Zoning Administrator definition

Zoning Administrator means the administrator of these rules who is appointed by the natural resources commission.
Zoning Administrator means the administrator of the Sawyer County Zoning and Conservation Department.
Zoning Administrator means the officer or employee of the Corporation charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this By-law.

Examples of Zoning Administrator in a sentence

  • The Developer agrees to obtain approval from the Zoning Administrator of drawings showing compliance with this condition prior to the issuance of the Footing to Grade Permit.

  • The Developer agrees to obtain the review and approval by the Zoning Administrator of such plan prior to the issuance of the Excavation, Sheeting and Shoring Permit.

  • A minor change to the conditions of this permit, as deemed by the Zoning Administrator, may be made at a staff level, if authorized by the Zoning Administrator.

  • The Developer agrees to develop and submit to the Zoning Administrator a plan for off-street parking for construction workers prior to the issuance of the Demolition and Land Disturbance Permits.

  • The Footing to Grade Permit shall not be issued until evidence has been provided to the Zoning Administrator that the terms of this condition have been met.

More Definitions of Zoning Administrator

Zoning Administrator. - means the zoning officer of the City of Meadville, or his/her authorized representative.
Zoning Administrator means the West Valley City Zoning Administrator as appointed by the City Manager or his or her designee.
Zoning Administrator means the Director of the Zoning, Planning and Land Information Department, or a person designated by the County Board to administer Chapters 17 and 18 of this Code.
Zoning Administrator means the building inspector or other person designated by the city council to enforce the regulations of this title.
Zoning Administrator means the official of Marion Township or authorized representative charged with the responsibility of administrating this Ordinance.
Zoning Administrator means the Zoning Administrator of the City of San Carlos, or his or her designee.
Zoning Administrator means the officer or employee of the Corporation charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this By-law. Any definition of any object, structure, item not encompassed herein shall be as defined in the current edition of a dictionary.