Pursuant to M Sample Clauses

Pursuant to M. S. 43A.27, Subdivision 3a(1), an employee who separates or retires from State service and who, at the time of separation has five (5) or more years of allowable pension service and is entitled to immediately receive an annuity under a State retirement program and, who is not eligible for regular (non-disability) Medicare coverage, may continue to participate in the health and dental coverages offered through the Group Insurance Program. Consistent with M.S. 43A.27, Subdivision 3a(2), an employee who separates or retires from State service and who, at the time of separation is at least fifty (50) years of age and at least fifteen (15) years of State service may continue to participate in the health and dental coverages offered through the Group Insurance Program. Retiree coverage must be coordinated with Medicare.
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Pursuant to M. S. 43A.27, Subdivision 3a(1), a supervisor who separates or retires from State service and who, at the time of separation has five (5) or more years of allowable pension service and is entitled to immediately receive an annuity under a State retirement program and, who is not eligible for regular (non-disability) Medicare coverage, may continue to participate in the health and dental coverages offered through the Group Insurance Program.
Pursuant to M. S. 43A.27, Subdivision 3a(1), an employee who separates from State service and who, at the time of separation has five
Pursuant to M. S. Ch. 176, an employee injured on the job in the service of the School District and collecting workers compensation insurance, may draw sick leave and receive full salary from the School District, the salary to be reduced by an amount equal to the insurance payments, and only that fraction of the days not covered by insurance will be deducted from sick leave.
Pursuant to M. G.L. c. 62(c), s.49 (a), the individual signing this Contract on behalf of the Contractor hereby certifies, under the penalties of perjury, that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief the Contractor has complied with any and all applicable state and federal tax laws. The individual signing this Contract on behalf of the Contractor further certifies under penalties of perjury that the Contractor is not presently debarred from doing public construction work in the Commonwealth under the provisions of M.G.L. c. 29, s. 29F, or any other applicable debarment provisions of any other chapter of the General Laws or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder and is not presently debarred from doing public construction work by any agency of the United States.
Pursuant to M. S. 122.A.40, Subd. 19, as amended, all evaluations and files relating to each individual teacher shall be available during the regular school business hours to each individual teacher upon his/her request. The teacher shall have the right to reproduce any of the contents of the files at the teacher's expense and to submit for inclusion in the file written information in response to any material contained therein. However, the school district may destroy such files as provided by law.
Pursuant to M. S. 121A.64, all teachers will receive written notice from the administration prior to placement of a student with a history of violent behavior in their classroom.
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Pursuant to M. S. §122A.41, teachers shall be notified by the Board in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the layoff. Teachers shall be given in writing, the reason for such action at the time the notice is given.
Pursuant to M. S. 179A.20,Subd.3, any matters relating to the current Agreement term, whether or not referred to in this Agreement, shall not be open for negotiation during the term of this Agreement, except as mutually agreed by the School District and Exclusive Representative as allowed by XXXXX.
Pursuant to M. S. 122A.40, Subd. 19, as amended, all evaluations and files wherever generated relating to each individual teacher shall be available during regular school business hours to each individual teacher upon his/her written request. The teacher shall have the right to reproduce any of the contents of the files at the teacher's expense and to submit for inclusion in the file written information in response to any material contained herein. A district may destroy the files as provided by law and shall expunge from the teacher's file any material found to be false or substantially inaccurate through the grievance procedure. Expungement proceedings shall be commenced within the time period provided for the commencement of a grievance.
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