Change of Control Put Exercise Notice definition

Change of Control Put Exercise Notice has the meaning set forth in Section 4.4.
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice at any time during the Change of Control Period. The “Change of Control Put Date” shall be the fourteenth calendar day after the expiry of the Change of Control Period. Payment in respect of any such Bond shall be made by transfer to a euro account with a bank in a city in which banks have access to the TARGET System as specified by the relevant Bondholder in the relevant Change of Control Put Exercise Notice. A Change of Control Put Exercise Notice, once delivered, shall be irrevocable and the Issuer shall redeem all Bonds the subject of Change of Control Put Exercise Notices delivered as aforesaid on the Change of Control Put Date. Within 14 calendar days following the occurrence of a Change of Control, the Issuer shall give notice thereof to the Bondholders in accordance with Section 15.7 (a “Change of Control Notice”). The Change of Control Notice shall contain a statement informing Bondholders of their entitlement to exercise their Investor Cash Settlement Rights or Conversion Rights, as the case may be, as provided in these Conditions and their entitlement to exercise their rights to require redemption of their Bonds pursuant to this Section 4.4. The Change of Control Notice shall also specify:
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice means a notice given by a Bondholder requiring the Issuer to redeem a Convertible Bond on a Change of Control Put Date in accordance with Clause

Examples of Change of Control Put Exercise Notice in a sentence

  • A Change of Control Put Exercise Notice, once delivered, shall be irrevocable and the Issuer shall redeem the Notes which are the subject of Change of Control Put Exercise Notices delivered as aforesaid on the Change of Control Put Date.

  • A Change of Control Put Exercise Notice, once delivered, shall be irrevocable and the Issuer shall redeem all Convertible Bonds the subject of Change of Control Put Exercise Notices delivered as aforesaid on the Change of Control Put Date.

  • The "Change of Control Put Date" shall be the date which is 80 calendar days following the Change of Control or, if the Issuer has failed to deliver a Change of Control Notice in accordance with Condition 6.4.8, the date which is 15 calendar days following the applicable Change of Control Put Exercise Notice.

  • A Change of Control Put Exercise Notice, once delivered, shall be irrevocable and the Issuer shall redeem the Notes subject to the Put Exercise Notices delivered as aforesaid on the Put Date.

  • A Change of Control Put Exercise Notice, once given, shall be irrevocable.

More Definitions of Change of Control Put Exercise Notice

Change of Control Put Exercise Notice means a notice in the form set out in Schedule 2; Clearstream, Luxembourg means Clearstream Banking S.A.; Code means the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986; Conditions means the terms and conditions of the Senior Notes or the terms and conditions of the Subordinated Notes set out in Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Trust Deed, respectively.
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice means a notice given by a Noteholder requiring the Issuer to redeem a Note on a Change of Control Put Date in accordance with Condition 6(c).
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice means a notice given by a Bondholder requiring the Issuer to redeem a Convertible Bond on a Change of Control Put Date in accordance with Condition 6.5.2.
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice has the meaning provided in Condition 7.5.
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice has the meaning given to it in Condition 13.4(b);
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice means a notice of exercise relating to the put option contained in Condition 9(g) (Change of Control redemption), substantially in the form set out in Schedule 6 (Form of Change of Control Put Exercise Notice) or such other form as may from time to time be agreed between the Relevant Issuer, the Relevant Guarantors, the Principal Paying Agent and the Trustee and distributed to each Paying Agent;
Change of Control Put Exercise Notice means an exercise notice in the form (for the time being current and which may, if this Note is held through Euroclear and Clearstream, be in any form acceptable to Euroclear and Clearstream delivered in a manner acceptable to Euroclear and Clearstream) obtainable from the Specified Office of any Paying Agent specifying the nature of the Change of Control Put Event and the procedure for exercising the Change of Control Put Option.