Our Recommendations Sample Clauses

Our Recommendations. Any advice or recommendation that we offer to you, will only be given after we have assessed your needs and considered your financial objectives and attitude to any risks that may be involved. We will also take into account any restrictions that you wish to place on the type of products you would be willing to consider. We will confirm our recommendations to you in a suitability report along with details of any special risks associated with the products recommended. Conflicts of Interest Any advice we provide will be in accordance with that disclosed in our initial disclosure document a copy of which I have provided you with. Occasions may arise where we or one of our clients have some form of interest in business being transacted by you. If this happens or we become aware that our interests or those of one of our clients conflict with your interests, we will write to you and obtain your consent before we carry out your instructions, and detail the steps we will take to ensure fair treatment. Service and Standards We are committed to providing the highest standard of financial advice and service. Your interests are very important to us and for any advice or service we provide we will:  be open, honest and transparent in the way we deal with you;  not place our interests above yours;  communicate clearly, promptly and without jargon; Our Investment Services and Costs I provided you with our disclosure document ‘about our services and costs’. You will recall that we comprehensively covered the content of this document which covers the services we provide and what they cost. You confirmed you fully understood this and were happy to proceed on the basis as confirmed within our service proposition agreement which you have signed. It is important that you keep the client agreement, service proposition and Disclosure document together and if you have any questions you contact us immediately. How we are paid We charge for our services by way of a fee. These fees are on a fixed fee basis. VAT Under current legislation our services are not subject to VAT but should this change in future, and where VAT becomes due, we will notify you before conducting any further work.
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Our Recommendations. 50.1 We recommend you:
Our Recommendations. Our Recommendations Before providing advice we'll assess your needs, consider your financial objectives and assess your attitude to any risks that may be involved. If you don't want to discuss a particular area of financial planning, and do not want that area to form part of the advice given, we can exclude it if you instruct us to do so. This could, of course, have a bearing on the advice that might have been given. We will confirm any recommendations we make in writing (a suitability report) along with details of any special risks that may be associated with the products or investment strategies we've recommended. Please be aware that investments can fall, as well as rise, and that you may not get back the full amount invested. The price of investments we may recommend could be affected by fluctuations in the financial markets, or other economic factors, which are outside our control. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Specific warnings relevant to the investments, investment strategies or other products we arrange are included in the relevant product literature provided. We may, where appropriate, recommend holding some, or all, of your investments with a discretionary fund manager (DFM), a professional investment manager appointed to monitor your portfolio and make investment decisions on your behalf. In such cases we'll explain the respective responsibilities of ourselves and the DFM in relation to your investments. Before setting up this type of arrangement we'll explain the implications to you. We may occasionally recommend investments that are not readily realisable. We'll only do this where appropriate but, if we do, we'll draw your attention to the risks associated with the investments in our suitability report. There's a restricted market for such investments and in some circumstances it may not be possible to deal in the investment or obtain reliable information about its value. Financial Crime We are obliged to put in place controls to prevent our business from being used for money laundering and other forms of financial crime. We'll verify your identity before undertaking any business with you. To do this we may use electronic identity verification systems and we may conduct these checks from time to time throughout our relationship, not just at the beginning. The check may leave a 'footprint' on your credit file but it will not affect your credit rating. Best execution Where we send investment applications on ...

Related to Our Recommendations

  • Conclusions and Recommendations This is a technically-sound, innovative program to address the health needs of an underserved region of a country, as well as the health needs of an underserved population: newborns. The BCC strategy is in progress and its quality is excellent: print and audio materials have been developed following proper materials development techniques. The laminated picture cards have been praised by all and the main complaint is that not everyone involved in training others has a full set. The trainings on IMNCI and MAMAN, as well as the educational sessions related to IMNCI topics, were well received by all of those who have attended: from health personnel to CHWs to expecting/new mothers. They are described as dynamic, interactive, participatory and interesting, both due to the topics covered, and the techniques used (with special mention to the role plays). Many people have complimented the way the project team has interacted with local authorities, community members, and each other. This favorable review has led to a feeling of ownership among those involved/participating, which will be important to tap into as plans to make this project sustainable are developed. At the policy level, the (former) Project Director has been working closely with colleagues, on bringing the topic of IMCI with a neonatal focus to the national health agenda, with success. Newborn health is now a national health priority, and the Healthy Babies project can be used as a trial of the implementation of the IMNCI in a rainforest site: results from this project will help guide national level strategies with regards to the IMNCI implementation at a national level. Where the project is lacking has been in its scope of work: due mostly to funding issues, as well as various other contextual factors described in that section in detail, the project has only done a small number of the proposed trainings and only developed some of the materials. The good news is that the training materials and capacity is in place, and the materials are drafted and validated and ready to be printed, so the project is in a great position to implement its activities fully with the complete budget they received for Year Three. Moreover, policy work has been focused on the national level. The new Project Director will be based 50% of the time in Pucallpa, which will be key in full involvement in the work towards development of regional health policies that focus on maternal and newborn health improvements. In addition, as the project enters its last two years, it will be crucial to start working strongly towards its sustainability. It is clear that this work must be done in collaboration with the local municipalities. So again, the presence of a Project Director part- time in Pucallpa will be key for this collaborative work and the discussions that need to take place. One issue that will need to be considered during final evaluation, though, is whether the project, hampered by funding restraints in the initiation of this project’s activities, will be able to attain a change in indicators associated to behavior change, such as seeking health care, since activities to changes these behaviors are really only going to fully start in the third year of this project, and this may not be sufficient time to observe significant changes. With regards to specific recommendations, these can be summarized as: Material Printing and Distribution: With the full budget for Year Three, there should be no stopping of the printing and distributing of health materials. Each CHW should have a full set of the laminated picture cards for their educational work. Posters have been validated; now they need to be printed and distributed. Training: The number of sites that have benefitted from the trainings is limited. The syllabi and materials for the trainings and educational sessions have been used and are well-liked. These trainings now need to be conducted in all sites, and refresher workshops need to be scheduled regularly, again, in all sites. CHW Census and Work: One key activity that seems to have inspired more community involvement, especially on behalf of the CHWs, was the implementation of a community census done by the CHWs themselves by dividing the community into sectors and assigning a sector to each worker. This activity has been done in some communities, and has been highly appreciated by all stakeholders. It is recommended that a census with CHWs be conducted in the remaining project sites. In addition, CHWs play a key role in the sustainability of this project, as resources that will remain in their community long after the project has ended. It will be key to train all CHWs, and initiate supervision of all CHWs so that they can start their work and obtain feedback on it in the next two years. Policy Issues and Sustainability: Continue the work at the national level, but start working towards developing regional policies for maternal/neonatal health improvements. The regional level work must also contain a strong emphasis on the sustainability of the project. Moreover, municipalities have a health budget, but may not have all the technical expertise with regards to how to prioritize health expenditures, so regional policy development must be linked with close work and collaboration with municipalities. Finally, related to sustainability and scaling up, with the results of this MTE, the project is in a good position to approach private institutions and corporations for donations towards the project and this population. Crucial to achieving sustainability of the project is the level of community involvement that can be managed in the next two years. It is key for the project team to form community committees and hold meetings and orientation sessions with them and with community leaders. These activities are programmed for the next two years. It is recommended that they be fully supported financially to complete these tasks in all of the key municipalities, given that successfully involving the community is key to long-term sustainability. Updated Workplan: There are various proposed activities, specifically the implementation of the HLBSS training, the development of emergency transportation plans, and the construction of a maternity waiting home, that need to be thoroughly reassessed by the project management. Based on a meeting with the project management team to present the results of this MTE, it is clear that all involved are aware of the issues associated with each of these three activities, and there is no clear decision with regards to how to proceed. The team must decide amongst themselves what the best strategies would be, and update the workplan accordingly. Moreover, there are various activities that they have been involved in, such as policy level work at the national level, which is only minimally described, if at all, in the workplan. It would be strategic for the Healthy Babies team to include these other activities which are focused on improving maternal and neonatal health within their workplan and discuss ways to evaluate how effective these activities were in obtaining their goal. Training/Strengthening Opportunities for Grantee and Partner Organizations: If the Project Management team decides to move forward with HLBSS, and this should be decided soon, then both INMED and XXXXXX expressed interest in technical assistance associated with implementing the HLBSS training, which was not attained partly due to the costs of bringing the HLBSS trainers to Peru. However, the teams recognize this may not be the best time to push the Peruvian MOH towards a decision on supporting HLBSS due to the political discussions regarding institutional vs. home births. Moreover, INMED had stated interest in strengthening its monitoring and evaluation skills, and the former Project Director in obtaining more training on child survival. I recommend that all partners discuss how their training interests have evolved, if at all, how to meet these training needs in the next two years, within the scope of the existing two years of funding. Funding: With two years left to go, and much to be accomplished, but a good track record for the initial portion of their work, this project should get full funding to finalize its workplan. Moreover, the project management team must continue to meet annually to discuss how to prioritize expenditures on specific activities to ensure that all partners involved have a clear picture of how the funding for the entire year will flow, and on what particular activities. A large portion of the funding must be allocated to the operationalizing of field activities, such as trainings and policy meetings, which are a lot more expensive than originally expected due to distances, access and expenses associated with these.

  • Conclusion and Recommendations D. Evaluations for Offenders without a sex offense conviction shall answer the following additional referral questions in the evaluations:

  • Representations and Recommendations Unless otherwise stated in writing, neither Xxxxxxxx Realty Inc, nor its brokers or licensees have made, on their own behalf, any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to any element of the Property including but not limited to, the legal sufficiency, legal effect, or tax consequences of this transaction. Any information furnished by either party should be independently verified before that party relies on such information. Xxxxxxxx Realty Inc. recommends that Buyer consult its attorneys and accountants before signing this Agreement regarding the terms and conditions herein and that Seller satisfy itself as to the financial ability of Buyer to perform.

  • JOINT SETTLEMENT RECOMMENDATION 2. Staff conducted an investigation of the Respondent’s activities. The investigation disclosed that the Respondent had engaged in activity for which the Respondent could be penalized on the exercise of the discretion of the Hearing Panel pursuant to s. 24.1 of By-law No. 1.

  • Recommendation The Sheriff recommends approval of the Board Order. The County Administrator concurs with the recommendation of the Sheriff. Should the Board of Commissioners concur with their recommendations, approval of the Board Order will implement that action. Respectfully submitted, /s/ XXXXX XXXXXX Xxxxx Xxxxxx County Administrator

  • Proposal of Corrective Action Plan In addition to the processes set forth in the Contract (e.g., service level agreements), if the Department or Customer determines that there is a performance deficiency that requires correction by the Contractor, then the Department or Customer will notify the Contractor. The correction must be made within a time-frame specified by the Department or Customer. The Contractor must provide the Department or Customer with a corrective action plan describing how the Contractor will address all performance deficiencies identified by the Department or Customer.

  • Recommendations It is recommended that:

  • Classification Changes When the University determines that a revision of a class specification for positions covered by this agreement is needed, and such revision affects the collective bargaining unit designation, the University shall notify AFSCME in writing of the proposed change. AFSCME shall notify the University, in writing, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the proposed changes, of any comments it has concerning the proposed changes or of its desire to discuss the proposed changes.

  • PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION OF RECOMMENDED ACTION The purpose of the Agreement is to provide the City with the services of one senior criminalist from the Department to perform DNA testing, analysis, and forensic-related consulting as requested by the City, effective upon execution by the Board through June 30, 2015. This Agreement will result in the creation of an additional senior criminalist position. The senior criminalist will be assigned solely to the Santa Xxxxxx Police Department (SMPD).

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