Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes Sample Clauses

Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes. The Act provides that the Premises (but not any leasehold improvements made by StadCo or the Team or the StadCo Personal Property) are exempt from ad valorem property taxes in Nevada, subject to certain exceptions and qualifications as set forth in Section 35(1)(c) of the Act. StadCo shall file all applications and seek such determinations as are necessary to reflect such tax exemption in the records of the relevant taxing authorities. The Authority and StadCo agree to timely sign all necessary instruments in connection with such application or determinations. To the extent a particular use by StadCo or the Team results in real or personal property taxes, it is expressly agreed that StadCo or the Team shall be responsible for remitting such taxes, or contesting the remission of same. StadCo shall bear the responsibility for, and all expenses related to, filing and prosecuting any tax protests and litigating any disputes related to tax exemption. The Authority, at its cost, will cooperate with StadCo in filing tax protests and protesting taxes, including appearing as amicus curiae, to the extent ad valorem taxes are levied against that portion of the Premises that is exempt from such taxes pursuant to Section 35(1)(c) of the Act. StadCo shall be responsible for paying prior to delinquency all real or personal property taxes on all leasehold improvements made by StadCo or the Team to the Premises and on all of the StadCo Personal Property.
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Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes. To the extent that Bristol’s interest in the Premises (including any leasehold improvements made by Bristol) results in any ad valorem real property taxes, it is expressly agreed that Bristol shall be responsible for remitting such taxes, or contesting the remission of same, subject to the terms of this Section 5(l). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event this Lease results in ad valorem real property tax assessment on the Premises or on the leasehold interest of Bristol in and to the Premises (but solely to the extent such ad valorem property tax assessment is based on the Premises as they exist on the Commencement Date of this Lease) and such assessment requires a property tax payment from Bristol to the Metropolitan Government in a Lease Year, the payments of any installments of Rent coming due in the subsequent Lease Year shall be reduced on a quarterly basis by one-fourth (1/4th) of the amount of such property tax payment until such amount has been recouped in full (except that, with respect to ad valorem property taxes for the Premises or Bristol’s leasehold interest therein applicable to the final Lease Year of the Term (as the Term may be renewed or extended from time to time), Bristol shall be permitted to offset such amounts against any funds coming due from Bristol to the Fair Board thereafter. As an example and for avoidance of doubt, if the property tax payment from Bristol to the Metropolitan Government is $120,000 during the 2024 Lease Year, the quarterly Base Rent payments during the 2025 Lease Year shall be reduced by $30,000; provided that if the amount of such property tax payment exceeds the Minimum Rent for such Lease Year, such excess shall be offset against Additional Guaranteed Rent, Contingent Rent and Percentage Rent, as applicable, until Bristol has recouped such amounts in full. Bristol shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, to file and prosecute any tax protests and litigating any disputes related to tax exemption. Bristol shall be responsible for paying prior to delinquency all personal property taxes on all of the Bristol Personal Property.
Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes. 2 The Act provides that the Premises (but not any leasehold improvements that the Authority and StadCo or TeamCo agree are made solely by StadCo or TeamCo, or any personal property owned by TeamCo) are exempt from ad valorem property taxes in Nevada, subject to certain exceptions and qualifications as set forth in Section 33(1)(c) of the Act. StadCo shall file all applications and seek such determinations as are necessary to reflect such tax exemption in the records of the relevant taxing authorities. The Authority and StadCo agree to timely sign all necessary instruments in connection with such application or determinations. To the extent a particular use by StadCo or TeamCo results in real or personal property taxes, it is expressly agreed that StadCo shall be responsible for remitting (or causing TeamCo to remit) such taxes, or contesting (or causing TeamCo to contest) the remission of same. StadCo shall bear the responsibility for, and all expenses related to, filing and prosecuting any tax protests and litigating any disputes related to tax exemption. The Authority, at its cost, will cooperate with StadCo in filing tax protests and protesting taxes, including appearing as amicus curiae, to the extent ad valorem taxes are levied against that portion of the Premises that is exempt from such taxes pursuant to Section 33(1)(c) of the Act. StadCo shall be responsible for paying prior to delinquency all real or personal property taxes on all leasehold improvements made by StadCo or TeamCo to the Premises and on all of the StadCo Personal Property.
Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes. 4 The Act provides that the Premises (but not any leasehold improvements that the Authority and StadCo or the Team agree are made solely by StadCo or the Team, or any personal property owned by the Team) are exempt from ad valorem property taxes in Nevada, subject to certain exceptions and qualifications as set forth in Section 33(1)(c) of the Act. StadCo shall file all applications and seek such determinations as are necessary to reflect such tax exemption in the records of the relevant taxing authorities. The Authority and StadCo agree to timely sign all necessary instruments in connection with such application or determinations. To the extent a particular use by StadCo or the Team results in real or personal property taxes, it is expressly agreed that StadCo or the Team shall be responsible for remitting such taxes, or contesting the remission of same. StadCo shall bear the responsibility for, and all expenses related to, filing and prosecuting any tax protests and litigating any disputes related to tax exemption. The Authority, at its cost, will cooperate with StadCo in filing tax protests and protesting taxes, including appearing as amicus curiae, to the extent ad valorem taxes are levied against that portion of the Premises that is exempt from such taxes pursuant to Section 33(1)(c) of the Act. StadCo shall be responsible for paying prior to delinquency all real or personal property taxes on all leasehold improvements made by StadCo or the Team to the Premises and on all of the StadCo Personal Property.
Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes. The Act provides that the Stadium and the Stadium Site are exempt from ad valorem taxation by the State or any political subdivision thereof, subject to certain exceptions and qualifications as set forth in Section 35(1)(c) of the Act. The Authority shall file all applications and seek such determinations as are necessary to reflect such tax exemption in the records of the relevant taxing authorities; provided, that if the Authority does not timely file and pursue such applications for exemption, the Team shall provide written notice to the Authority of the deficiency, and the Authority shall have thirty (30) days to cure its failure to so act. If the Authority fails to so act, the Team, at the expense of the Authority, shall have the right (but not the obligation), in its own name or in the name of the Authority, to file such applications or seek such determinations with respect to real or personal property taxes. The Authority agrees to timely sign all necessary instruments in connection with such application or determinations. To the extent a particular use by the Team (other than playing Team Games) results in real or personal property taxes, the Team shall be responsible for remitting such taxes, or contesting the remission of same, and to the extent any such tax is ultimately paid by the Team, the Authority shall indemnify the Team and reimburse the Team for paying any such real or personal property taxes occasioned by the Team’s use of the Stadium. The Team shall bear the responsibility for, and all expenses related to, filing and prosecuting any tax protests and litigating any disputes related to tax exemption. Tthe Authority, at its cost, will cooperate with the Team in filing tax protests and protesting taxes, including appearing as amicus curiae.

Related to Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes

  • Personal Property Taxes (a) Lessee shall pay prior to delinquency all taxes assessed against and levied upon trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all other personal property of Lessee contained in the Premises or elsewhere. When possible, Lessee shall cause said trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all other personal property to be assessed and billed separately from the real property of Lessor.

  • Real Property Taxes As Additional Rent and in accordance with Paragraph 4E of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, or if Landlord so directs, directly to the applicable tax collector ("Tax Collector"), all Real Property Taxes relating to the Premises accruing with respect to the Premises commencing on the Lease Commencement Date and throughout the Lease Term, including any Extended Term. In the event the Premises leased hereunder consist of only a portion of the entire tax parcel, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as they become due, pursuant to statements submitted to Tenant by Landlord, Tenant's proportionate share of such Real Property Taxes allocated to the Premises by square footage or other reasonable basis as calculated and determined by Landlord. If the tax billing pertains 100% to the Premises, and Landlord chooses to have Tenant pay said Real Property Taxes directly to the Tax Collector, then in such event it shall be the responsibility of Tenant to obtain the bills and pay, prior to delinquency, the applicable Real Property Taxes pertaining to the Premises, and failure to receive a bill for taxes and/or assessments shall not provide a baxxx for cancellation of or non-responsibility for payment of penalties for nonpayment or late payment by Tenant. The term "Real Property Taxes", as used herein, shall mean (i) all taxes, assessments, levies and other charges of any kind or nature whatsoever, general and special, foreseen and unforeseen (including all installments of principal and interest required to pay any general or special assessments for public improvements and any increases resulting from reassessments caused by any change in ownership of the Complex) now or hereafter imposed by any governmental or quasi-governmental authority or special district having the direct or indirect power to tax or levy assessments, which are levied or assessed against, or with respect to the value, occupancy or use of, all or any portion of the Complex (as now constructed or as may at any time hereafter be constructed, altered, or otherwise changed) or Landlord's interest therein; any improvements located within the Complex (regardless of ownership); the fixtures, equipment and other property of Landlord, real or personal, that are an integral part of and located in the Complex; or parking areas, public utilities, or energy within the Complex; (ii) all area wide taxes, charges, levies or fees imposed by reason of environmental regulation or other governmental control, including, but not limited to, any taxes, charges, levies or fees related to on-site originated Hazardous Materials contamination caused or contributed to by Tenant's Hazardous Materials Activities; and (iii) all costs and fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by Landlord in reasonably contesting any Real Property Tax and in negotiating with public authorities as to any Real Property Tax. If at any time during the Lease Term the taxation or assessment of the Complex prevailing as of the Lease Commencement Date shall be altered so that in lieu of or in addition to any Real Property Tax described above there shall be levied, assessed or imposed (whether by reason of a change in the method of taxation or assessment, creation of a new tax or charge, or any other cause) an alternate or additional tax or charge (i) on the value, use or occupancy of the Complex or Landlord's interest therein or (ii) on or measured by the gross receipts, income or rentals from the Complex, on Landlord's business of leasing the Complex, or computed in any manner with respect to the operation of the Complex, then any such tax or charge, however designated, shall be included within the meaning of the term "Real Property Taxes" for purposes of this Lease. If any Real Property Tax is based upon property or rents unrelated to the Complex, then only that part of such Real Property Tax that is fairly allocable to the Complex shall be included within the meaning of the term "Real Property Taxes." Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term "Real Property Taxes" shall not include estate, inheritance, gift or franchise taxes of Landlord or the federal or state net income tax imposed on Landlord's income from all sources or penalties incurred as a result of Landlord's negligence, inability or unwillingness to make payments of, and/or to file any tax or informational returns with respect to any Real Property Taxes when due. Notwithstanding anything within this Paragraph 12, it is agreed that if any special assessments for capital improvements are assessed, and if Landlord has the option to either pay the entire assessment in cash or go to bond, and if Landlord elects to pay the entire assessment in cash in lieu of going to bond, the entire portion of the assessment assigned to Tenant's Premises will be prorated over the same period that the assessment would have been prorated had the assessment gone to bond. It is additionally agreed that Tenant shall have the right, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, to contest with any taxing authority or appellate body the imposition or amount of any Real Property Tax, but any such contest shall not excuse Tenant from any of its obligations hereunder as to paying any such Real Property Tax when payable hereunder. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, in the event prior to the Lease Commencement Date there is an interim or supplemental reassessment of the Premises based upon the added value of the Shell Improvements or Interior Improvements leased hereunder, then Tenant shall pay no later than five days prior to its delinquency date, any and all such interim or supplemental taxes (but no penalties or interest in connection therewith provided Tenant has prior thereto paid the applicable Real Property Taxes when required by the terms of this Lease) that have been levied against the Premises and are attributable to the added value of the Shell Improvements and Interior Improvements (as defined in the Construction Agreement) during the period prior to said Lease Commencement Date.

  • Personal Property Loss An employee's personal property loss or damage by the action of a client shall be replaced or repaired at the expense of the Employer to a maximum of seven hundred and fifty ($750.00) dollars, subject to integration with one hundred (100%) per cent coverage by Workers' Compensation Board, provided that reasonable proof of the cause of such damage is submitted by the employee concerned within reasonable time of such loss or damage.

  • Real Property; Personal Property (a) On the Disaffiliation Date, Local Church will have full title and ownership of the Real Property and Personal Property. The parties shall ensure all necessary transfers or other transactions relating to the above properties are completed on or prior to the Disaffiliation Date. Any costs resulting from such transfers or other transactions shall be borne by Local Church. Annual Conference shall fully cooperate with Local Church, as needed and applicable, to ensure that such transfers and other transactions convey all of Annual Conference’s interest – both for itself and on behalf of The United Methodist Church – in the Real Property and Personal Property, both tangible and intangible, of Local Church.

  • Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments The 2022 calendar year real estate taxes due and payable in 2023 shall be paid by Seller. Seller shall credit Buyer(s) at closing for said 2022 real estate taxes payable in 2023 based on the most recent ascertainable tax figures. Xxxxx is responsible for all subsequent real estate taxes.

  • Property Taxes Landlord shall pay, prior to delinquency, all general real estate taxes and installments of special assessments coming due during the Lease term on the Leased Premises, and all personal property taxes with respect to Landlord's personal property, if any, on the Leased Premises. Tenant shall be responsible for paying all personal property taxes with respect to Tenant's personal property at the Leased Premises.

  • Real Estate Taxes For each Tax Year falling within the Term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, the Landlord's Tax Expenses Allocable to the Premises for such corresponding Tax Year, and for each fraction of a Tax Year falling within the Term at the beginning or end thereof, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, the product of (i) such Applicable fraction of a Tax Year and (ii) the Landlord's Tax Expenses Allocable to the Premises for the Tax Year in which said fraction occurs. Not later than ninety (90) days after Landlord's Tax Expenses Allocable to the Premises are determined for the first such Tax Year or fraction thereof and for each succeeding Tax Year or fraction thereof during the Term, Landlord shall render Tenant a statement in reasonable detail certified by a representative of Landlord showing for the preceding year or fraction thereof, as the case may be, real estate taxes on the Buildings and the Site and abatements and refunds of any taxes and assessments. Expenditures for legal fees and for other expenses incurred in seeking the tax refund or abatement may be charged against the tax refund or abatement before the adjustments are made for the Tax Year. Said statement to be rendered to Tenant shall also show for the preceding Tax Year or fraction thereof as the case may be the amounts of real estate taxes already paid by Tenant as Additional Rent, and the amount of real estate taxes remaining due from, or overpaid by, Tenant for the year or other period covered by the statement. Within thirty (30) days after the date of delivery of the foregoing statement, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the balance of the amounts, if any, required to be paid pursuant to the above provisions of this Section 2.7 with respect to the preceding Tax Year or fraction thereof, or Landlord shall credit any amounts due from it to Tenant pursuant to the provisions of this Section 2.7 against (x) monthly installments of fixed rent next thereafter coming due or (y) any sums then due from Tenant to Landlord under this Lease (or refund such portion of the over-payment as aforesaid if the Term has ended and Tenant has no further obligation to Landlord). In the event Landlord succeeds in obtaining a reduction of such real estate taxes, rates or assessments with respect to a real estate tax fiscal year as to which Tenant contributed Tenant's share of Landlord's Tax Expenses, then, Tenant shall be entitled to receive its proportionate share of the net amount of any refund received or reduction obtained by Landlord to the extent allocable to the Term of this Lease. Tenant's entitlement to such refund amount shall survive the expiration of the Term. Landlord will, upon the written request of Tenant, who together with other tenants lease at least fifty (50%) of the Total Rentable Floor Area of the Complex, at Landlord's election either (i) apply for an abatement of real estate taxes or (ii) allow such tenants to apply for abatements in their own name, or in Landlord's name, at their own cost (subject to such tenants' right to recover such costs on a first dollar basis from the abatement proceeds, if any). If such tenants apply for an abatement of real estate taxes, then Landlord shall have the right to be involved in each step of the abatement process, including, without limitation, Landlord's right to approve all filings in connection with such abatement proceedings (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) and the right to attend all meetings between Tenant and its representatives and the representatives of the Town of Bedford. In addition, payments by Tenant on account of Landlord's Tax Expenses Allocable to the Premises anticipated for the then current year shall be made monthly at the time and in the fashion herein provided for the payment of fixed rent. The amount so to be paid to Landlord shall be an amount reasonably estimated by Landlord to be sufficient to provide Landlord, in the aggregate, a sum equal to Landlord's Tax Expenses Allocable to the Premises, at least ten (10) days before the day on which such payments by Landlord would become delinquent. To the extent that real estate taxes shall be payable to the taxing authority in installments with respect to periods less than a Tax Year, the foregoing statement shall be rendered and payments made on account of such installments. Terms used herein are defined as follows:

  • Personal Property In addition to the real property described in Section II, the Seller shall include the following personal property: _ The real property in Section II and any personal property in Section III shall be collectively known as the “Property”.

  • Leased Real Property Section 3.13(b) of the Company Disclosure Letter contains a true, correct and complete list of (i) all of the real property that is leased, subleased, licensed or otherwise used or occupied by, the Company or any of its Subsidiaries (such property, the “Leased Real Property”) and (ii) all leases, subleases, licenses or other Contracts pursuant to which the Company or its Subsidiaries use or occupy, or have the right to use or occupy, now or in the future, such Leased Real Property (each, a “Lease”). The Company has made available to Parent true, correct and complete copies of all Leases (including all material modifications, amendments and supplements thereto), and in the case of any oral Lease, a written summary of the material terms of such Lease. The Company and/or one of its Subsidiaries, as the case may be, have and own good, valid and subsisting leasehold interests in the Leased Real Property under each Lease, subject to proper authorization and execution of such Lease by the other party thereto and Permitted Liens, except in each case, as enforcement may be limited by the Enforceability Limitations, except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Company Material Adverse Effect. With respect to each Lease and except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Company Material Adverse Effect or materially and adversely affect the current use by the Company or its Subsidiaries of the Leased Real Property, (i) each Lease is in full force and effect and a valid, binding and legally enforceable obligation of the Company or its applicable Subsidiary, as the case may be, and, to the Knowledge of the Company, the other parties thereto (except in each case as may be limited by the Enforceability Limitations); (ii) each Lease has not been amended or modified in any material respect except as reflected in the modifications, amendments, supplements and side letters thereto made available to Parent; (iii) there is no existing material default or event of default by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the Knowledge of the Company, any other party thereto, under any Lease (iii) to the Knowledge of the Company, there are no disputes with respect to any Lease; (iv) neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has collaterally assigned or granted any other security interest in such Lease or any interest therein; and (v) there are no Liens (other than Permitted Liens) on the estate or interest created by such Lease. The Leased Real Property is in all material respects in good operating condition and in a state of good and working maintenance and repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and is adequate and suitable for its current uses and purposes. There are no physical conditions or defects on any part of the Leased Real Property that would materially impair or would be reasonably expected to materially impair the continued operation of the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries as presently conducted at such Leased Real Property.

  • Tenant’s Personal Property Tenant may (and shall as provided hereinbelow), at its expense, install, affix or assemble or place on any parcels of the Land or in any of the Leased Improvements, any items of Tenant’s Personal Property and Tenant shall, subject to the conditions set forth below and except for any Tenant’s Personal Property that is purchased by Lessor pursuant to Section 37.2 below, remove the same upon the expiration or any prior termination of the Term. Tenant shall provide and maintain during the entire Term all such Tenant’s Personal Property as shall be necessary in order to operate each Facility in compliance with all licensure and certification requirements, in compliance with all applicable Legal Requirements and Insurance Requirements and otherwise in accordance with customary practice in the industry for the Primary Intended Use. Lessor acknowledges that Leasehold Mortgagee has a security interest in Tenant’s Personal Property and, upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease as it relates to a Leased Property, Lessor agrees to permit Leasehold Mortgagee to enter on such Leased Property in order to remove such Tenant’s Personal Property, so long as Leasehold Mortgagee, at no expense to Lessor, repairs or causes to be repaired, any damage to such Leased Property caused by any such removal, and further agrees to subordinate, and hereby subordinates, to the lien of Leasehold Mortgagee on such Tenant’s Personal Property any xxxx Xxxxxx has thereon. All of Tenant’s Personal Property not removed by Tenant or Leasehold Mortgagee within twenty-one days following the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease with respect to the applicable Leased Property where such Tenant’s Personal Property is located or sold to Lessor pursuant to Section 37.2 below shall be considered abandoned by Tenant and Leasehold Mortgagee and may be appropriated, sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of by Lessor without first giving notice thereof to Tenant or Leasehold Mortgagee and without any payment to Tenant or Leasehold Mortgagee and without any obligation to account therefor or otherwise dispose of the same in accordance with applicable law. Tenant will, at its expense, restore such Leased Property to the condition required by Section 9.1(d), including repair of all damage to the Leased Property caused by the removal of Tenant’s Personal Property, whether effected by Tenant, Leasehold Mortgagee or Lessor.

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