Privileged Person definition

Privileged Person. The Depositor and its designees, the Initial Purchasers, the Underwriters, the Mortgage Loan Sellers, the Master Servicer, the Special Servicer, any Excluded Mortgage Loan Special Servicer, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator, any Additional Servicer designated by the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, any Directing Holder, any Consulting Party, the Operating Advisor, any Affiliate of the Operating Advisor designated by the Operating Advisor, the Asset Representations Reviewer, any affiliate of the Asset Representations Reviewer designated by the Asset Representations Reviewer, any Companion Loan Holder that delivers an Investor Certification (subject to the next sentence and the proviso to this sentence), any other Person who provides the Certificate Administrator with an Investor Certification (subject to the next sentence and the proviso to this sentence), any Rating Agency, and any other NRSRO that delivers a NRSRO Certification to the Certificate Administrator; provided that in no event shall an Excluded Controlling Class Holder be entitled to Excluded Information with respect to a related Excluded Controlling Class Mortgage Loan with respect to which it is a Borrower Party (but this exclusion shall not apply to any other Mortgage Loan). In no event shall a Borrower Party (other than a Risk Retention Consultation Party if it is a Borrower Party) be considered a Privileged Person; provided that the foregoing shall not be applicable to, nor limit, an Excluded Controlling Class Holder’s right to access information with respect to any Mortgage Loan other than Excluded Information with respect to a related Excluded Controlling Class Mortgage Loan. For the avoidance of doubt, each applicable Directing Holder, Controlling Class Certificateholder and Consulting Party (other than the Risk Retention Consultation Party) and the Special Servicer shall, at any given time, only be considered a Privileged Person with respect to any Mortgage Loans or Serviced Loan Combinations for which it is not then a Borrower Party, and the limitations on access to information set forth in this Agreement will apply only with respect to the related Mortgage Loan for which the applicable party is a Borrower Party and only with respect to the related Excluded Information (in the case of the Directing Holder or a Controlling Class Certificateholder) or the related Excluded Special Servicer Information (in the case of the Special Servicer).
Privileged Person. Any of (i) the Depositor or its designee, (ii) each Underwriter, (iii) the Trustee, (iv) the Certificate Administrator, (v) each Master Servicer, (vi) each Special Servicer, (vii) the Subordinate Class Representative, (viii) the Trust Advisor, (ix) any Mortgage Loan Seller, (x) each Other Master Servicer, (xi) the Non-Trust Master Servicer, (xii) any Person who certifies to the Certificate Administrator substantially in the form of Exhibit K-1 hereto or Exhibit K-2 hereto, as applicable (which form shall also be located on, and may be submitted electronically via, the Certificate Administrator’s Website), that such Person is a Certificateholder, a Certificate Owner or a prospective purchaser of a Certificate or any interest therein, and agrees to be bound by the confidentiality provisions contained therein, (xiii) any Serviced Pari Passu Companion Loan Holder that delivers a certification to the Certificate Administrator in the form of Exhibit H hereto, and (xiv) each Rating Agency and each NRSRO that has submitted an NRSRO Certification to the Certificate Administrator (which NRSRO Certification may be submitted electronically via the Certificate Administrator’s Website). For purposes of obtaining information or access to the Certificate Administrator’s Website, Privileged Persons who are a Borrower, a manager of a Mortgaged Property, an Affiliate of any of the foregoing or an agent of any Borrower shall be prohibited from obtaining such information or access pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, other than with respect to Distribution Date Statements as provided in Section 4.02(a). The Certificate Administrator may require that investor certifications in the form of Exhibit K-1 or Exhibit K-2 be re-submitted from time to time in accordance with its policies and procedures and shall restrict access to the Certificate Administrator’s Website to a mezzanine lender upon notice from a Special Servicer pursuant to this Agreement in the form of Exhibit K-4 that such mezzanine lender has commenced foreclosure proceedings against the equity collateral pledged to secure the related mezzanine loan.
Privileged Person. The Depositor and its designees, the Initial Purchasers, the Risk Retention Consultation Parties, the Servicer, the Special Servicer, any applicable Consenting Party, any applicable Consulting Party, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator, any Companion Loan Holder that delivers an Investor Certificates, any person who provides the Certificate Administrator with an Investor Certification relating to access to information, any Rating Agency and any NRSRO that delivers an NRSRO Certification to the Certificate Administrator. For purposes of receiving any information or report from the Certificate Administrator’s Website, other than Distribution Date Statements only, any Borrower Restricted Party shall be deemed to not be a “Privileged Person.”

Examples of Privileged Person in a sentence

  • Copies of all Officer’s Certificates delivered pursuant to this Section 3.19 shall be made available to any Non-Restricted Privileged Person by the Certificate Administrator posting such Compliance Report to the Certificate Administrator’s Website pursuant to Section 8.14(b).

  • Copies of all statements delivered pursuant to this Section 13.9 shall be made available to any Privileged Person by the Certificate Administrator posting such statement on the Certificate Administrator’s Website pursuant to Section 8.14(b).

  • Copies of all Officer’s Certificates delivered pursuant to this Section 13.7 shall be made available to any Privileged Person by the Certificate Administrator by posting such Compliance Report to the Certificate Administrator’s Website pursuant to Section 8.14(b).

  • Copies of all compliance reports delivered pursuant to this Section 3.19 shall be made available to any Non-Restricted Privileged Person by the Certificate Administrator by posting such Compliance Report to the Certificate Administrator’s Website pursuant to Section 8.14(b).

  • Copies of all statements delivered pursuant to this Section 3.20 shall be made available to any Non-Restricted Privileged Person by the Certificate Administrator posting such statement to the Certificate Administrator’s Website pursuant to Section 8.14(b).

More Definitions of Privileged Person

Privileged Person. The Depositor, the Underwriters, the Initial Purchasers, the Master Servicer, the Special Servicer, the Controlling Class Representative (but only for so long as a Consultation Termination Event has not occurred and is not continuing), any Companion Loan Holder that delivers an Investor Certification, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator, the Operating Advisor, the Mortgage Loan Sellers, a designee of the Depositor and any Person who provides the Certificate Administrator with an Investor Certification, which Investor Certification may be submitted electronically via the Certificate Administrator’s Website; provided that in no event shall a Mortgagor, a Manager of a Mortgaged Property, an Affiliate of any of the foregoing or an agent of any Mortgagor be considered a Privileged Person.
Privileged Person. Any Certificateholder, Certificate Owner, any Person identified to the Trustee or the Master Servicer, as applicable, as a prospective transferee of a Certificate or interest therein, any Rating Agency, any Mortgage Loan Seller, any Companion Holders, any party hereto, any Underwriter or any designee of the Depositor; provided that no Certificate Owner or prospective transferee of a Certificate or interest therein shall be considered a "Privileged Person" or be entitled to a password or restricted access as contemplated by Section 3.15 or Section 4.02 unless such Person has delivered to the Trustee or the Master Servicer, as applicable, a certification in the form of Exhibit K-1 or Exhibit K-2, as applicable which certification is available on the Trustee's Internet Website.
Privileged Person. The Depositor, the Master Servicer, the Special Servicer, the Trustee, a Rating Agency, a designee of the Depositor and any Person who provides the Trustee with an Investor Certification.
Privileged Person. Any of (i) the Depositor or its designee, (ii) each Underwriter, (iii) the Trustee, (iv) the Certificate Administrator, (v) the Master Servicer, (vi) the Special Servicer, (vii) the Subordinate Class Representative, (viii) the Trust Advisor, (ix) any Mortgage Loan Seller, (x) the Non-Trust Master Servicer, (xi) any Person who certifies to the Certificate Administrator substantially in the form of Exhibit K-1 hereto or Exhibit K-2 hereto, as applicable (which form shall also be located on, and may be submitted electronically via, the Certificate Administrator’s Website), that such Person is a Certificateholder, a Certificate Owner or a prospective purchaser of a Certificate or any interest therein, and agrees to be bound by the confidentiality provisions contained therein, (xii) any Serviced Pari Passu Companion Loan Holder that delivers a certification to the Certificate Administrator in the form of Exhibit H hereto, (xiii) after an Other Securitization, the Other Master Servicer and (xiv) each Rating Agency and each NRSRO that has submitted an NRSRO Certification to the Certificate Administrator (which NRSRO Certification may be submitted electronically via the Certificate Administrator’s Website). For purposes of obtaining information or access to the Certificate Administrator’s Website, Privileged Persons who are Borrower Parties shall be prohibited from obtaining such information or access pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, other than with respect to Distribution Date Statements as provided in Section 4.02(a). The Certificate Administrator may require that investor certifications in the form of Exhibit K-1 or Exhibit K-2 be re-submitted from time to time in accordance with its policies and procedures and shall restrict access to the Certificate Administrator’s Website to a mezzanine lender upon notice from the Special Servicer pursuant to this Agreement in the form of Exhibit K-4 hereto (or such other form as mutually agreed to by the Certificate Administrator and the Special Servicer) stating that such mezzanine lender has commenced foreclosure proceedings against the equity collateral pledged to secure the related mezzanine loan.
Privileged Person. The Depositor and its designees, the Initial Purchasers, the Underwriters, the Mortgage Loan Sellers, the Master Servicer, the Special Servicer, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator, any Additional Servicer designated by the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, the Directing Certificateholder (but only prior to the occurrence of a Consultation Termination Event), the Senior Trust Advisor, any affiliate of the Senior Trust Advisor designated by the Senior Trust Advisor, any Companion Holder identified to the Certificate Administrator by the Master Servicer, any Person who provides the Certificate Administrator with an Investor Certification and any NRSRO (including any Rating Agency) that provides the Certificate Administrator with an NRSRO Certification, which Investor Certification and NRSRO Certification may be submitted electronically via the Certificate Administrator’s Website. In determining whether any person is an Additional Servicer or an affiliate of the Senior Trust Advisor, the Certificate Administrator may rely on direction by the Master Servicer, the Special Servicer, each Mortgage Loan Seller or the Senior Trust Advisor, as the case may be.
Privileged Person. Any of the following: a party to this Agreement, an Underwriter, a Pooled Mortgage Loan Seller, the Controlling Class Representative, a Rating Agency, a designee of the Depositor, a Certificateholder and any Person who certifies to the Certificate Administrator in the form of Exhibit K-1 hereto or Exhibit K-2 hereto, as applicable (which form shall also be located on, and may be submitted electronically via, the Certificate Administrator's internet website), that such Person is either a Certificate Owner or a prospective purchaser of a Certificate or any interest therein.
Privileged Person. Any Certificateholder, any Certificate Owner, any prospective transferee of a Certificate or interest therein, any Rating Agency, any Mortgage Loan Seller, any Non-Trust Noteholder, any Underwriter or any party hereto; provided that no Certificate Owner or prospective transferee of a Certificate or an interest therein shall be considered a "Privileged Person" or be entitled to a password or restricted access as contemplated by Section 3.15 unless such Person has delivered to the Trustee or the Master Servicer, as applicable, a certification in the form of Exhibit I-1 or Exhibit I-2 (or such other form as may be reasonably acceptable to the Trustee or the Master Servicer, as applicable), as applicable.