Test operation Sample Clauses

Test operation. 8. Verify voltage and amperage settings.
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Test operation. 2.1. Load test one
Test operation. Po Instalaci Objednaného plnění a jeho Integraci do Testovacího systému Dodavatel písemně vyzve Objednatele k zahájení Testovacího provozu s tím, že součástí takové výzvy bude návrh testovacího scénáře. Lhůta pro zahájení Testovacího provozu činí 5 (pět) Pracovních dnů od odsouhlasení testovací scénáře Objednatelem, není-li mezi Stranami dohodnuto jinak. Following the Installation of the Deliverable and its Integration into the Testing System, the Contractor shall invite the Customer in writing to commence the Test Operation, provided that such invitation shall include a test scenario. The deadline for the initiation of the Test Operation shall be 5 (five) Business Days from the approval of the test scenario by the Customer, unless the Parties agree otherwise. Pokud se Objednatel nedostaví k zahájení Testovacího provozu v termínu určeném pro jeho provedení a neučiní tak ani v dodatečné lhůtě 3 (tří) Pracovních dnů od opětovného písemného vyzvání Dodavatelem, považuje se Testovací provoz za ukončený bez Vad. If the Customer fails to appear for the initiation of the Test Operation within the term for the execution thereof, and fails to appear even within an additional grace period of 3 (three) Business Days from a repeated written invitation made by the Contractor, the Test Operation shall be deemed completed without Defects. O provedeném Testovacím provozu sepíší Strany zápis. The Parties shall draft a protocol on the completed Test Operation. Bude-li při ukončení Testovacího provozu zjištěno, že počet Vad nepřevyšuje následující hodnoty: If it is established in completion of the Test Operation that the number of Defects does not exceed the following numbers: Vady kategorie A 0 Category A Defects 0 Vady kategorie B 0 Category B Defects 0 Vady kategorie C 7 Category C Defects 7 Dodavatel písemně vyzve Objednatele k zahájení Pilotního provozu. Nedohodnou-li se Strany jinak, bude Pilotní provoz zahájen nejpozději do 5 (pěti) Pracovních dnů od podepsání zápisu o provedeném Testovacím provozu. Dodavatel souhlasí, že ve lhůtě uvedené v předchozí větě a k okamžiku předem odsouhlaseném Objednatelem provede přenos a Integraci kopie odsouhlaseného Objednaného plnění do Systému. The Contractor shall invite the Customer in writing to commence the Pilot Operation. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, the Pilot Operation shall be initiated within 5 (five) Business Days from the execution of the protocol on the completed Test Operation. The Contractor agrees to make the tr...
Test operation. Following Implementation, the Supplier will ask the Client to commence the Test Operation. The time-period for the launch of the Test Operation shall be the three (3) Business Days following the Supplier’s invitation, unless the Parties agree otherwise. If the Client does not launch the Test Operation within the deadline designated for its execution, as set out in the previous paragraph of this Agreement, and fails to do so in an additional period of three (3) Business Days after having been again invited to do so by the Supplier, Test Operation shall be deemed to have been completed without Defects. The Contractual Parties shall make a record of the Test Operation conducted. Should it be ascertained during the Test Operation that the number of Defects does not exceed the following values: Category A Defects ………………….. 0, Category B Defects ………………….. 2, the Supplier may ask the Client to accept the performance and the Client shall be obliged to accept the Ordered Performance.

Related to Test operation

  • Shift Operation When a three (3) shift operation is established by the Employer, the following conditions will apply: Those employees working on the day shift shall work eight (8) hours at the straight time rate. Those employees working on the afternoon shift shall work seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours per shift. A shift differential of one-seventh (1/7) shall be paid for all normal scheduled shift hours worked. Those employees working on the night shift shall work seven (7) hours per shift. A shift differential of one-fifth (1/5) shall be paid for all normal scheduled shift hours worked.

  • Co-operation 1. The Parties shall take all appropriate and necessary measures to ensure fulfilment of the obligations and objectives arising out of this programme agreement.

  • Direct Operation System Agency may temporarily assume operations of a Grantee’s program or programs funded under this Contract when the continued operation of the program by Xxxxxxx puts, at risk, the health or safety of clients and/or participants served by Grantee.

  • Current Operating Areas Where logging or road construction is in progress but not completed, unless agreed otherwise, Purchaser shall, before opera- tions cease annually, remove all temporary log culverts and construct temporary cross drains, drainage ditches, dips, berms, culverts, or other facilities needed to control erosion. Such protection shall be provided, prior to end of a Normal Operating Season, for all disturbed, unprotected ground that is not to be disturbed further prior to end of operations each year, including roads and associated fills, tractor roads, skid trails, and fire lines. When weather permits operations after Normal Operating Season, Pur- chaser shall keep such work on any additional disturbed areas as up to date as practicable.

  • Business Operations Company will provide all necessary equipment, personnel and other appurtenances necessary to conduct its operations. Company will conduct its business operations hereunder in a lawful, orderly and proper manner, considering the nature of such operations, so as not to unreasonably annoy, disturb, endanger or be offensive to others on the Airport. Company will provide all services under this Agreement on a fair and reasonable basis to all users of the Airport. Service will be prompt, courteous and efficient.

  • CONTINUITY OF OPERATION Section 1: No Strikes, Work Stoppages or Lockouts Neither of the parties shall utilize any economic sanction to force its position on the other party over any issue. Further, no Employee or group of Employees shall individually or through concerted action, take part in any activity that impedes the operation of the business, except as otherwise authorized by this Agreement. Should any person or group of people participate in any such unauthorized activity, upon notification of such occurrence, the Union or the Company, as the case may be, will direct such person or group of people to resume normal operations and will take effective means to cease the unauthorized conduct. Any employee or group of employees who participate in such unauthorized activity shall be subject to immediate dismissal, unless mitigating circumstances exist that are acceptable to the ERRC. Should either party suffer financial damage as a result of such unauthorized activity, they may pursue compensation for such loss at the arbitration step of the Concern Resolution Process, and the arbitrator shall have full authority to remedy any violation of this Article.

  • PERIOD OF OPERATION Subject to certification, this Agreement shall come into force from the first pay period commencing on or after 1st December 2002 and shall remain in force until 31 October 2005.

  • Processing operations The personal data transferred will be subject to the following basic processing activities:

  • Continuous Operation The work week shall provide for continuous operation based on a seven (7) day week, twenty-four (24) hours per day.

  • AREA OF OPERATION This agreement shall operate throughout the State of Western Australia.

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