S S Sample Clauses

S S. 21In calculating the settlement for any given rule we assume that (2) holds and hence that is given by (3). This is because as we saw in Proposition 1 if (2) is violated then does not file against and the game terminates immediately. the settlement is UK S(Φ ) = I + β p cT − (1 − β) (1 − p) cT (7) Under the Plaintiff Biased Rule, denoted ΦP , the Plaintiff pays cˆTP if he loses, and pays nothing otherwise. In this case, we have cPT = (1 − p)cˆPT the settlement is and cDT = pcˆPT + cˆDT and, using (3), S(ΦP ) = I + β (pcˆTP + cˆTD) − (1 − β)(1 − p) cˆPT (8) Under the Defendant Biased Rule, denoted ΦD, the Defendant pays cˆTD if he loses, and pays nothing otherwise. In this case, we have cPT = cˆPT + (1 − p)cˆTD and cTD = pcˆDT and, using (3), the settlement is S(ΦD) = I + β pcˆDT − (1 − β) [cˆPT + (1 − p)cˆDT ] (9)
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S S. 2 Configuring Ports for Servers (including port description) S (n)
S S. E.R.S. based upon annual salary and/or earned compensation which includes the amount of pickup computed herein.
S S. ΣΣ . . Σ Here the sets of weights ovr(c, cj) and ovr(c, cj) are independent, allowing us to decompose the expectation into the product: ^ Σ EZ2 = Σ Σ ^ c,ct∈C E exp −β 2 . . Σ i∈Sovr(c,ct) Wi · E exp −β j∈Sovr(c,ct) Wj ΣΣ =
S S. The employee returns to work on Monday without the medical evidence to substantiate a disability for Thursday and Friday. The employee will not be paid Salary Continuation for Thursday and Friday. The payment of Salary Continuation in the above examples resolves the questions you raised regarding the effect of the changes in the Insurance Program on the Salary Continuation Plan.
S S. I. The parties have agreed to execute this Power Purchase Agreement in terms of the PM-XXXXX Component A scheme in regard to the terms and conditions for establishment of the PowerProject at ……, and for generation and supply of electricity by the SPG to EDG.
S S. (3) There is nothing to show on what additional basis (other than T the evidence already before me) that the learned judge of the T U U B California judge came to the conclusion that Xx Xxxx should B have in his possession these documents. One must bear in C C mind that it is not suggested that the requirement under D section 76(4)(a) of the Evidence Ordinance was equally D applicable under the Californian law, or was brought to his E E attention when the learned judge considered whether Mr X Xxxx had the requisite possession of these documents. In F the circumstances, I do not think for my purpose of G G considering whether the request for documents sought H satisfies section 76(4)(a) of the Evidence Ordinance, any H material weight should be given to the learned judge’s I I apparent conclusion in the letter of rogatory. Alternatively, J even if any weight is to be attached, I do not think it would J affect my above conclusion that section 76(4)(a) is not K K satisfied. L L 51.Finally, Xx Xxxx invites me to consider the request for evidence in M M light of the administration of justice but not with playing a game of N snakes and ladders. N O O 00.Xx my view, as demonstrated by the authorities cited above, the P submissions made by the Applicants in seeking to set aside the Order are P premised on and for the purpose of due administration of justice under the Q Q relevant Hong Kong law and section 76 of the Evidence Ordinance in R relation to the grant of an order under a letter of request. The law seeks R to strike a balance between judicial comity and the rights of a non-party S S in discovery as recognized by Hong Kong law. I do not find the T T U U B Applicants’ grounds of objections “playing a game of snakes and B ladders”.
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S S. 21In calculating the settlement for any given rule we assume that (3) holds and hence that is given by P D
S S. 4.3 We shall retain title of and ownership of any LPG stored in the tank until we have received cleared funds for all and any monies due for LPG, charges or Services supplied to you under this Agreement;
S S. 4.5 The customer shall use the Equipment and Tank only for the storage and use of Gas supplied by the Company.
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