TENANT'S CONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATIONS. 6.01. Within thirty (30) days after the date of this Lease, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with Office design drawings. Within thirty (30) days after the date Landlord gives notice of the Landlord's approval of such drawings, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with detailed plans and specifications ("PROPOSED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS") of the Improvements, if any, which Tenant is obligated to construct or install pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit "E", and any other Improvements Tenant may desire to construct or install ("TENANT IMPROVEMENTS"). Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit "E", within fifteen (15) days after the date Landlord gives notice of its approval of such plans and specifications, Tenant shall commence construction of Tenant Improvements and thereafter diligently and continuously pursue the completion of Tenant Improvements. Landlord shall either approve or disapprove Tenant's Office design drawings within five (5) days after receiving the same. In the event Landlord disapproves the Office drawing designs or Proposed Plans and Specifications, Landlord shall provide a written explanation of the reasons for its disapproval. All re-submissions by Tenant office drawing designs and Proposed Plans and Specifications shall be marked to show the changes made and reviewed by Landlord within five (5) days.
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TENANT'S CONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATIONS. Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, construct all improvements, betterments and alterations upon or to the Premises and shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord free and harmless from all costs of and charges for labor and materials furnished upon the Premises Prior to any construction, Landlord must approve in writing the design and layout of the Premises improvements or alterations, including type of materials and construction for the Premises and the contractor who will construct the improvements or alterations, and, after Landlord has given its approval, no further change shall be made without Landlord’s prior written approval. Tenant shall promptly pay before delinquency all contractors, subcontractors, laborers and materiahnen so that no lien will attach to the Premises. Should any labor or materialman’s lien be made or filed against the Premises, Tenant must bond against or discharge the same within five (5) working days or be in default hereof. Tenant will perform and complete Tenant’s work in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, insurance requirements and building codes of all governmental authorities. Tenant shall pay the charges for all temporary water, sewage disposal, heating, cooling, electricity, lighting and trash removal from the date upon which the Premises are made available to Tenant for Tenant’s work. Prior to the commencement of any work by or on behalf of Tenant upon the Premises, Tenant shall provide to Landlord proof that Tenant has in effect the insurance coverages required of Tenant under this Lease, together with proof of insurance as Landlord may reasonably determine and require with respect to any of Tenant’s contractors or subcontractors providing labor or materials with respect to the Premises. Tenant’s initial work for improvements and alterations to be performed with respect to the Premises is described on Exhibit “C” hereto. Other than the sole item described on Exhibit “C”, Landlord shall have no obligation to provide any work or improvements to the Premises in order to make the Premises ready for Tenant’s use or occupancy or otherwise. Notwithstanding any consent given to Tenant by Landlord for Tenant’s work, Landlord retains the absolute, sole control over the exterior appearance of the Building and the exterior appearance of the Premises, and Tenant shall not, without Landlord’s written consent, install any lighting, decorations, paintings, drapes, window coverings, blinds, shades, si...


  • Repairs and Alterations There shall be no obligation on the part of Landlord or Sublessor to make any repairs, alterations or improvements in order to make the Premises ready for occupancy by Sublessee. Prior to making any repairs, alterations or improvements on the Premises, Sublessee shall obtain the prior written consent thereto of both Landlord and Sublessor. Any alterations, additions, or improvements made to the Premises, or Sublessee’s behalf, whether at the expense of Sublessee or Sublessor, including but not limited to, wall covering, carpeting, or other floor covering, paneling and built-in cabinets shall be deemed a part of the real estate and the property of Sublessor and shall be surrendered with the Premises unless Landlord or Sublessor, by notice given to Sublessee no later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the Term, shall elect to have Sublessee remove such alterations, additions, or improvements. Sublessee shall thereupon accomplish such removal at its sole cost and repair any damage to the Premises caused by such removal. In the event that Sublessor consents in writing to any alterations, additions, or improvements to the Premises by Sublessee, they shall be made at the sole cost of Sublessee by licensed contractors or workmen approved by Sublessor. Sublessee shall secure all appropriate governmental approvals and permits and shall complete such alterations with due diligence. Any consent or approval given by Landlord or Sublessor hereunder shall not give rise to rights to third parties to file mechanic’s or materialman’s liens, nor waive Sublessor’s prohibition against such liens, nor in any manner abrogate that Section of this Sublease requiring Sublessee to keep Premises free of liens.

  • Maintenance Repairs and Alterations 6.01 Tenant's Obligations to Repair ------------------------------ Tenant shall at its sole cost and expense, maintain in clean and safe condition, and make all repairs and replacements to the Premises and every part thereof, structural and non-structural, so as to keep, maintain and preserve the Premises in first class condition and repair, including, without limitation, the roof, the foundation, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system ("HVAC"), elevators, if any, all plumbing and sewage facilities, fire sprinklers, electrical and lighting facilities, systems, appliances, and equipment within the Premises, fixtures, interior and exterior walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, entrances, all interior and exterior glass (including plate glass), and skylights located within the Premises, and all sidewalks, service areas, parking areas and landscaping comprising part of the Premises. All repairs and replacements required to be made by Tenant shall be made promptly with new materials of like kind and quality to those used in the original construction of the Premises. If the repair or replacement work affects the structural parts of the Premises, or if the estimated cost of any item or repair or replacement exceeds $10,000, then Tenant shall first obtain Landlord's written approval of the scope of work, plans therefor, and materials to be used. Any such work shall be performed by Landlord's contractor or by such contractor as Tenant may choose from an approved list to be submitted by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to make any repairs or replacements which are not promptly made by Tenant and charge Tenant, as Additional Rent, for the cost thereof together with interest thereon at the Agreed Rate from the date of payment thereof by Landlord. Without limiting any of Tenant's obligations hereunder, during the Lease Term Tenant, at its expense, shall obtain and keep in force an HVAC service contract and a roof maintenance program satisfactory to Landlord. Tenant hereby waives the benefit of any statute now or hereafter in effect which would otherwise afford Tenant the right to make repairs at Landlord's expense or to terminate this Lease because of Landlord's failure to keep the Premises in good condition, order and repair. Tenant specifically waives all rights it may have under Sections 1932(1), 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code, and any similar or successor statute or law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Landlord shall exercise its rights under any guaranties or warranties relating to the original construction of the Premises if the need to make repairs arises due to a defect therein; provided, however, Landlord shall not have any liability or be required to expend any funds if such guaranties or warranties are not honored by the makers hereof.

  • Construction of the Tenant Improvements Landlord shall construct the Tenant Improvements in accordance with this exhibit and the construction contract to be executed by Landlord and its contractor(s). The construction contract for constructing the Tenant Improvements and the contractor(s) to perform the work shall be approved and/or selected, as the case may be, by Landlord at its sole and absolute discretion without the consent of Tenant.

  • IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS 33. The Lessor agrees to furnish the demised premises to the Lessee at the fixturing date with those improvements set forth as Lessor's Improvements in Schedule "C" attached hereto. The Lessee agrees to be responsible for the installation at the fixturing date at its sole risk, cost and expense of the Lessee's Improvements in accordance with the rules and regulations as set forth in Schedule "D" attached hereto. Should the Lessee require any alterations, improvements, partitions, or changes of whatsoever kind to or in the demised premises after the Lessee has taken possession thereof, the Lessee will make and install the same at its own expense; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no repairs, alterations, improvements, partitions, or changes of whatsoever kind shall be made without the written consent of the Lessor first had and obtained, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld; PROVIDED FURTHER, that any such repairs, alterations, improvements, partitions, or changes of whatsoever kind shall be made in a good and workmanlike manner with new, first-class materials and shall be carried out and the plans relating thereto shall be prepared by such tradesman, engineers or consultants as are approved by the Lessor. All alterations, improvements, partitions and changes made in or to the demised premises at any time before or after the taking of possession by the Lessee, by the Lessee or the Lessor, shall immediately become the property of the Lessor and form part of the demised premises and the building and shall remain upon the demised premises; PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Lessor may at the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease for any reason whatsoever require that the Lessee restore the demised premises in whole or in part to the same condition in which they were at the time of the entering into of this Lease, the exceptions to the Lessee's repair obligations only excepted. The Lessee shall not remove any furniture, leasehold improvements, fixtures, chattels of any kind from the demised premises without the prior consent of the Lessor and until all rents and other monies due are fully paid. SIGNS

  • Additions and Alterations 12 ARTICLE 9

  • Tenant’s Alterations (a) The construction of the initial Leasehold Improvements (as defined in Exhibit C) shall be governed by the terms of Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof. Except for the Leasehold Improvements and as otherwise set forth below, Tenant shall not, and shall not permit any Tenant Agent to, cut, drill into, or secure any fixture, apparatus, or equipment, or make alterations, improvements, or physical additions of any kind to any part of the Premises (collectively, “Alterations”) without first obtaining the written consent of Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. If Landlord fails to respond to a request for consent to a proposed Alteration within 10 business days after Landlord’s receipt of such request, the request shall be deemed denied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Landlord fails to respond within such 10 business-day period, Tenant may thereafter send to Landlord a second written requesting approval of the proposed Alteration, which request must set forth in bold and 14-point capitalized type on the first page thereof the following statement: “SECOND AND FINAL REQUEST—LANDLORD HAS 10 BUSINESS DAYS TO RESPOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 9” (“Second Alteration Request”). If Landlord then fails to respond to the Second Alteration Request within 10 business days after receipt thereof (“Second Alteration Request Response Period”), Landlord shall be deemed to have elected to consent to the proposed Alteration, provided Tenant shall otherwise have complied with all provisions of this Lease relating to such Alterations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Landlord notifies Tenant in writing within the Second Alteration Request Response Period that Landlord requires additional time to review the request, then the Second Alteration Request Response Period shall be extended by an additional 10 business days. “

  • Construction of Tenant Improvements Promptly following approval of the Final TI Working Drawings, Landlord shall apply for and use reasonable efforts to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to allow construction of Landlord’s TI Work. Upon receipt of such permits and approvals, Landlord shall, at Tenant’s expense (subject to the application of the Tenant Improvement Allowance provided in this Workletter, and subject to any other applicable provisions of the Lease or of this Workletter expressly making any specific item of expense or cost the responsibility of Landlord), diligently construct and complete Landlord’s TI Work substantially in accordance with the Approved TI Plans, subject to Unavoidable Delays and Tenant Delays (if any). Such construction shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and shall conform to all applicable governmental codes, laws and regulations in force at the time such work is completed. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Landlord shall be responsible for compliance of Landlord’s TI Work with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and all similar or related requirements pertaining to access by persons with disabilities, but nothing in this sentence shall be construed to make Landlord responsible for bearing the cost of any such compliance, to the extent the compliance work is reasonably attributable to or related to the particular nature or design of the Tenant Improvements or is for any other reason expressly made Tenant’s cost or responsibility under any applicable provision of the Lease or of this Workletter. Landlord shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to decide whether and to what extent to use union labor on or in connection with Landlord’s Work, and shall use the TI General Contractor to construct all of Landlord’s TI Work. Landlord and Tenant shall each have a right to approve all subcontractors engaged in connection with the construction of the Tenant Improvements and to review and approve all competitive bids for any elements of the Tenant Improvements, such approval in each instance not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by either party.

  • Alterations For purposes of this Lease, any physical improvement addition, enhancement or change with respect to all or any portion of the Premises is referred to as an "Alteration." Tenant or Franchisor shall have the right at any time and from time to time during the Term to make or cause to be made any Alteration in or to the Premises (i) without Landlord's consent, if such Alteration is performed in order to comply with any of Tenant's agreements with Franchisor and such Alteration does not adversely affect any structural component of the Building and (ii) in the case of any Alteration other than those permitted under clause (i) above, with Landlord's prior consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld provided that such Alteration does not (A) diminish the value of the Premises (including, by way of example only, but without limitation, by diminishing the utility of the Improvements for use as a restaurant or diminishing the useful life of the Improvements), except to a de minimis extent, or (B) adversely affect any structural component of the Building. Every Alteration shall be made in accordance with all applicable laws, legal requirements and the Permitted Encumbrances. If Tenant shall submit a request to Landlord for Landlord's approval of an Alteration which requires Landlord's approval, Landlord shall (x) approve such Alteration proposed by Tenant within twenty-one (21) days of receiving Tenant's proposal and request for approval or (y) disapprove Tenant's proposal in writing with a detailed explanation of its objections within twenty-one (21) days of receiving Tenant's proposal and request for approval. If Tenant submits a proposal to Landlord and Landlord disapproves such proposal within the twenty-one (21) day time period, Tenant may submit another proposal with modifications thereto made in response to Landlord's objections and Landlord shall so approve or disapprove same within seven (7) days after submission of such modified proposal. If Landlord does not approve or disapprove any proposal or modified proposal in writing with a detailed explanation of its objections within the applicable seven (1) or twenty-one (21) day period, Tenant may submit to Landlord a reminder notice, which shall state that Landlord's failure to disapprove the applicable proposal within seven (7) days after receipt of such reminder notice shall be deemed to constitute Landlord's approval thereof. If Landlord does not disapprove such proposal or modified proposal in writing with a detailed explanation of Landlord's objections to Tenant's modifications within seven (7) days after receipt of Tenant's reminder notice, Landlord shall be deemed to have approved the Alterations proposed by Tenant.

  • Tenant Improvements Subject to this Section 4, Tenant shall accept the Suite 110 Premises in its “as is” condition (subject to Landlord's continuing repair and maintenance obligations, as outlined in Section 10 of the Lease (as may be amended)), and Landlord shall have no obligation to make any alterations or improvements thereto whatsoever (provided that Landlord shall deliver same in good and tenantable condition, broom clean, with all systems serving same in good working order). Any alterations that Tenant desires to make in the Suite 110 Premises shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set forth in Section 11 of the Lease. Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary, Landlord hereby agrees to grant Tenant an allowance in the amount of $10,000 to be applied toward the cost (including architectural and engineering fees) of alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises (the “Granted Allowance”) in conjunction with Tenant’s initial occupancy of Suite 110 Premises. Provided no Event of Default then exists under the Lease, the Granted Allowance (or portions thereof) shall be disbursed to Tenant within thirty (30) days following Tenant's submission to Landlord of paid invoices for work related to alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises, accompanied by waivers of liens executed by all contractors employed by Tenant for the performance of such work. If the cost of Tenant's alterations in the Suite 110 Premises exceeds the amount of the Granted Allowance, the excess shall be paid by Tenant after the Granted Allowance is fully exhausted. Any portion of the Granted Allowance that has not been applied (or contracted to be applied) in the manner set forth above by the date which is twelve (12) months following the Eighth Amendment Commencement Date shall revert to Landlord, and Tenant shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

  • LANDLORD'S ACCESS TO PREMISES Landlord reserves and shall at any time upon reasonable notice and in compliance with Tenant’s reasonable security measures have the right to enter the Premises to inspect the same, to supply any service to be provided by Landlord to Tenant hereunder to service and repair HVAC units, water pipes and sprinkler mains, and electrical and telephone risers servicing other parts of the Building, to show said Premises to prospective purchasers or tenants, to alter or repair the Premises or any portion of the Building, and to place “for sale” or “for rent” signs on the Building, all without being deemed guilty of an eviction of Tenant and without abatement of Rent, provided that the business of Tenant shall be interfered with as little as is reasonably practicable. Tenant hereby waives any claim for damages or any inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business, any loss of quiet enjoyment of the Premises and any other loss occasioned thereby. For each of the aforesaid purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock the main door to the Premises but not Tenant’s vaults and safes, and Landlord shall have the right to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open said door in an emergency in order to obtain entry to the Premises, and any entry to the Premises obtained by Landlord by any of said means shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of the Premises, or any eviction of Tenant from the Premises or any portion thereof. No provision of this Lease shall be construed as obligating Landlord to perform any repairs, alterations or decoration except as otherwise expressly agreed to be performed by Landlord.

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