Lessons for the Project. In view of the above suggestions, the capacity of COFIDE and intermediary financial institutions to conduct loan screening and supervision will be enhanced through consulting services, and support will be provided through the Project for the formation of sub-loans such as for energy efficiency projects and awareness campaigns among end-users.
Lessons for the Project. Given that this project is targeted at the rural areas of the Amazonian region, for the sake of proper operation and maintenance, a component for strengthening community organization will be established, and support for institutional strengthening will be provided in targeted communities, including support for operation and maintenance systems. Furthermore, in this project, a system is expected whereby local government will provide financial and technical support to the water users associations charged with operation and maintenance. Therefore, through activities for strengthening community organization, support will also be provided for building the capacity and establishing systems of local government.
Lessons for the Project. In light of the abovementioned lesson, and since measures for NRW are important in SEDAPAL’s sustainable operations within the Project, in addition to the rehabilitation of the secondary pipe network in the Project, aid has been underway since June 2012 through the technical cooperation project Project for Capacity Strengthening for Non-Revenue Water of SEDAPAL which aims to strengthen SEDAPAL’s technical capabilities for addressing NRW.
Lessons for the Project. In the Project, the CMRL developed a feeder bus plan with a view to further increasing the rate of use and raising fares, and submitted it to Metropolitan Transport Corporation (Chennai) (MTC), which manages public bus services in Chennai. MTC has been implementing this plan. The CMRL has also signed contracts with private-sector contractors to add to the revenue and improve profitability, for the installation of vending machines, kiosks and ATMs in stations, management of parking lots near stations, and so on.
Lessons for the Project. Viewing the above lesson in light of the technical capabilities, etc. of the executing agency for the Project, JICA plans to support enhancement of technical capabilities through consulting services and the dispatching, etc. of loan aid experts.
Lessons for the Project. The appraisal process for the Project has confirmed that the Sicredi system has sufficient monitoring capacity, after checking the workings of both the central monitoring system of the Sicredi system and the member credit unions whose outstanding loans under SEF are among the largest.
Lessons for the Project. HHTP-MB, an executing agency of the Project, has been fully authorized as to the land acquisition by the Prime Minister Decision No.98/2009/QD-TTg (as of July 29, 2009), causing no any concerns about the matter. In addition, based on the aforementioned lessons, the Project assumes to include the construction of drainage pipes and sewerage pipes, in addition to the sewerage treatment facilities, as part of the project components. High occupancy rate is to be ensured, when the investment to HHTP increases together with higher occupancy by research organizations and high-tech corporations
Lessons for the Project. The Project is confirmed to have an appropriate system for monitoring, reporting and evaluation for the loans and repayments. Based on the lesson learned, JICA, the donors, the Borrower, and all related organizations agreed to establish a system for revolving of the fund, as well as its monitoring and reporting.
Lessons for the Project. Proper maintenance of completed facilities is crucial for sustaining the outcomes of this project. Keeping in mind the abovementioned lessons learned, the project is implemented in collaboration with the ongoing Irrigation Technical Cooperation and Rice Promotion Technical Cooperation to ensure increased yield through dissemination of better rice cultivation techniques as an incentive for farmers, as well as to strengthen the capacity of irrigation associations and consolidate their operational and financial basis.
Lessons for the Project. At the preparation and appraisal stages of this Project, JICA had sufficient discussions with the RTDA and the AfDB to set indicators for the Overall Project and determine how to monitor them as well as set evaluation indicators that can be used to assess this Project alone.