business secret definition

business secret means any confidential information possessed by a natural person or legal entity that meets the conditions specified in this Law;
business secret means any and all business related facts, information and other data concerning the Bank or the Banking Group or the Customer or held by them that are not publicly known or not easily accessible for third parties engaged in the business activity concerned, or any compilation of such facts, information and data, whose obtainment, utilisation, disclosure to third parties or public disclosure by unauthorised parties would violate or jeopardise the legitimate financial, business or market interests of the Bank, the Banking Group or the Customer, provided that no culpability arises in respect of the retention of the secret on the part of the owner of the secret that lawfully disposes of the same.
business secret means any and all information in connection with this Agreement, the Transferor and the Transferee, including, but not limited to, any costs, technology, financial affairs, contract and future business plan as well as any information as the Parties may deem confidential. Such secrets are the information that is not made available to the public, is of practical value and can bring economic benefits to the Parties. And

Examples of business secret in a sentence

  • If a request is made for information marked "Trade Secret" or "Business Secret," and the requester takes legal action seeking release of the materials it believes does not constitute trade secret information, by submitting a proposal, Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless VCTC, its agents and employees, from any judgment, fines, penalties, and award of attorneys’ fees awarded against VCTC in favor of the party requesting the information, and any and all costs connected with that defense.

  • The District shall not be liable or in any way responsible for the disclosure of any such proposal or portions thereof, if Consultant/Professional has not plainly marked it as a "Trade Secret" or "Business Secret" or if disclosure is required under the Public Records Act.

  • At such time as the District selects a bid, all proposals received become a matter of public record, and shall be regarded as public records, with the exception of those elements in each proposal that are defined by Consultant/Professional and plainly marked as "Business Secret" or Trade Secret." Any proposal that contains language purporting to render all or significant portions of the proposal "Confidential," "Trade Secret," or "Proprietary," shall be regarded as non-responsive.

  • Every Business Secret will remain protected for the time during which it continues to be a Business Secret, and CONTRACTOR will not use nor disclose or allow its employees, agents or service providers (occasional contractors) to use or disclose any Business Secret in violation of this clause or of any other with no restriction, for the term during which it continues to be a Business Secret.

  • The Contractor acknowledges and accepts that the Business Secret is a valuable property belonging exclusively to the Ordering Party.

More Definitions of business secret

business secret means information or document that has been designated as business secret by virtue of law, other regulation or general act of a business enterprise, institution or other legal person, and which represents a manufacturing secret, results of a research or designing work, as well as any other information whose disclosure to unauthorized person could cause detrimental consequences for the economic interests of the legal person in question.
business secret means business secret as defined in Article 11 paragraph 4 of the Act of 16 April 1993 on combating unfair competition (Journal of Laws of 2003 No. 153, item 1503, of 2004, as amended4));
business secret. - shall mean a business secret as defined in Article 11 paragraph 4 of the Act of 16 April 1993 on Combating Unfair Competition (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1010).
business secret contained in this Agreement shall mean any technology and operation information with practicality and which is under Party A's protection and remains confidential against the public. (See the Shanghai Newsummit Biopharma Business Secret Protection Policy for reference.)
business secret in this Article means technical information and operational information which is not known to the public, which is capable of bring- ing economic benefits to the owner of rights, which has practical applicabil-
business secret in this Article means technical information and operational information which is not known to the public, which is capable of bringing economic benefits to the owner of rights, which has practical applicability and which the owner of rights has taken measures to keep secret.
business secret means all facts, information, solutions or data relating to economic activities in the continuing secrecy of which the authorized person has a legitimate interest;