Temporary help firm definition

Temporary help firm means a person who employs individuals for the purpose of assigning those individuals to work for the clients of the temporary help firm to support or supplement a client’s work force during employee absences, temporary skill shortages, seasonal work loads, special assignments and projects, and other similar work situations.
Temporary help firm means an employer that recruits, hires and supplies employees to perform work or services for another organization to: (i) support or supplement the other organization’s workforce; (ii) provide assistance in special work situations including, but not limited to, employee absences, skill shortages or seasonal workloads; or (iii) perform special assignments or projects.
Temporary help firm means a firm that hires its own employees and assigns them to clients to support or supplement the client's work force in work situations such as employee absences, temporary skill shortages, seasonal workloads, and special assignments and projects.

More Definitions of Temporary help firm

Temporary help firm means a firm that hires its
Temporary help firm means a business which recruits, hires, and assigns its own employees to perform work at or services for other organizations, for a temporary time period, to support the other organization’s workforce
Temporary help firm means an entity which hires its own employees and providesthose employees to other individuals or organizations to perform some service, to support or supplement the existing workforce in special situations such as employee absences, temporary skill shortages, seasonal workloads and special assignments and projects, with the expectation that the worker’s position will be terminated upon the completion of the specified task or function.
Temporary help firm means a business which recruits and hires its own employees, and assigns those employees to perform work at or services for other organizations, to support or supplement the other organization’s workforce, or to provide assistance in special work situations such as, but not limited to, employee absences, skill shortages, seasonal workloads, or to perform special assignments or projects. A temporary help firm shall not be deemed to be a professional employer organization for the purposes of Article 31 of the New York State Labor Law.
Temporary help firm means a firm that hires that firm's own employees and
Temporary help firm means an employer whose primary business is to provide a client entity with the temporary services of 1 or more individuals under contract with the employer. Employment with a temporary help firm is characterized by a series of limited- term assignments of an individual to a client entity based on a written or oral contract between the temporary help firm and the client entity. The assignment is usually for a specified period. A separate written or oral employment contract exists between the
Temporary help firm. , means a firm that hires its own employees and