Community association management definition

Community association management means an activity undertaken for an owners' association with regard to property organized under either AS 34.07 or AS 34.08 under an agreement in exchange for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, including the following activities: preparing budgets and other financial documents, collecting, controlling, or disbursing funds, obtaining insurance for the association, contracting for maintenance and repair to association property, and supervising the day-to-day operations of the association under the direction of the association's board of directors;
Community association management means any of the
Community association management means to manage the common property and services of a community association with the authority of the community association in its business, legal, financial, or other transactions with association members and nonmembers for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, including:

Examples of Community association management in a sentence

  • Community association management and real estate brokerage require different knowledge and skill sets.

  • Community association management is a dynamic profession with best practices and laws affecting the profession changing regularly.

  • Community association management firm licenses shall expire on September 30 of odd- numbered years and shall be renewed every 2 years.

  • Community association management firm li- censes shall expire on September 30 of odd-numbered years and shall be renewed every 2 years.

  • Community association management includes condominiums, row houses, co-ops, vacation and timeshare properties, townhouses, and individual homes; these structures may be high or low rise, attached or unattached.

More Definitions of Community association management

Community association management means any of the following practices relating to the management of a common interest community, at the direction of its executive board:
Community association management means any of the following practices requiring substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and managerial skill when done for remuneration and when the association or associations served contain more than 10 units or have an annual budget or budgets in excess of $100,000: controlling or disbursing funds of a community association, preparing budgets or other financial documents for a community association, assisting in the noticing or conduct of community association meetings, and coordinating maintenance for the residential development and other day-to-day services involved with the operation of a community association. A person who performs clerical or ministerial functions under the direct supervision and control of a licensed manager or who is charged only with performing the maintenance of a community association and who does not assist in any of the management services described in this subsection is not required to be licensed under this part.
Community association management means any natural person sole proprietor, director, officer, or employee of a Community Association Management Organization, but only in his or her capacity as property manager for the Insured Entity and only for property management services for the Insured Entity that are enumerated in the written contract between the Community Association Management Organization and the Insured Entity describing such property management services.
Community association management means any of the following practices requiring substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and managerial skill when done for remuneration and when the association or associations served contain more than 10 units or have an annual budget or budgets in excess of $100,000: controlling or disbursing funds of a community association, preparing budgets or other financial documents for a community association, assisting in the noticing or conduct of community association meetings, determining the number of days required for statutory notices, determining amounts due to the association, collecting amounts due to the association before the filing of a civil action, calculating the votes required for a quorum or to approve a proposition or amendment, completing forms related to the management of a community association that have been created by statute or by a state agency, drafting meeting notices and agendas, calculating and preparing certificates of assessment and estoppel certificates, responding to requests for certificates of assessment and estoppel certificates, negotiating monetary or performance terms of a contract subject to approval by an association, drafting prearbitration demands, coordinating or performing maintenance for real or personal property and other related routine services involved in the operation of a
Community association management means any of the following practices requiring substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and managerial skill when done for remuneration and when the association or associations served contain more than 10 units OR have an annual budget or budgets in excess of $100,000:
Community association management means any of the following practices requiring substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and managerial skill when done for remuneration and when the association or associations served contain more than 10 units
Community association management means any natural person sole proprietor, director, officer or employee of a Community Association Management Organization, but only in his or her capacity as property manager for the Insured Entity and only for property management services for the Insured Entity that are enumerated in the written contract between the Community Association Management Organization and the Insured Entity describing such property management services.