Video Sample Clauses

Video. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, use of the Beat and/or New Song in television, commercials, film/movies, theatrical works, video games, and in any other form on the Internet which is not expressly permitted herein.
Video. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, use of the Beat and/or New Song in television, commercials, film/movies, theatrical works, video games, and in any other form on the Internet which is not expressly permitted herein. The Licensee shall not have the right to license or sublicense any use of the Beat or of the New Song, in whole or in part, for any so-called “samples”. Licensee shall not engage in any unlawful copying, streaming, duplicating, selling, lending, renting, hiring, broadcasting, uploading, or downloading to any database, servers, computers, peer to peer sharing, or other file-sharing services, posting on websites, or distribution of the Beat in the form, or a substantially similar form, as delivered to Licensee. Licensee may send the Beat file to any individual musician, engineer, studio manager or other people who are working on the New Song. THE LICENSEE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED FROM REGISTERING THE BEAT AND/OR NEW SONG WITH ANY CONTENT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM, SERVICE PROVIDER, MUSIC DISTRIBUTOR, RECORD LABEL OR DIGITAL AGGREGATOR (for example TuneCore or CDBaby, and any other provider of user-generated content identification services). The purpose of this restriction is to prevent you from receiving a copyright infringement takedown notice from a third party who also received a non-exclusive license to use the Beat in a New Song. The Beat has already been tagged for Content Identification (as that term is used in the music industry) by Producer as a pre-emptive measure to protect all interested parties in the New Song. If you do not adhere to this policy, you are in violation of the terms of this License and your license to use the Beat and/or New Song may be revoked without notice or compensation to you. As applicable to both the underlying composition in the Beat and to the master recording of the Beat: (i) The parties acknowledge and agree that the New Song is a “derivative work”, as that term is used in the United States Copyright Act; (ii) As applicable to the Beat and/or the New Song, there is no intention by the parties to create a joint work; and (iii) There is no intention by the Licensor to grant any rights in and/or to any other derivative works that may have been created by other third-party licensees.
Video. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, use of the Beat and/or New Song in television, commercials, film/movies, theatrical works, video games, and in any other form on the Internet which is not expressly permitted herein. Licensee shall not have the right to license or sublicense any use of the Beat or of the New Song, in whole or in part, for any so-called “samples”. Licensee shall not engage in any unlawful copying, streaming, duplicating, selling, lending, renting, hiring, broadcasting, uploading, or downloading to any database, servers, computers, peer to peer sharing, or other file sharing services, posting on websites, or distribution of the Beat in the form, or a substantially similar form, as delivered to Licensee. Licensee may send the Beat file to any individual musician, engineer, studio manager or other person who is working on the New Song. As applicable to both the underlying composition in the Beat and to the master recording of the Beat: (i) The parties acknowledge and agree that the New Song is a “derivative work”, as that term is used in the United States Copyright Act; (ii) As applicable to the Beat and/or the New Song, there is no intention by the parties to create a joint work; and (iii) There is no intention by the Licensor to grant any rights in and/or to any other derivative works that may have been created by other third-party licensees.
Video. The Licensee has the right to use the New Song in synchronization with One (1) audiovisual work, the video may not play for longer than the length of the New Song. The music video may be broadcast on any television network and/or uploaded to the internet for digital streaming and/or free download by the public including but not limited to on YouTube and/or Vevo. Producer grants no other synchronization rights to Licensee. A separate synchronization license will need to be purchased for distribution of the video to Television (for a commercial, tv show e.g.), Film, or Video games to promote any third-party product or service, in that case, please contact to discuss a synchronization license;
Video the filmed interview or project which has been commissioned by the Client to which the Contract pertains (and ‘Videos’ shall be construed accordingly).
Video. Video Sound Mixer Video Lighting Director Video Script Supervisor Colourist VFX Artist VFX Technician
Video. Are you using any video projection? (This includes PowerPoint) Yes  No  If so, will the video presentation include audio? Yes  No  Do you have all the necessary equipment? Yes  No  If not, what are your requirements? Is your event being recorded for video? Yes  No  If so, by whom? Contact Info for video recording: Is there anything else that you think we need to know about your event/show?
Video. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, use of the Beat and/or New Song in television, commercials, film/movies, theatrical works, video games, and in any other form on the Internet which is not expressly permitted herein. . The Licensee shall not have the right to license or sublicense any use of the Beat or of the New Song, in whole or in part, for any so-called “samples”.
Video. I understand that OneNet television and video services are to be used only for the purposes stated in my service application. I understand that Residential television service is to be used for typical residential use only, and is not to be displayed or rebroadcast in a place of business in which it might regularly be viewed by five or more non-employees of that business. Such places of business include, but are not limited to, hospitality operations such as restaurants, bars, and hotels. I understand that bulk rates apply for such operations.
Video. At present, only video clips and soundtracks of the simplified version are provided (Yipai background music); the simplified version of the graphic and text flash (the picture and content requirements are the same as a and b) The size of the video is as follows: