Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI definition

Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to a company or its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities and shall, ordinarily including but not restricted to, information relating to the following: –
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to the Company or its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities and shall, ordinarily including but not restricted to, information relating to the following: – (i) financial results;(ii) dividends;(iii) change in capital structure;(iv) mergers, de-mergers, acquisitions, delistings, disposals and expansion of business and such other transactions;(v) changes in key managerial personnel; Terms not specifically defined herein shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the PIT Regulations.
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means information defined in the Code.

More Definitions of Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI

Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to the Company or its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities of the Company and shall, ordinarily include but not restricted to, information relating to the following:(a) financial results;(b) dividends;(c) change in capital structure;(d) mergers, de-mergers, acquisitions, delisting, disposals and expansion of business and such other transactions; and(e) changes in key managerial personnel.(f) such other information as determined by the Board of Directors/Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer/Chief Investor Relations Officer from time to time. Words and expressions used and not defined in this Code but defined in the ‘Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading in Securities of Mahindra CIE Automotive Limited’ or Insider Trading Regulations or Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992), the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956), theDepositories Act, 1996 (22 of 1996) or the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rules and regulations made thereunder shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in those legislation..The provisions of this Code have to be read along with the Insider Trading Regulations and if there is any inconsistency / contradiction between the two, the provisions of the Insider Trading Regulations shall prevail.
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to the Company or its Securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the Securities and shall, ordinarily including but not restricted to, information relating to the following:  Financial results; Dividends; Change in capital structure; Merger, Demerger, acquisition, delisting, disposal of whole or substantially the whole of the undertaking, expansion of business and such other transactions; Changes in Key Managerial Personnel; Any other matter as may be prescribed under the Listing Regulations and/or other laws to be price sensitive, from time to time.
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information relating to the Company and its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not Generally Available, which uponbecoming Generally Available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities of the Company and shall, ordinarily include but not be restricted to, information relating to the following:
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to a company or its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to the Company or Company Shares, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the Company Shares and shall, ordinarily including but not restricted to, information relating to the following: –▪ Financial Results▪ Dividends▪ Changes in capital structure▪ Mergers, de‐mergers, acquisitions, delisting, disposals, and expansion of business and such other transactions▪ Changes in Key Managerial PersonnelAny other matter as may be prescribed by the Board or Managing Director and CEO or Chief Financial Officer or CIRO in consultation with the Compliance Officer of the Company. Note: All terms used in this Code but not defined hereinabove shall have the meanings prescribed to them under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, the Depositories Act, 1996, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 or the Companies Act, 2013 and rules and regulations made there under.3. OVERSEEING AND COORDINATION DISCLOSURE
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means Information relating to company, or its securities, directly or indirectly that is not generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities and includes financial results, dividend, mergers, change in capital structure, change in KMPs, Material events pursuant to Clause 36 of Listing Agreement etc. Insider Vs. Connected Persons Vs. Designated PersonsInsider : (i) a connected person; or (ii) in possession of or having access to unpublished price sensitive informationConnected Person :Every person in association with co. and in possession of UPSI e.g. Employees, consultants during the six months prior to the concerned actPersons who may not occupy any position in a company but are in regular touch with the Company and its officers e.g. Auditors, law firms, RTADeemed Insiders (relatives, holding, subsidiary, associates, entities where directors hold > 10% etc.)
Unpublished price sensitive information or UPSI means any information, relating to a Company or its Securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of Securities of the Company and shall, ordinarily include but not be restricted to, information relating to the following:a. financial results;b. dividends;c. change in capital structure;d. mergers, de-mergers, acquisitions, delistings, disposals and expansion of business and such other transactions;e. changes in key managerial personnel. All terms used in this Code but not defined hereinabove shall have the meanings ascribed to them under the PIT Regulations. C. DUTIES OF COMPLIANCE OFFICER The Compliance Officer shall be responsible for: