Servicing Rights definition

Servicing Rights means rights of any Person, to administer, service or subservice, the Purchased Assets or to possess related Servicing Records.
Servicing Rights. Any and all of the following: (a) any and all rights to service the Mortgage Loans; (b) any payments to or monies received by the Seller for servicing the Mortgage Loans; (c) any late fees, penalties or similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans; (d) all agreements or documents creating, defining or evidencing any such servicing rights to the extent they relate to such servicing rights and all rights of the Seller thereunder; (e) Escrow Payments or other similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans and any amounts actually collected by the Seller with respect thereto; (f) all accounts and other rights to payment related to any of the property described in this paragraph; and (g) any and all documents, files, records, servicing files, servicing documents, servicing records, data tapes, computer records, or other information pertaining to the Mortgage Loans or pertaining to the past, present or prospective servicing of the Mortgage Loans.
Servicing Rights means contractual, possessory or other rights of the Seller or any other Person, whether arising under the Servicing Agreement, the Custodial and Disbursement Agreement or otherwise, to administer or service a Purchased Asset or to possess related Servicing Records.

Examples of Servicing Rights in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, prior to any assignment or transfer by the Primary Servicer of this Agreement or the servicing hereunder (the “Primary Servicing Rights”), the Primary Servicer shall allow the Master Servicer an opportunity to bid on the purchase of such Primary Servicing Rights.

  • If the Master Servicer offers the highest purchase price for such Primary Servicing Rights, then the Master Servicer shall be provided the opportunity to purchase such Primary Servicing Rights for such purchase price.

  • Any Note Holder that receives proceeds from the sale of the primary servicing rights with respect to the entire Mortgage Loan (the “Primary Servicing Rights Proceeds”) shall remit to the other Note Holders, promptly upon receipt thereof, such amounts as are required such that each Note Holder receives its pro rata share of such proceeds on a Pro Rata and Pari Passu Basis.

More Definitions of Servicing Rights

Servicing Rights. With respect to each Mortgage Loan, any and all of the following: (a) all rights to service the Mortgage Loan; (b) all rights to receive the Servicing Fees, additional servicing compensation (including, without limitation, any late fees, assumption fees, penalties or similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loan, and income on escrow accounts or other receipts on or with respect to the Mortgage Loan), reimbursements or indemnification for servicing the Mortgage Loan, and any payments received in respect of the foregoing and proceeds thereof; (c) the right to collect, hold and disburse escrow payments or other similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans and any amounts actually collected with respect thereto and to receive interest income on such amounts to the extent permitted by applicable law; (d) all accounts and other rights to payment related to any of the property described in this paragraph; (e) possession and use of any and all Mortgage Loan Documents and Mortgage Files pertaining to the Mortgage Loans or pertaining to the past, present or prospective servicing of the Mortgage Loans; (f) all rights and benefits relating to the direct solicitation of the related Mortgagors for refinance or modification of the Mortgage Loans and attendant right, title and interest in and to the list of such Mortgagors and data relating to their respective Mortgage Loans; (g) all rights, powers and privileges incident to any of the foregoing; and (h) all agreements or documents creating, defining or evidencing any of the foregoing rights to the extent they relate to such rights.
Servicing Rights. Any and all of the following: (a) any and all rights to service the Mortgage Loans; (b) any payments to or monies received by the Seller for servicing the Mortgage Loans; (c) any late fees, penalties or similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans but not including any Prepayment Penalties; (d) all agreements or documents creating, defining or evidencing any such servicing rights to the extent they relate to such servicing rights and all rights of the Seller thereunder; (e) Escrow Payments or other similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans and any amounts actually collected by the Seller with respect thereto; (f) all accounts and other rights to payment related to any of the property described in this paragraph; and (g) any and all documents, files, records, servicing files, servicing documents, servicing records, data tapes, computer records, or other information pertaining to the Mortgage Loans or pertaining to the past, present or prospective servicing of the Mortgage Loans.
Servicing Rights means the rights and obligations to administer and service a Mortgage Loan, including, without limitation, the rights and obligations to: ensure the taxes and insurance are paid, provide foreclosure services, provide full escrow administration and perform any other obligations required by any owner of a Mortgage Loan, collect the payments for the reduction of principal and application of interest, and manage and remit collected payments.
Servicing Rights. Any and all of the following: (a) all rights and obligations to service the Mortgage Loans; (b) any compensation for servicing the Mortgage Loans; (c) any late fees, penalties or similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans (other than prepayment penalties); (d) all agreements or documents creating, defining or evidencing any such servicing rights to the extent they relate to such servicing rights; (e) any interest on Escrow Accounts allowed by law or other similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans and any amounts actually collected with respect thereto; (f) all accounts and other rights to payment related to any of the property described in this paragraph; (g) the right to possess and use any and all servicing files, servicing records, data tapes, computer records, or other information pertaining to the Mortgage Loans to the extent relating to the past, present or prospective servicing of the Mortgage Loans; and (h) all rights, powers and privileges incident to any of the foregoing.
Servicing Rights. Any and all of the following: (a) any and all rights to service the Mortgage Loans (other than any payments or monies received by Seller during any interim servicing period for servicing any Mortgage Loan); (b) any payments to or monies received by the Seller for servicing the Mortgage Loans; (c) any late fees, penalties or similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans; (d) all agreements or documents creating, defining or evidencing any such servicing rights to the extent they relate to such servicing rights and all rights of the Seller thereunder; (e) Escrow Payments or other similar payments with respect to the Mortgage Loans and any amounts actually collected by the Seller with respect thereto; (f) all accounts and other rights to payment related to any of the property described in this paragraph; and (g) any and all documents, files, records, servicing files, servicing documents, servicing records, data tapes, computer records, or other information pertaining to the Mortgage Loans or pertaining to the past, present or prospective servicing of the Mortgage Loans.
Servicing Rights means all of Borrower's right, title and interest in and under the Servicing Agreements, including, without limitation, the rights of Borrower to income and reimbursement thereunder.
Servicing Rights means, with respect to each Mortgage Loan, the right to do any and all of the following: (a) service and administer such Mortgage Loan; (b) collect any payments or monies payable or received for servicing such Mortgage Loan; (c) collect any late fees, assumption fees, penalties or similar payments with respect to such Mortgage Loan; (d) enforce the provisions of all agreements or documents creating, defining or evidencing any such servicing rights and all rights of the servicer thereunder, including, but not limited to, any clean-up calls and termination options; (e) collect and apply any escrow payments or other similar payments with respect to such Mortgage Loan; (f) control and maintain all accounts and other rights to payments related to any of the property described in the other clauses of this definition; (g) possess and use any and all documents, files, records, servicing files, servicing documents, servicing records, data tapes, computer records, or other information pertaining to such Mortgage Loan or pertaining to the past, present or prospective servicing of such Mortgage Loan; and (h) enforce any and all rights, powers and privileges incident to any of the foregoing.