Rulebook definition

Rulebook means the Regulations, Default Rules, Settlement FinalityRegulations, Procedures, and such other rules of the Clearing House, as published and amended from time to time"Rules Change Committee"means the decision-making body that will oversee and implement all material alterations, amendments or extensions to the Rulebook or the Clearing Membership Agreement in accordance with its terms of reference"Rules of the Clearing House"means the Rulebook of the Clearing House including the General Regulations, Default Rules, Settlement Finality Rules and Procedures"SC Regulations"means the rules and regulations of the Clearing House denoted as such"SCM Branch"means a branch or part of a SwapClear Clearing Member, not being a different legal person from the SwapClear Clearing Member, which is authorized by the Clearing House to submit to the Clearing House, in the name of that SwapClear Clearing Member, SwapClear Transactions for registration, subject to these Regulations and the Procedures, by the Clearing House as SwapClear Contracts"Securities Collateral"means Collateral that is in the form of securities"Security Deed"means a security deed entered into by a Clearing Member in favour of its Clearing Clients in the form prescribed by the Clearing House from time to time and published on the Clearing House's website"segregated client"means a person whose monies are held by a Member separately from the Member’s own monies with whom the Member has agreed (or in respect of which the Member is required) not to use such person’s monies for the Member’s own account"seller"means a Member (or the Clearing House where the context so requires) who is a seller under the terms of an exchange contract, a Cleared Exchange Contract, a RepoClear Transaction, a RepoClear Term £GC Transaction, a RepoClear Contract, a RepoClear Term £GC Contract, an EquityClear ATP Match, an EquityClear Novation Transaction, an EquityClear Contract, a Rates Exchange Match, or a Listed Interest Rates Novation Transaction, asthe case may be
Rulebook means this trueEX LLC Rulebook.
Rulebook or “Rules” means the Kalshi Rulebook, interpretations, orders, resolutions, advisories, notices, statements of policy, decisions, manuals, and directives of the Company or LedgerX.

Examples of Rulebook in a sentence

  • All trading in the Program is subject to the Exchange’s Rulebook and applicable law.

  • ICE Trade Vault has been designated or recognized as a trade repository in each province (collectively, the “PROVINCES” AND EACH A “PROVINCE”) identified in the Canada Annex of the Canada Rulebook (as defined below).

  • Participant’s access to and use of the System and the ICE SDR Service will be governed by this ICE Trade Vault Agreement, taken together with (i) the Service and Pricing Schedules (the “Schedules”) available on ICE Trade Vault’s website at, (ii) the ICE Trade Vault SDR Rulebook governing the ICE SDR Service, and (iii) any other applicable Annexes relating to this ICE Trade Vault Agreement (collectively referred to herein as the “ICE Trade Vault Terms”).

  • Participant agrees to be bound by the ICE Trade Vault SDR Rulebook, as amended from time to time, together with this Agreement for purposes of the ICE SDR Service.

  • The rules, terms, conditions and procedures applicable to the ICE SDR Service are set forth in the ICE Trade Vault SDR Rulebook available at

More Definitions of Rulebook

Rulebook means the Regulations, Default Rules, Settlement Finality Regulations, Procedures, and such other rules of the Clearing House, as published and amended from time to time
Rulebook means the SEPA Core Direct Debit Scheme Rulebook setting out rules and standards for the SEPA Core Direct Debit Scheme as amended from time to time.
Rulebook means this document, as amended or replaced from time to time including any Appendices; "Rule(s)" means the rules set out in this Rulebook, including any Appendix;
Rulebook means the Core Scheme Rulebook and/or the B2B Scheme Rulebook (as applicable);
Rulebook means the AIF Rulebook issued by the Central Bank as may be amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time and/or any statutory regulations issued from the Central Bank from time to time.
Rulebook means this Rulebook as amended and/or restated from time to time and includes the Notices hereto, and which is available at;
Rulebook means the Central Bank’s Alternative Investment Fund Rulebook and any related guidance notes;