CP Costs definition

CP Costs means, for each day, the sum of (i) discount or yield accrued on Pooled Commercial Paper on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions in respect of placement agents and Commercial Paper dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of such Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, plus (iii) other costs associated with funding small or odd-lot amounts with respect to all receivable purchase facilities which are funded by Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, minus (iv) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper, minus (v) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of Broken Funding Costs related to the prepayment of any Purchaser Interest of Conduit pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper. In addition to the foregoing costs, if Seller shall request any Incremental Purchase during any period of time determined by the Agent in its sole discretion to result in incrementally higher CP Costs applicable to such Incremental Purchase, the Capital associated with any such Incremental Purchase shall, during such period, be deemed to be funded by Conduit in a special pool (which may include capital associated with other receivable purchase facilities) for purposes of determining such additional CP Costs applicable only to such special pool and charged each day during such period against such Capital.
CP Costs means, for each day, the aggregate discount or yield accrued with respect to the outstanding Capital of each respective Conduit as determined in accordance with the definition of Conduit Costs.
CP Costs means, for each day, the sum of (i) discount or yield accrued on Pooled Commercial Paper of a Conduit on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions in respect of placement agents and Commercial Paper dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of such Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, plus (iii) other costs associated with funding small or odd-lot amounts with respect to all receivable purchase facilities which are funded by such Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, minus (iv) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with such Pooled Commercial Paper, minus (v) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of Broken Funding Costs related to the prepayment of any Purchaser Interest of such Conduit pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with such Pooled Commercial Paper. In addition to the foregoing costs, if Seller shall request any Incremental Purchase during any period of time determined by a Managing Agent in its sole discretion to result in incrementally higher CP Costs applicable to such Incremental Purchase, the Capital associated with any such Incremental Purchase shall, during such period, be deemed to be funded by the related Conduit in such Managing Agent’s Purchase Group in a special pool (which may include capital associated with other receivable purchase facilities) for purposes of determining such additional CP Costs applicable only to such special pool and charged each day during such period against such Capital.

Examples of CP Costs in a sentence

  • On each Settlement Date, Seller shall pay to Agent (for the benefit of the Conduits) an aggregate amount equal to all accrued and unpaid CP Costs in respect of the outstanding Capital of each of the Conduits for the related Settlement Period in accordance with Article II.

  • All computations of Financial Institution Yield, per annum fees or discount calculated as part of any CP Costs, per annum fees hereunder and per annum fees under any Fee Letter shall be made on the basis of a year of 360 days for the actual number of days elapsed.

  • Seller shall pay CP Costs with respect to the outstanding Capital associated with each of the Conduits for each day that any such Capital is outstanding.

More Definitions of CP Costs

CP Costs means, for each day, the sum of (i) discount or yield accrued on Pooled Commercial Paper of any Conduit Lender administered by JPMorgan on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions in respect of placement agents and commercial paper dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of Pooled Commercial Paper of such Conduit Lender for such day, minus (iii) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase or financing facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper of such Conduit Lender, minus (iv) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of Liquidation Fees related to the prepayment of any purchaser interest of such Conduit Lender pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase or financing facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper; provided, however, that in addition to the foregoing costs, if the Borrower shall request any additional Borrowing by such Conduit Lender during any period of time determined by such Conduit Lender’s Managing Agent in its sole discretion to result in an incrementally higher CP Costs applicable to such additional Purchase, the Tranche associated with any such additional Borrowing shall, during such period, be deemed to be funded by such Conduit Lender in a special pool (which may include capital associated with other receivable purchase facilities) for purposes of determining such higher CP Costs applicable only to such special pool and charged each day during such period against such Tranche.
CP Costs means, for each day, the aggregate discount or yield accrued with respect to the Purchaser Interests of each respective Company as determined in accordance with the definition ofCompany Costs.”
CP Costs means, for each Pool-Funded Conduit for each day, the sum of (i) discount or interest accrued on its Pooled Commercial Paper on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions in respect of its placement agents and Commercial Paper Note dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of such Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, plus (iii) other reasonable costs associated with funding small or odd-lot amounts with respect to all receivable purchase or financing facilities which are funded by its Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, minus (iv) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase or financing facilities funded substantially with its Pooled Commercial Paper, minus (v) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of Broken Funding Costs related to the prepayment of any investment of such Pool-Funded Conduit pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase or financing facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper. In addition to the foregoing net costs, if Borrower shall request any Loan during any period of time determined by such Pool-Funded Conduit Agent in its sole discretion to result in incrementally higher CP Costs applicable to such Loan, the principal associated with any such Loan shall, during such period, be deemed to be funded by such Pool-Funded Conduit in a special pool (which may include capital associated with other receivable purchase or financing facilities) for purposes of determining CP Costs applicable to such Loan.
CP Costs means, for either Conduit Purchaser on each day during a Calculation Period on which such Conduit Purchaser funds any Portion of Capital through the issuance of Pooled Commercial Paper, the sum of (a) discount or interest accrued on Pooled Commercial Paper on such day, plus (b) any and all accrued commissions in respect of placement agents and Commercial Paper dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of such Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, plus (c) other costs associated with funding small or odd-lot amounts with respect to all receivable purchase or financing facilities which are funded by Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, minus (d) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase or financing facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper, minus (e) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of such Conduit Purchaser’s Broken Funding Costs related to the prepayment of any Investment of such Conduit Purchaser pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase or financing facilities funded by such Conduit Purchaser substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper. In addition to the foregoing costs, if the Seller shall request any Investment during any period of time determined by a Conduit Purchaser or its Administrator in its sole discretion, to result in incrementally higher CP Costs applicable to such Investment, such Conduit Purchaser’s Portion of Capital shall, during such period, be deemed to be funded by such Conduit Purchaser in a special pool (which may include capital associated with other receivable purchase or financing facilities) for purposes of determining such Conduit Purchaser’s additional CP Costs applicable only to such special pool and charged each day during such period against such Portion of Capital. Each Conduit Purchaser or its Administrator, as the case may be, shall allocate such Conduit Purchaser’s CP Costs for each day on a pro rata basis, based upon the percentage share its Portion of Capital hereunder represents in relation to all assets held by such Conduit Purchaser and funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper
CP Costs means, (A) for TPFC, for each day, the sum of (i) discount or interest accrued on its Related Commercial Paper at the TPFC Commercial Paper Rate on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions and fees of placement agents, dealers and issuing and paying agents incurred in respect of such Related Commercial Paper for such day; and (B) for Blue Ridge, for each day, the sum of (i) discount or interest accrued on Pooled Commercial Paper on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions in respect of placement agents and Commercial Paper dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of such Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, plus (iii) other costs associated with funding small or odd-lot amounts with respect to all receivable purchase facilities which are funded by Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, minus (iv) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper, minus (v) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of Broken Funding Costs related to the prepayment of any Loan of Blue Ridge pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper. In addition to the foregoing costs, if Borrower shall request any Advance during any period of time determined by the Blue Ridge Agent in its sole discretion to result in incrementally higher CP Costs applicable to Blue Ridge's Percentage of such Advance, the principal associated with any such Advance shall, during such period, be deemed to be funded by Blue Ridge in a special pool (which may include capital associated with other receivable purchase or financing facilities) for purposes of determining such additional CP Costs applicable only to such special pool and charged each day during such period against such principal.
CP Costs means, for each day for any Conduit Purchaser (a) the “weighted average cost” (as defined below) for such day related to the issuance of Commercial Paper by such Conduit Purchaser that is allocated, in whole or in part by such Conduit Purchaser, to fund all or part of its Purchases (and which may also be allocated in part to the funding of other assets of such Conduit Purchaser) or (b) any other amount designated as the “CP Costs” for such Conduit Purchaser in an Assumption Agreement or Transfer Supplement pursuant to which such Conduit Purchaser becomes a party (as a Conduit Purchaser) to the Agreement, or any other written agreement among such Conduit Purchaser, the Seller, the Servicer, the related Purchaser Agent and the Agent from time to time. As used in this definition, the “weighted average cost” shall consist of (A) the actual interest rate (or discount) paid to purchasers of Commercial Paper issued by such Conduit Purchaser, together with the commissions of placement agents and dealers in respect of such Commercial Paper, to the extent such commissions are allocated, in whole or in part, to such Commercial Paper (B) the costs associated with the issuance of such Commercial Paper, including without limitation, issuing and paying agent fees incurred with respect to such Commercial Paper, (C) any incremental carrying costs incurred with respect to Commercial Paper maturing on dates other than those on which corresponding funds are received by such Conduit Purchaser under this Agreement and (D) interest on other borrowing or funding sources by such Conduit Purchaser, including, without limitation, (i) to fund small or odd dollar amounts that are not easily accommodated in the commercial paper market, (ii) bridge loans, (iii) market disruption loans, (iv) subordinate notes and (v) voluntary advance facilities.
CP Costs means, for each day, the sum of (i) discount or yield accrued on Pooled Commercial Paper of any Conduit Lender administered by JPMorgan on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions in respect of placement agents and commercial paper dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of Pooled Commercial Paper of such Conduit Lender for such day, plus (iii) other costs associated with funding small or odd-lot amounts with respect to all receivable purchase facilities which are funded by Pooled Commercial Paper of such Conduit Lender for such day, minus (iv) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase or financing facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper of such Conduit Lender, minus (v) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of Liquidation Fees related to the prepayment of any purchaser interest of such Conduit Lender pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase or financing facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper.