Service retirement definition

Service retirement means separation of a member of the City Employees Retirement System from City employment with the proper combination of age and service credit to qualify for a monthly pension.
Service retirement means any period
Service retirement means any period that a pensioner receives a retirement pension but does not include any period of disability retirement.

Examples of Service retirement in a sentence

  • Upfront Awards shall be automatically forfeited if, following Public Service Retirement, the Participant ceases to be a Public Service Employee at any time prior to the Release Date for any reason other than death or Total Disability.

  • However, such rights and benefits (except the rights to further transfer the options) and obligations, conditions and limitations shall be determined as if the Optionee continued to hold the options, and the provisions of this Option Agreement dealing with termination of Service, Retirement, disability and death of an Optionee continue to refer to the Optionee regardless of whether the options are or are not transferred to an Authorized Transferee.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement shall automatically expire and terminate on Executive's normal retirement date at age 65 or on Executive's early retirement under the Special Service Retirement provision of Employer's pension plan if Executive elects to take such early retirement.

  • However, in the case of a Governmental Service Retirement by the Grantee, payment of the vested RSRs (and related Dividend Equivalents) will be made within 10 days after the Grantee’s Early or Normal Retirement.

  • However, in the case of a Governmental Service Retirement by the Grantee, payment of the vested RSRs (and related Dividend Equivalents) will be made within 20 days after the Grantee’s Early or Normal Retirement.

More Definitions of Service retirement

Service retirement means retirement as provided in section 3307.58 or 3307.59 of the Revised Code.
Service retirement or upon "Ordinary Disability Retirement" or upon "Accidental Disability Retirement", all of which are defined more specifically by the Police and Fireman's Retirement System, an employee shall receive a lump sum payment as supplemental compensation for each full hour of earned and unused accumulated hours of sick leave which is credited to them on the effective date of their retirement.
Service retirement. Separation from District employment, including application and eligibility for service retirement with PERS.
Service retirement means retirement as provided in section 3307.38 or 3307.39 of the Revised Code.
Service retirement occurs upon a Participant's termination of employment before Age 65 Retirement but after (y) the Participant has attained at least 55 years of age; and (z) the Participant's age, when added to such Participant's years of credited service with SunCoke and its Affiliates, equals at least 65 years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Participant's termination of employment shall not be deemed to be a "Retirement' unless there is no Just Cause;] and
Service retirement or "Disability Retirement" shall mean the: The voluntary termination of employment under terms and conditions set forth by and satisfactory to the state retirement system.applicable state retirement system. For more detail on the requirements for service retirement or disability retirement, please contact the appropriate retirement system.
Service retirement means a member's retirement from active service under circumstances permitting payment of a retirement allowance without reduction because of age or length of service and without special qualifications such as disability. Service retirement shall be considered normal retirement.