Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Sample Clauses

Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. (6) Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx; and
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Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. [54] Xxxxxx is the son of the Deceased. He was maintained by both his mother, Xxx. Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx, and the Deceased when his parents separated. By Court Order dated 29 May 2002, the Deceased was ordered to pay to his mother the sum of $1,000.00 monthly towards his maintenance and upkeep until the age of 18 or the end of full time education. To his knowledge, the Deceased paid the above $1,000.00 plus additional sums to his mother directly in cash for his education at the Caribbean Maritime Institute in Jamaica until his death on 4 March 2013. At that time, he was half way through his course of study. He graduated with his Associate Degree in Nautical Sciences on 5 January 2016 and began working in February 2016. [55] According to Xxxxxx, after the death of the Deceased, his course of study involved living in Jamaica for a period of 3 years and the payment of tuition fees, books and supplies, various courses and equipment, rent, general upkeep and the cost of airfare to and from Trinidad and Tobago once a year or more often when required. During that 3 year period, as part of his course, he did compulsory certificates in different areas of training. His mother maintained him from her pension and savings in as much as she could. However, without the Deceased’s contributions, it became necessary for his mother to take loans from the Bank with his brother to pay for his maintenance and education. [56] On 2 March 2013, he was informed by WASA personnel of the incident and he proceeded to the Navet Reservoir to identify his father’s body. However, on arrival, the body had not yet been found. He was able to see the aftermath of the accident and was able to observe the premises of the Navet Reservoir in detail as he was permitted to return to the site every day until his father’s body was recovered from the water on 4 March 2013. [57] During that period, he did not see a “no trespassingsign on any part of the Reservoir from the entrance to the water itself. He did, however, see another sign which said “no swimming or fishing”. He also did not see the boat itself which had been in the accident or any part of it on the premises. [58] Under cross-examination, Xxxxxx testified that he was not present at the dam at the time of the incident but after the incident occurred. Therefore, he could not speak about how the incident happened from his personal observations. Xxxxxx stated that his evidence relates to his dependency on the Deceased. Xxxxxx agreed that since he ...
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. The merger shall become effective following announcement in the Official Gazette of the BRSA approval regarding the registration of the General Assembly resolutions of TEB and Fortis approving the merger; and upon registration of the abovementioned General Assembly resolutions with the competent Trade Registries as per Article 14 of the BRSA Regulation. Devir, devralan TEB ile Fortis‘in devre dair Genel Kurul kararlarının tescil edilebilmesine ilişkin BDDK onayının Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanması ve sözü edilen Genel Kurul kararların BDDK Yönetmeliğinin
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Xxxx X'Xxxxxx, and company On the 16th of March, 1609, Xxxxxxx writes to the Xxxx of Xxxxxxxxx that he had been stayed by Chichester in bringing to an end the trans-planting of the X’Xxxxxx. On the I7th of June Chichester writes of Xxxxxx and his devices for removing the septs. The Lord Deputy gives it as his opinion that if (as was the case in the Plantation of Ulster) a resolution was taken to remove the swordsmen out of some of those xxxxxx, he thought it would have been one of Hercules' labours to have attempted. They could not effect this with all the providence, care, and travel they had employed, and, therefore, he resolved to add force to persuasion, and so with the terror of the one and travail and charge of Xxxxxxx, with the good assistance given by Xx. Xxxxxx, an honest and discreet gentleman of that county, the business was now fully brought to pass, as all the seven septs had departed thence, some into Thomonde, more into Connaught, and most into Xxxxx with Xx. Xxxxxxx. For that service, he passed to him the manor of Terbert, and had forgiven him five years' rent due to his Majesty for his lands in the Queen's County. Chichester adds that he was greatly maliced for what he had done, and that those septs should ever hate him deadly; but he fears not the harm they can do to himself; all he desires herein is, that Xx. Xxxxxxx may have his Lordship's favour for speedy dispatch in his reasonable demands, so that he may return to overlook and to welcome his unruly guests into Xxxxx, and that Xx. Xxxxxx may know that he has recommended his honest service. A little later, Chichester wrote to the Privy Council, that the X’Xxxxxx, together with some other Irish septs, their fosterers and followers in the Queen's County, were all removed thence and dispersed into sundry and remote places of Munster and Connaught; by which it was to be hoped, others might be warned by their example to forbear such desperate and rebellious courses as they had often attempted. Only some young children of that name, without parents or other near kinsmen having any care of them, were yet remaining among their fosterers in and about those borders. He wished they were taken into England to be put to occupations and other services, where they might forget their fierceness and pride, which they should otherwise retain though they be but bastards of that name. In the Royal Irish Academy a manuscript is preserved written, it is said, by one of the X’Xxxxxx exiled in Xxxxx from the ...
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Best. medlem PID: 9208-2002-2-275390717122 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: dc25475ahhM242125670 Tidspunkt for underskrift: 25-04-2021 kl.: 20:44:19 Underskrevet med XxxXX Xxxx Xxxxxx Dirigent/ref. og best. medlem PID: 9208-2002-2-855073012971 Tidspunkt for underskrift: 24-04-2021 kl.: 19:44:44 Underskrevet med XxxXX Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Formand PID: 9208-2002-2-176882536991 Tidspunkt for underskrift: 15-04-2021 kl.: 22:23:51 Underskrevet med XxxXX Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Best. medlem PID: 9208-2002-2-364642277372 Tidspunkt for underskrift: 15-04-2021 kl.: 08:44:55 Underskrevet med XxxXX This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Pelo Governo da República Dominicana: SECÇÃO I
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxx, X. (2010). The sources of Xxxxxxx’x pictures for the Historia animalium. Annals of Science, 67(3), 303–328. xxxxx:// Xxxxxxxx, X. (2011). Patron’s review. The role of images in the development of Renaissance natural history. Archives of Natural History, 38(2), 189–213. xxxxx:// L’Obel, M. de. (1591). Icones stirpium, seu, Plantarum tam exoticarum, xxxx indigenarum [...] Antwerp: Plantin. xxxxx:// L’Obel, M. de. (1571). Stirpium adversaria nova, perfacilis vestigatio luculentaque accessio ad priscorum, praesertim Dioscoridis, et recentiorum materiam medicam. Antwerp: Plantin. xxxxx:// 1SV&form=MY01SV&OCID=MY01SV Xxxxxxx, X. (2014). Native Brazil: Beyond the convert and the cannibal, 1500–1900. University of New Mexico Press. XxXxxxxx, E. (2011). Reflections on cultural continuity through Aboriginal women’s writings. In X. Xxxxxxx-Valaskakis, X. Xxxxxxx, & X. Xxxx-Xxxxx (Eds.), Restoring the Balance: First Nations Women, Community, and Culture (pp. 149–174). University of Manitoba Press. Xxxxxx, F., Xxxxxxx-Xxxxx, V. S. xx, Xxxxx, I. M., & Xxxxxxx, X. (2009). Urban ethnobotany in Petrópolis and Nova Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 19(1b), 333–342. xxxxx:// Xxxxx, X. X. X. (2013). Verdes que em vosso tempo se mostrou: Das boticas jesuíticas da Província do Brasil, séculos XVII-XVIII. In X. Xxxx (Ed.), Usos e circulação de plantas no Brasil: séculos XVI - XIX (pp. 52–93). Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Xxxxx, X. X., Xxxx, M. D., Xxxxxxxx, X. X., Xxxxxxxx, X., & Xxx, R. (2008). Sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) as a pre-Columbian domesticate in Mexico. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(17), 6232–6237. xxxxx:// Xxxxxx, X. (2011). The future is written: Impact of scripts on the cognition, selection, knowledge and transmission of medicinal plant use and its implications for ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 134(3), 542–555. xxxxx:// Xxxx, X. xx. (1578). Histoire d’un voyage fait en la terre de Brésil, autrement dite Amerique. La Xxxxxxxx, France: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. xxxxx:// Xxxx-Xxxxxxx, X. (1952). The Use of Wild Plants in Tropical South America. Economic Botany, 6(3), 2...
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  • Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx SIGNED by the Premier of the State of Western Australia for and on behalf of the State in the presence of — XXXXX XXXXX.

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  • Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 9038838686 Company Website Company Website (Format - 2 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. Team North Texas Primary Address Primary Address 2 0000 Xxxx Xx. Primary Address City Primary Address City 7 Greenville Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 TX Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 75401 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation. 0 Carpentry General Contractor Electrical Plumbing Access Control Data Repairs Maintenance Drywall Paint Remodel Renovation Certification of Vendor Residency (Required by the State of Texas) Does Vendor's parent company or majority owner:

  • Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx Xxx X. Hershey Date: Subject: [●], 20[●] Equity Distribution Agreement – Placement Notice Gentlemen: Pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the Equity Distribution Agreement between IMV Inc. ( “Company”), and Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co. ( “Agent”) dated June 30, 2020 (the “Agreement”), the Company hereby requests that Agent sell up to [●] Common Shares, no par value per share, at a minimum market price of U.S. $[●] per share. Sales should begin on the date of this Placement Notice and shall continue until [●] /[all shares are sold]. SCHEDULE 2 NOTICE PARTIES IMV Inc. Xxxxxx Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Avenue, Suite 19 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B3B 2C4 Telephone: +0 (000) 000-0000 Facsimile: +0 (000) 000-0000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co. Xxxx X. Riley Connor X. Xxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx Xxx X. Hershey SCHEDULE 3 FORM OF REPRESENTATION CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 4(o) OF THE AGREEMENT [Date] Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co. 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Sir: The undersigned, the duly qualified and elected [•], of IMV Inc. a Canadian corporation (the “Company”), does hereby certify in such capacity and on behalf of the Company, pursuant to Section 4(o) of the Equity Distribution Agreement, dated June 30, 2020 (the “Equity Distribution Agreement”), between the Company and Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co., that to the best of the knowledge of the undersigned:

  • Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 8324187951 Company Website Company Website (Format - 4 No response Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. 5 No response Primary Address Primary Address 2 6 00000 Xxxxxxxxxx 00 X, Xxxxx 000 Primary Address City Primary Address City 7 Spring Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 TX Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 77380 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation.

  • Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx the registered agent of the LLC for service of process on the LLC in the State of Delaware is National Registered Agents, Inc., 9 East Loockerman Street, Suite 1B, Dover, Delaware 19901.

  • Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 3152473177 Company Website Company Website (Format - 4 Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. NGU Sports LIghting, LLC Primary Address Primary Address 6 0000 XXX Xxxx, Xxxxx 000 Primary Address City Primary Address City 2 7 Palm Beach Gardens Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 FL Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 33410 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation. LED lighting, LED Sports Lighting, LED Indoor lighting, LED Field lighting, Sports lighting, Field lighting, Colored lighting, Convention Center Lighting Certification of Vendor Residency (Required by the State of Texas) Does Vendor's parent company or majority owner:

  • Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx The Company is in compliance, in all material respects, with all applicable provisions of the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act of 2002 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

  • Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx LIMITED (a company registered in England and Wales with registered number 2104188), whose registered office is at 00 Xxx Xxxxxx, London EC4M 7EN (“Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx”);

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