Affordable Rented Housing definition

Affordable Rented Housing means rented housing provided by the Registered Provider to households who are eligible for Affordable Housing which shall be subject to rent control of no more than 80% of the Market Rent
Affordable Rented Housing means rented housing provided by a Registered Provider to households who are eligible for social rented housing and which is not subject to the national rent regime but in line with the District Council's tenancy strategy, the rents will be no more than 80% of local market rent (including service charge) or the relevant Local Housing Allowance rate in force at the time the property is advertised for letting (whichever is lower)
Affordable Rented Housing means the Residential Unit constructed pursuant to the Planning Permission and transferred to a Registered Provider for allocation as affordable rented housing where the lettings shall be made under a form of tenancy prescribed by the Homes and Communities Agency and at a rent equal to or less than the prevailing affordable rent (inclusive of applicable service charges) permitted by the Homes and Communities Agency which shall normally be 80% of the open market rental value (or the maximum amount of local housing allowance payable for the Dwelling if this is lower than the calculated 80% figure). The Affordable Rented Housing (as identified on Plan 2 attached) shall comprise:

Examples of Affordable Rented Housing in a sentence

  • The Affordable Housing tenure referred to in Schedule 3 paragraph 1.5(e) and Paragraph 1.6(d) to be changed to 50 per cent Affordable Rented Housing and 50 per cent Shared Ownership Housing.

More Definitions of Affordable Rented Housing

Affordable Rented Housing means housing let by Registered Providers to households
Affordable Rented Housing has the meaning given to it in Annex 2 of the NPPF and “Affordable Rented Housing Units” shall be construed accordingly
Affordable Rented Housing means rented housing provided by the Registered Provider to households who are eligible for Affordable Housing which shall be subject to rent controls of no more than 80% of the Market Rent such rent to be in accordance with guidance issued by Homes England (or any successor agency) from time to time and the NPPF;
Affordable Rented Housing means Affordable Housing provided by an Approved Body to households those in identified housing need where the rent level is capped at 80% of the local market rent (including any service charges, where applicable)
Affordable Rented Housing. “Affordable Rent” “Alternative Affordable Housing Providerthe units to be constructed as part of the Development as Affordable Housing being [15/20%/30%] of the total number of Dwellings, comprising of XXXX Affordable Rented Housing or Social Rented Housing and XXXX Intermediate Affordable Housing, to be provided as follows: RENTED AFFORDABLE HOUSING: XX Units INTERMEDIATE AFFORDABLE HOUSING: XX Units and to be constructed to an agreed specification which shall be no less favourable than an Open Market Unit and shall be built in accordance with the current HCA grant requirements and to National Building Regulations Standards Doc. M Volume 1:2015 edition (or any successor document), the precise, mix, and location (by plan and plot number) of which is to be agreed in writing with the Council prior to Commencement of Development Rented housing let by Registered Providers of Social Housing or Alternative Affordable Housing Providers at an Affordable Rent or a social rent to persons who are eligible for Affordable Housing Affordable Rent is not subject to the national rent regime but is subject to other rent controls that require a rent of no more than 80% of the local market rent (including service charges, where applicable) in accordance with the HCA requirements Any organisation or body operating as a private landlord or developer who is permitted by law to provide and manage Affordable Housing Units or another body approved in writing by the Councilthe Application” The application for XXXX and allocated reference number XXXX “the Application SiteThe land edged red on the Plan known as land at XXXX
Affordable Rented Housing means affordable housing for rent as defined in Annex 2: glossary to the NPPF where:
Affordable Rented Housing carries the same meaning as in the 2017 Section 106 Agreement.