Valid Claim definition

Valid Claim means a claim within the Patent Rights (including any re-issued and unexpired patents) which has not been held unenforceable or invalid by the decision of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction unappealable or unappealed within the time allowed for appeal and which has not been admitted to be invalid or unenforceable through re-issue or disclaimer or otherwise.
Valid Claim means a claim of an issued and unexpired Patent that (i) has not been revoked or held unenforceable or invalid by a decision of a court or other Governmental Entity of competent jurisdiction from which no appeal can be taken or has been taken within the time allowed for appeal and (ii) has not been abandoned, disclaimed, denied, or admitted to be invalid or unenforceable through reissue or disclaimer or otherwise in such country.
Valid Claim means a claim of an issued and unexpired patent included within the Licensed Patent Rights, which has not been held permanently revoked, unenforceable or invalid by a decision of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, unappealable or unappealed within the time allowed for appeal, and which has not been admitted to be invalid or unenforceable through reissue or disclaimer or otherwise.

Examples of Valid Claim in a sentence

  • If at any time during the Royalty Term there is no Valid Claim of a XENCOR Patent Rights in a Region in the Licensed Territory Covering such Product, then the applicable royalties in effect with respect to such Product sold in such Region shall be reduced by [***].

  • XENCOR’s obligation to make such payments to Licensee shall continue on a Region-by-Region basis until the expiration of the last Valid Claim of a Licensee Patent Right that Covers the Development, Manufacture or Commercialization of the applicable Products in the Region in the Licensed Territory where such Product is sold.

  • If at any time during the Royalty Term there is no Valid Claim [***], then the applicable royalties in effect with respect to such Product sold in the Territory shall be reduced by [***].

  • Royalties will be payable Product-by-Product and country-by-country basis from the First Commercial Sale of a Product in the Territory until the later of: (a) the expiration of the last Valid Claim of [***] in such country in the Territory; and (b) the last to expire Regulatory Exclusivity period for such Product in such country in the Territory; or (c) twelve (12) years from the First Commercial Sale of such Product in such country in the Territory (the “Royalty Term”).

  • XENCOR’s obligation to make such payments to Licensee shall continue on a Product-by-Product basis and Region-by-Region basis until the expiration of the last Valid Claim of a Licensee Patent Right that Covers the Development, Manufacture or Commercialization of the applicable Products in the Region in the Licensed Territory where such Product is sold.

More Definitions of Valid Claim

Valid Claim means a claim of an issued and unexpired patent, or a pending claim of a patent application that is being prosecuted, that has not been held unpatentable, invalid or unenforceable by a court or other Governmental Authority with no further right of appeal.
Valid Claim means an unexpired claim of an issued patent within the Patents which has not been found to be unpatentable, invalid or unenforceable by a court or other authority in the subject country, from which decision no appeal is taken or can be taken.
Valid Claim means a claim in an unexpired patent or pending patent application so long as such claim shall not have been irrevocably abandoned or held invalid in an unappealable decision of a court or other authority of competent jurisdiction in the relevant country.
Valid Claim means a claim of an issued patent which has not lapsed or become abandoned or been declared invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or an administrative agency from which no appeal can be or is taken.
Valid Claim means a claim of any issued and unexpired patent or pending patent application whose validity, enforceability, or patentability has not been affected by any of the following: (a) irretrievable lapse, abandonment, revocation, dedication to the public, or disclaimer; or (b) a holding, finding, or decision of invalidity, unenforceability, or non-patentability by a court, Governmental Authority, national or regional patent office, or other appropriate body that has competent jurisdiction, such holding, finding, or decision being final and unappealable or unappealed within the time allowed for appeal.
Valid Claim means a claim of an issued and unexpired patent included within the Patent Rights, which has not been held permanently revoked, unenforceable or invalid by a decision of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, unappealable or unappealed within the time allowed for appeal, and which has not been admitted to be invalid or unenforceable through reissue or disclaimer or otherwise.
Valid Claim means a claim of an issued and unexpired patent (including any patent claim the term of which is extended by any extension, supplementary protection certificate, patent term restoration, or the like) included within the Licensed Patents or a claim of a pending patent application included within the Licensed Patents, which has not lapsed, been abandoned, been held revoked, or been deemed unenforceable or invalid by a non-appealable decision or an appealable decision from which no appeal was taken within the time allowed for such appeal of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction.