cases, this may only be a work around solution until the root cause of the Error or Unplanned Disruption is identified and corrected (the need for restoration of normal service supersedes the need to find the root cause of the incident).

  • Tax Dispute has the meaning set forth in Section 5.06.

  • Technical Dispute has the meaning specified in Section 12.2;

  • Relevant Dispute means any difference between the parties arising out of or in connection with this contract; "Relevant Force Majeure Event" has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 17.1;

  • Xxxx Dispute Notice means the notice issued by a Party raising a Dispute regarding a Monthly Xxxx or a Supplementary Xxxx issued by the other Party;

  • Resolved With respect to a Repurchase Request, means that (i) the related Material Defect has been cured, (ii) the related Mortgage Loan has been repurchased in accordance with the related Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement, (iii) a mortgage loan has been substituted for the related Mortgage Loan in accordance with the related Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement, (iv) the applicable Mortgage Loan Seller has made a Loss of Value Payment, (v) a contractually binding agreement has been entered into between the Enforcing Servicer, on behalf of the Trust, and the related Mortgage Loan Seller that settles the related Mortgage Loan Seller’s obligations under the related Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement, or (vi) the related Mortgage Loan is no longer property of the Trust as a result of a sale or other disposition in accordance with this Agreement.

  • Billing Dispute means the dispute of an invoice prepared by an Operator to the Other Operator which is made in good faith.

  • Disagreement means a difference of opinion between personnel of a reporting issuer responsible for finalizing the reporting issuer’s financial statements and the personnel of a predecessor auditor responsible for authorizing the issuance of audit reports on the reporting issuer’s financial statements or authorizing the communication of the results of the auditor’s review of the reporting issuer’s interim financial report, if the difference of opinion

  • Dispute Period shall have the meaning specified in Section 9.3(a).

  • Notice of Dispute has the meaning provided in Section 2.1(f)(iii) of this Commercial Shared-Loss Agreement.

  • ADR Proceeding means either an Arbitration or a Mediation.

  • dispute resolution proceeding ’ means any process in which an alternative means of dispute resolution is used to resolve an issue in controversy in which a neutral is appointed and specified parties participate;

  • consumer dispute means a dispute where the person against whom a complaint has been made, denies or disputes the allegations contained in the complaint;

  • industrial dispute means any dispute or difference between employers and employers, or between employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the employment or non-employment or the terms of employment or with the conditions of labour, of any person;

  • Subject Matter Expert means a person who has working or expert knowledge about a particular topic or field.

  • Mediation means any process in which a mediator facilitates communication and negotiation between the parties to assist them in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding their dispute.

  • Adjudicative proceeding means the procedure to be followed in contested cases, as set forth in RSA 541-A:31 through RSA 541-A:36.

  • Litigation means any action, suit or proceeding before any court, mediator, arbitrator or Governmental Authority.