Examples of Property Management Agreements in a sentence
Types of Property Management Agreements The type of property management agreement you need depends on the real estate type, your preferences as the property owner, and the services the manager will provide.
Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 27 November 2015 and the circular of the Company dated 23 December 2015 in relation to, among other things, the Existing Continuing Connected Transactions contemplated under the Heat Supply Agreements, the Property Management Agreements and Kingdom Guorui Sales Office Management Agreement, and the respective Existing Annual Caps for each of the Existing Continuing Connected Transactions.
The New Property Management Agreements and the Signed Property Management Agreements have been aggregated for the Listing Rules purposes on the basis that they all relate to the property management and/or related services provided by the associates of Guangdong Holdings to the Group.
After the Existing Continuing Connected Transactions has come into effect, due to the rapid development of the business of the Group and the Beijing Guorui Group, the Directors anticipate that the Existing Annual Caps for the Existing Continuing Connected Transactions contemplated under the Property Management Agreements will be exceeded during the remaining terms thereof.
On 26 March 2021, the GD Land Group and the Guangdong Holdings Group entered into the New Property Management Agreements concerning the provision of property management services by the Guangdong Holdings Group to the GD Land Group.