Dependent Child. If dependent children are covered under separate plans of more than one person, whether a parent or guardian, benefits for the child will be determined in the following order: • the benefits of the plan covering the parent born earlier in the year will be determined before those of the parent whose birthday (month and day only) falls later in the year; • if both parents have the same birthday, the benefits of the plan that covered the parent longer are determined before those of the plan which covered the other parent for a shorter period of time; • if the other plan does not determine benefits according to the parents' birth dates, but by parents' gender instead, the other plan’s gender rule will determine the order of benefits.
Dependent Child. A “dependent child” includes an employee’s (1) biological child, (2) child legally adopted by or placed for adoption with the employee, (3) step-child, and (4) xxxxxx child who has been placed with the employee by an authorized placement agency or by a judgment, decree, or other court order. For a step-child to be considered a dependent child, the employee must be legally married to the child’s legal parent or legal guardian. An employee (or the employee’s spouse or jointly) must have permanent, full and sole legal and physical custody of the xxxxxx child.
Dependent Child. A “dependent child” includes an employee’s (1) biological child,
Dependent Child. A “dependent child” includes a supervisor’s (1) biological child, (2) child legally adopted by or placed for adoption with the supervisor, (3) step-child, and
Dependent Child. For sick leave purposes, a “dependent child” includes an employee’s:
Dependent Child refers to a child of a University Employee or his or her Spouse: 1) who meets the requirement of dependency as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (whether or not such University Employee or Spouse claimed such child as a dependent on the most recent tax return); or 2) for whom the University Employee or Spouse has financial responsibility, as demonstrated by a court decree, FAFSA, or other suitable evidence as may be required by the campus Human Resources Department; but in no event shall Dependent Child mean an individual over the age of twenty-five (25) as of the first day of the semester for which the Student Tuition Credit is to be applied, unless specifically approved in writing by the President or designee.
Dependent Child. A “dependent child” includes a faculty member’s (1) biological child, (2) child legally adopted by or placed for adoption with the faculty member, (3) stepchild, and (4) xxxxxx child who has been placed with the faculty member by an authorized placement agency or by a judgment, decree, or other court order. For a step- child to be considered a dependent child, the faculty member must be legally married to the child’s legal parent or legal guardian. A faculty member (or the faculty member’s spouse or jointly) must have permanent, full and sole legal and physical custody of the xxxxxx child.
Dependent Child. A “dependent child” includes a nurse’s (1) biological child, (2) child legally adopted by or placed for adoption with the nurse, (3) step-child, and (4) xxxxxx child who has been placed with the nurse by an authorized placement agency or by a judgment, decree, or other court order. For a step-child to be considered a dependent child, the nurse must be legally married to the child’s legal parent or legal guardian. A nurse (or the nurse’s spouse or jointly) must have permanent, full and sole legal and physical custody of the xxxxxx child.
Dependent Child not travelling with You or Your Spouse. No benefit will be payable with respect to a Dependent Child unless he or she is travelling with You or Your Spouse.
Dependent Child. A dependent child refers to a child (natural or legally adopted), who is financially dependent on the Policy Holder, does not have his / her independent source of income, is up to the age of 23 years.