Regional Administrator definition

Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator of Region 10 of the EPA, or the authorized representative of the Regional Administrator.
Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator of Region III of the Environmental Protection Agency or the authorized representative of the regional administrator.
Regional Administrator means the administrator of Region VIII of EPA, which has jurisdiction over federal water pollution control activities in the state of Montana.

Examples of Regional Administrator in a sentence

  • References in this section to the Regional Administrator shall mean the EPA Regional Administrator for Region 5.

  • The Regional Administrator in turn has delegated these authorities to the Director of the Water Division, EPA Region IX.

  • The Administrator has delegated these authorities to the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX.

More Definitions of Regional Administrator

Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator for the EPA Region in which the facility is located, or his designee.
Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator for the USEPA region in which the facility is located or the Regional Administrator’s designee.
Regional Administrator means the Regional designee appointed by the Administrator.
Regional Administrator means the commissioner of the Indiana department of environmental management.
Regional Administrator means the regional administrator of a mental health and disability services region, as defined in section 331.388.
Regional Administrator means the EPA's region X administrator.
Regional Administrator means the administrative office, organization, or entity formed by agreement of the counties participating in a region to function on behalf of those counties in accordance with this part.