Satisfactory Progress definition

Satisfactory Progress means that the Applicant, including any Person with an ownership interest in the Applicant or Development Team member, has presented evidence, satisfactory to ADOH, that each Project for which the Applicant has received a Determination of Qualification, Reservation, or Allocation in Arizona or any other state, has been Placed in Service on time or otherwise is progressing without unreasonable delay through the various phases of development, i.e., financing, permitting, construction, certificate of occupancy, and rehabilitation.
Satisfactory Progress means that the participant in any educational or training activity is meeting, on a periodically measured basis of less than one year, such as a term, semester or quarter, a consistent standard of progress based on written policy developed by the educational institution or training agency.
Satisfactory Progress means that the Applicant, including any Person with an ownership interest in the Applicant or Development Team member, has presented evidence, satisfactory to ADOH, that each Project for which the Applicant has received a Determination of Qualification, Reservation or Allocation in Arizona or any other state, has been Placed in Service on time or otherwise is progressing without unreasonable delay through the various phases of development (i.e. financing, permitting, construction, certificate of occupancy and rehabilitation). The following competitive 9% Tax Credit Projects that were awarded in 2020 shall be deemed to meet the requirement to make Satisfactory Progress: The Projects have 1) met the dates stipulated in the Form 1 Project Schedule submitted with the Application unless a change is approved in writing by ADOH in its sole discretion and 2) submitted a complete and compliant equity closing package as set forth in Section 3.2 of this Plan on or before December 1, 2021 and 3) started construction by January 1, 2022.

Examples of Satisfactory Progress in a sentence

  • Satisfactory progress of Engineering Services shall be an absolute condition of payment.

More Definitions of Satisfactory Progress

Satisfactory Progress means a determination made in accordance with subsection (4)(c) that a student's progress toward achieving the specific learning goals and performance objectives specified in the written student learning plan is sat- isfactory;
Satisfactory Progress means a teacher candidate is on track to satisfy all program requirements within the required timeframe.
Satisfactory Progress means a teacher candidate is on track to satisfy all program requirements within the required timeframe established by the provider.
Satisfactory Progress means that the student’s cumulative GPA is at least a 2.5, that the pace (earned units compared to attempted units) is at least 66.67% and that the student is making sufficient progress to complete the program within 8 years from the initial date of enrollment in the MAcCHM/DAcCHM program.
Satisfactory Progress means that Applicants who have previously received a Determination of Qualification, Reservation or Allocation in Arizona or any other state have met the benchmarks imposed by Arizona or any other state for such prior Projects.
Satisfactory Progress means that a student does not have any academic and progress probationary issues. In addition to the probationary rules, satisfactory progress includes communication each semester with the student’s Committee Chair regarding his/her progress. When the formal coursework has been completed, evidence of adequate progress consists of the completion of one or more major chapters of the dissertation and submission of refereed papers.
Satisfactory Progress means a student making progress according to the institutionally determined student financial aid satisfactory policy.