New hospital definition

New hospital means a hospital for which Medicare Cost Report claim and encounter data are not available for the fiscal year used for initial rate setting or rebasing.
New hospital means the acquiree hospital as it exists after the completion of a
New hospital means a hospital operation, business, or facility functioning under current or prior ownership as a private hospital that does not have a days data source or a hospital that has a days data source in whole, or in part, from a previous operator where there is an outstanding monetary obligation owed to the state in connection with the Medi-Cal program and the hospital is not, or does not agree to become, financially responsible to the department for the outstanding monetary obligation in accordance with subdivision (d) of Section 14169.61.

Examples of New hospital in a sentence

  • New hospital base rates are calculated annually and become effective at the beginning of each state fiscal year.

  • New hospital psychiatric beds for children or adolescents shall focus on short-term (under thirty (30) days) crisis stabilization.

  • In the case of a merger between two organizations that results in the liquidation of one organization and the survival of the other organization, the hospital facility or facilities formerly operated by the liquidated organization will be considered ‘‘acquired’’ for pur- poses of this paragraph (d)(1).(2) New hospital organizations.

  • New hospital psychiatric beds for children or adolescents shall focus on short-term (under thirty days) crisis stabilization.

  • New hospital entry or significant expansion in any of the relevant markets would not be timely or sufficient.

More Definitions of New hospital

New hospital means a hospital in its initial year of operation as a licensed hospital and does not include any facility, which has been in existence as a licensed hospital, regardless of changes in ownership, for over 1 calendar year.
New hospital means a facility that did not offer hospital services on a regular basis within
New hospital means a facility that did not offer hospital services on a regular basis within its service area within the prior 12-month period and is initiating or proposing to initiate such services. “New hospital” also includes any replacement of an existing hospital that involves a substantial increase or change in the services offered.
New hospital means one of the following: (i) the establishment of a new facility that shall be issued a new hospital license, (ii) for currently licensed beds, the establishment of a new licensed site that is not in the same hospital subarea as the currently licensed beds, (iii) currently licensed hospital beds at a licensed site in one subarea which are proposed for relocation to another geographic site which is in the same subarea as determined by the Department, but which are not in the replacement zone, or (iv) currently licensed hospital beds that are proposed to be licensed as part of a new hospital in accordance with section 6(2) of these standards.
New hospital means a hospital for which Medicare Cost Report (Health Care Finance Administration form-2552) data and claim and encounter data are not available for hospital rate development from any owner or operator of the hospital, during either the initial prospective rate year or rebasing.
New hospital means a hospital operation, business, or facility functioning under current or prior ownership as a private hospital that does not have a days data source or a hospital that has a days data source in whole, or in part, from a previous operator where there is an outstanding monetary liability owed to the state in connection with the Medi-Cal program and the new operator did not assume liability for the outstanding monetary obligation.
New hospital means a hospital that was not in operation under current or prior ownership as a private hospital, a nondesignated public hospital, or a designated public hospital for any portion of the 2008–09 state fiscal year.