In Guatemala Sample Clauses

In Guatemala. Cement II, the Panel found that the subject anti-dumping duty order of Guatemala was inconsistent with several articles of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, among them Article 5. The Panel then opined that Mexico's claims under other articles of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, among them Article 1, were "dependent claims, in the sense that they depend entirely on findings that Guatemala has violated other provisions of the AD Agreement."92 For this reason the Panel considered it not necessary to address these claims.
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In Guatemala. Cement II, Mexico argued that because the application contained no evidence on injury, there was no evidence of dumping and injury for the investigating authority to consider at the time of initiation, and therefore there was a violation of Article 5.7; that is, the initiation of an investigation in the absence of sufficient evidence to justify initiation (contrary to Article 5.3) necessarily constitutes a violation of Article 5.7. Guatemala argued that its investigating authority had reviewed the available evidence on dumping and injury. The Panel held that Mexico had failed to present a prima facie case under Article 5.7, and held:
In Guatemala. Cement II, the Panel agreed that "statements of conclusion unsubstantiated by facts do not constitute evidence of the type … which allows an objective examination of its adequacy and accuracy by an investigating authority as provided in Article 5.3."48
In Guatemala. Cement II, the Panel rejected the argument that Article 5.8 applies only after an investigation is initiated, stating: "[I]f the drafters intended that Article 5.8 apply only after initiation, the reference to promptly terminating an investigation would have sufficed. By referring to the rejection of an application Article 5.8 addresses the situation where an application has been received but an investigation has not yet been initiated. That the text of Article 5.8 continues after the quoted section to describe situations in which an initiated investigation should be terminated, does not support Guatemala's argument that the whole of Article 5.8 applies only after the investigation has been initiated."75 procedural grounds as dispute not properly before the Panel; report adopted as reversed, WT/DSB/M/51, section 9(a)). 70 Panel Report, Guatemala – Cement II, para. 8.67. 71 Panel Report, Argentina – Poultry Anti-Dumping Duties, para. 7.119. 72 Panel Report, Argentina – Poultry Anti-Dumping Duties, para. 7.118. 73 Panel Report, Mexico – Corn Syrup, para. 7.99. 74 Panel Report, Mexico –Steel Pipes and Tubes, para. 7.25. 75 Panel Report, Guatemala – Cement II, para. 8.72 (same conclusions reached in Panel Report, Guatemala – Cement I, para. 7.59; report reversed by Appellate Body on procedural grounds as dispute not properly before the Panel; report adopted as reversed, WT/DSB/M/51, section 9(a)).
In Guatemala. Cement II, the Panel agreed with Mexico that Guatemala's authority had acted inconsistently with Articles 3.1 and 3.2 by not taking into account imports other than those from the supplier under investigation. See paragraph 72 above.124
In Guatemala. Cement II, the Panel also rejected Mexico's argument that Guatemala's authority conducted the examination of the price effect of dumped imports at the regional level only and not also at the national level and therefore acted inconsistently with Article 3.2. Rather, the Panel found that Guatemala had not limited its analysis to a particular region. The Panel also added that there was only one cement producer in Guatemala, and thus, even if the negative effect of the dumped imports on the prices of the domestic like product was only evidenced in one particular region (where that producer was located), this could still be viewed as causing injury to that producer.133
In Guatemala. Cement II, the Panel rejected Guatemala's argument that the alleged violations of Articles 5.5, 12.1.1 and 6.1.3, even if found to be violations, had not affected the course of the investigation, and thus: (a) the alleged violations were not harmful according to the principle of harmless error; (b) Mexico "convalidated" the alleged violations by not objecting immediately after their occurrence; and (c) the alleged violations did not cause nullification or impairment of benefits accruing to Mexico under the Anti-Dumping Agreement. See the Sections on Articles 5 and 6 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
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In Guatemala. Cement II, the Panel found that "[i]t is clear on the face of these documents that the invoices reflecting prices in Mexico are for sales occurring at the very end of the commercialisation chain and the import certificates reflect prices at the point of importation which is the beginning of the commercialisation chain for Mexican cement in Guatemala".60 The Panel subsequently found, applying the standard of review set forth in Article 17.6(i): "[T]he fact that the sales in the Mexican and Guatemalan markets were at different levels of trade was apparent from the application itself, and an unbiased and objective investigating authority should have recognized this fact without the need for it to be pointed out. Nor do we consider that an investigating authority can completely ignore obvious differences that could affect the comparability of the prices cited in an application on the ground that the foreign exporter has not demonstrated that they have affected price comparability. Moreover, at the point where the investigating authority is considering whether there is sufficient evidence to initiate an investigation, potentially affected exporters have not even been notified of the existence of an application, much less been provided a copy thereof. Thus, the logical implication of Guatemala's argument is that an investigating authority need never take into account issues of price comparability when considering whether there is sufficient evidence of dumping to initiate an investigation. We cannot agree with such an interpretation of the AD Agreement, particularly in light of the criteria set out in para. 8.36 above. After a thorough review of all the actions by the Ministry leading up to the initiation of the investigation, we find that no attempt was made to take into account glaring differences in the levels of trade and sales quantities and their possible effects on price comparability. Under these circumstances, an unbiased and objective investigating authority could not in our view have concluded that there was sufficient evidence of dumping to justify the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation."61
In Guatemala. Cement II. See paragraphs 35-36 above.

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  • Italy If the Territory is Italy, the MicroStrategy contracting entity on the order is MicroStrategy Italy S.r.l., with offices at Corso Italia 13, 20122, Milan, Italy, with tax identification number 12313340155, and the following terms apply: (a) The Governing Law will be the laws of Italy; and (b) any disputes, actions, claims or causes of action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the parties’ relationship under it will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Milan; and (c) the second sentence of the “Notices” section of the General Terms is deleted and replaced with the following: “You will provide notices to: MicroStrategy Italy, S.r.l. Attention: Legal Representative, at Corso Italia 13, 20122, Milan, Italy; email:“; and (d) references to “CPI” in the Agreement will be deemed to refer to “Italy CPI.”

  • France No prospectus (including any amendment, supplement or replacement thereto) has been prepared in connection with the offering of the Securities that has been approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers or by the competent authority of another State that is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and notified to the Autorité des marchés financiers; each Underwriter represents and agrees that no Securities have been offered or sold nor will be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, to the public in France; each Underwriter represents and agrees that the prospectus or any other offering material relating to the Securities have not been distributed or caused to be distributed and will not be distributed or caused to be distributed to the public in France; such offers, sales and distributions have been and shall only be made in France to persons licensed to provide the investment service of portfolio management for the account of third parties, qualified investors (investisseurs qualifiés) and/or a restricted circle of investors (cercle restreint d’investisseurs), in each case investing for their own account, all as defined in Articles L. 411-2, D. 411-1, D. 411-2, D. 411-4, D. 734-1, D.744-1, D. 754-1 and D. 764-1 of the Code monétaire et financier. Each Underwriter represents and agrees that the direct or indirect distribution to the public in France of any so acquired Securities may be made only as provided by Articles L. 411-1, L. 411-2, L. 412-1 and L. 621-8 to L. 621-8-3 of the Code monétaire et financier and applicable regulations thereunder. Hong Kong Each Underwriter:

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  • Exportbepalingen Het is u niet toegestaan de Apple software te gebruiken of anderszins te exporteren of te herexporteren, behalve voor zover toegestaan krachtens de wetten van de Verenigde Staten en van het rechtsgebied waarin u de Apple software hebt verkregen. In het bijzonder, maar zonder beperking, is het u niet toegestaan de Apple software te exporteren of te herexporteren (a) naar een land waarvoor door de Verenigde Staten een embargo is ingesteld of (b) naar enige persoon die voorkomt op de door het U.S. Treasury Department samengestelde lijst van "Specially Designated Nationals" of op de door het U.S. Department of Commerce samengestelde "Denied Person’s List" of "Entity List". Door de Apple software te gebruiken, verklaart u dat u zich niet bevindt in een dergelijk land of op een van de bovengenoemde lijsten voorkomt. U verklaart tevens dat u de Apple software niet zult gebruiken voor doeleinden die verboden zijn volgens de wetten van de Verenigde Staten met inbegrip van, maar niet beperkt tot, de ontwikkeling, het ontwerp, de fabricage of productie van raketten, nucleaire, chemische of biologische wapens.

  • MSEA SEIU shall have exclusive rights to payroll deduction of membership dues, service fees, and premiums for current MSEA-SEIU spon- sored insurance programs. Deductions for other programs may be mutually agreed to by the parties.

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  • Exclusión de garantías A. Si usted es un consumidor particular (una persona que utiliza el Software Apple fuera de su oficio, negocio o profesión), es posible que disponga de derechos legales en su país de residencia que puedan impedir que las siguientes limitaciones le xxxx aplicables, en cuyo caso no serán de aplicación para usted. Para obtener más información acerca de sus derechos debería consultar a una organización de consumo local.


  • South Africa If the Territory is South Africa, the MicroStrategy con contracting entity on the order is MicroStrategy South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, whose registered office is at 1st Floor, Building 6, Parc Nicol Office Park, 3001 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, and the following terms apply: (a) the Governing Law will be the laws of South Africa; and (b) any disputes, actions, claims or causes of action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the parties’ relationship under it will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of High Court of South Africa; and (c) the first sentence of the second paragraph of the “Data Protection” section of the General Terms is deleted and replaced with the following: “We have implemented appropriate technical, organizational, and security measures designed to safeguard and protect Protected Data provided by you to us and we may access, use and transfer such Protected Data to our affiliates and third parties (including those located outside of the European Economic Area and South Africa) only for the purposes of fulfilling our obligations and exercising our rights, providing information to you and complying with our legal and auditing requirements.”; and (d) references to “CPI” in the Agreement will be deemed to refer to the Consumer Price Index for South Africa for the previous 12 months.

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