A Faculty Member definition

A Faculty Member selecting the option identified in section 43.38 must notify the Xxxx in their application for Study Leave that the Faculty Member intends to count service accumulated during the return to work period under this section and show how the equivalent years of eligible service at the Faculty Member ’s regular FTE have been achieved.
A Faculty Member is expected to perform theoretical and practical instructional responsibilities including preparation, instruction, evaluation, assessment, supervision, consultation, academic and career advisement as well as related professional responsibilities including, but not limited to, participating on committees, marketing, developing program and curriculum, establishing work placement qualifications, monitoring work placements, liaising with business and industry, and representing the College.” Workload for Faculty will be reviewed and assigned based on Instructional Contact Hours (ICH) and related professional responsibilities. Instructional Contact Hour Guidelines are applicable across all delivery modes. The College and the Union NSCCAU have agreed that NSCC believes the Faculty Duties Committee should review the following key areas and provide recommendations for the revision/updating of the ICH Guidelines: Faculty Duties Faculty workload encompasses both the theoretical and practical instructional responsibilities, including ICH and other related professional responsibilities. It is important to ensure that we all The College and the Union agree that share the same view of workload to includes two important elements: Instructional responsibilities Professional responsibilities Faculty workload is comprised of the two domains (instructional responsibilities and professional responsibilities) and The balance between instructional responsibilities and professional responsibilities of each can vary term to term. Academic Year Faculty workload is distributed across all terms of the Academic year. It is important to The ICH Guidelines should articulate the balance of a Faculty Member’s workload in every term and the overall annual balance by ensuring: Faculty workload is distributed across all terms of the Academic year Faculty workload in each term comprises two elements: instructional responsibilities and professional responsibilities The proportion of those two elements (instructional responsibilities and professional responsibilities) may differ term to term to ensure a balanced, annual Faculty workload Course Release Course release should be a transparent process with common parameters across the College, while still providing flexibility for unique circumstances. Through Faculty Duties Committee we can work to The ICH Guidelines should articulate: conditions and thresholds that could lead to course release a prioritization of these course release conditions ...

Examples of A Faculty Member in a sentence

  • A Faculty Member with a Two-Semester appointment performs most of his/her normal teaching and service duties as well as some professional activity during two semesters (“Primary Semesters”) of the Academic Year.

  • A Faculty Member on academic leave or performing University business that requires the Faculty Member to reside away from his or her home for more than thirty (30) consecutive days and who wishes to have out-of-area medical coverage shall provide thirty (30) days advance notice of travel plans to the University Benefits Office.

  • A Faculty Member with a Two-Semester appointment typically has the opportunity to use the other months of the year for research, scholarship, creative activity, and/or other forms of professional development.

  • A Faculty Member whose primary appointment is in a program that requires its students to participate in professional practice (also known as cooperative education) and that delivers core curriculum in all semesters of the year may be required to teach in his/her Secondary Semester once per biennium.

  • A Faculty Member who accepts an administrative appointment, and who subsequently returns to the Bargaining Unit, shall be returned to the salary she/he would have earned, including any UC/AAUP Contract-mandated increases, had she/he remained a Bargaining Unit member.

  • A Faculty Member initially employed after July 1, 1990, with a partial or full coaching assignment who requests release from his/her coaching assignment and such request is granted by the District will be guaranteed a minimum load of seventy percent (70%) per semester.

  • A Faculty Member may request in writing removal of any item in the file.

  • A Faculty Member may, in extraordinary circumstances, request to undergo a reappointment or tenure review, as appropriate, during the terminal year of his/her current appointment term.

  • A Faculty Member may purchase, on an after tax basis, Accidental Death or Dismemberment Insurance (either single or family coverage) in the amounts stated below: No coverage $ 50,000 $100,000 $150,000 Coverage for spouse or domestic partner is equal to 50% of the employee's coverage.

  • A Faculty Member hired to such vacant position shall have his/her salary adjusted to reflect the current market salary of the new department for his/her rank and years of service.

Related to A Faculty Member

  • Faculty Member means any person hired by the college or District to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the college to be a member of faculty.

  • University Member means any individual who is:

  • Equity Member means each member of the Respondent team that will contribute equity as part of the financing of the Project.

  • Community Member means any member of the public.

  • ☐ - MULTI-MEMBER The “Capital Account” for each Member shall mean the account created and maintained for the Member in accordance with Section 704(b) of the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulation Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv).

  • crew member means a person assigned by an operator to duty on an aircraft during a flight duty period;

  • Participating member means an eligible employee who elects to participate in the defined contribution retirement plan established under this chapter.

  • Consortium Members means the members of the Consortium, formed by the Bidder for purposes of the Transaction in accordance with this RFP and shall include members who have submitted the Format for Consortium Agreement (Annexure 5) specified in the RFP.

  • Individual Member means a registered, financial Member of the Club who is at least 18 years of age.

  • Bona fide member means an individual who participates in activities of a qualified organization

  • Participating abstractor means an abstractor who is authorized to participate in the title guaranty program and who is in full compliance with the abstractor’s participation agreement, the Code of Iowa, these rules, the manual, staff supplements, and any other written or oral instructions or requirements given by the division.

  • the Members means the members of the Club admitted from time to time to membership of the Club in accordance with Rule 5;

  • Consortium Member means a company specified in Recital (B) as a member of the Consortium;}

  • Specialist medical practitioner means a specialist as defined in section 3 of the Health Insurance Act 1973.

  • Preferred Member means a Member holding Preferred Units.

  • New member means a person first employed on or after Septem- ber 1, 2005, including a former member who withdrew retirement contributions under Government Code 822.003 and is reemployed on or after September 1, 2005.

  • New Members As Defined By the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA)

  • Permit Holder means the Person to whom a Building Permit has been issued.

  • Participating Entities and “Participating Entity” are defined on the Coversheet.

  • Team Members means the members of the Team, jointly and severally;

  • Managing Partner means KKR Management LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.

  • Team Member means an individual who is allowed to access the Cloud Service but is only granted membership in groups associated with “Team Member” permissions for the Cloud Service.2

  • Full Member means any person who is in one of the categories of membership referred to in Rule 10.3.

  • Lead Partner means the lead partner of a joint venture, as described in Sub-Clause

  • Council Member means a member of the Council;

  • Service member means a member of the armed forces, a reserve branch of the armed forces, or the Michigan national guard.