Examples of Aircraft Protocol in a sentence
Accordingly, Member States cannot ratify the Protocols without first having the Protocols approved by the EU.By means of Council decisions, the EU has indeed acceded to the Aircraft Protocol at the same time with the Cape Town Convention on 28.4.20094 and has signed the Rail Protocol on 10.12.20095.
The European Union approved the accession to the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol by Council Decision of 6 April 2009 and deposited the instrument of accession on 28 April 2009.
The Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (hereinafter "the Cape Town Convention" or "the Convention") and the Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment (hereinafter "the Aircraft Protocol") were adopted, at a Diplomatic Conference held in Cape Town from 29 October to 16 November 2001.
Importantly, countries that are parties to the Cape Town Convention must, by virtue of Article VI of its Aircraft Protocol, recognize such a validly created foreign trust for purposes of the creation and enforcement of Cape Town Convention related rights.
A potential purchaser of an aircraft must check the aircraft register maintained by the DGCA as well as the International Registry maintained under the Cape Town Convention and Aircraft Protocol.