Relocation Assistance definition

Relocation Assistance means the assistance provided to displaced persons/families to cover (i) the costs of moving from their previous to a new location, and (ii) an allowance equal to the local average costs of living for a two month transition period to resettle in a new location of residence or business.
Relocation Assistance means the monetary assistance
Relocation Assistance. Means to provide complete relocation assistance for all eligible displacees. All relocation activities shall be the responsibility of the Consultant. The Consultant acknowledges that all relocation activities shall be done in accordance with Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (Uniform Act), Section 163 of the Revised Code and Section 6100, 6200, 6300, 6400, 6500 and 6600 of the ODOT Real Estate Manual. Based on the type of relocation to be performed, the Consultant shall be responsible for all or part of the following: Performing the Pre-Acquisition Survey and completing all RE-95's, if necessary;Determining the Relocation Assistance Additives which include Replacement Housing Additive and Rent Supplement Additive;Determining the Normal Home Site Valuation, if necessary; Determining the economic rent, if necessary;Determining the Increased Mortgage Interest Reimbursement, when necessary; Determining all necessary Incidental Expenses to be reimbursed;Preparing Inventories;Calculating appropriate moving costs; Verifying moves;Performing Decent, Safe and Sanitary inspections;Determining all appropriate move costs for businesses, non-profit organizations, farms and personal property moves;Determining eligibility for Fixed Payments in lieu of actual cost move;Securing all necessary support documentation and preparing all necessary claim forms; Preparing responses to appeals when necessary. The Consultant will submit all replacement Housing Determinations to the Agency for approval before an offer is made to the displacee. The Agency will provide approval or rejection of determinations as soon as possible. The Consultant shall submit all claim forms and supporting documentation to the Agency for approval before any claim form is presented to the displacee.On parcels involving rent supplemental payments, the Consultant shall be responsible for the first payment and subsequent payments that normally occur before the project is certified. Rent supplement payments that occur after the Consultant certifies the project will be the responsibility of the Region. All notes and reports are to be typewritten by the Consultant.

Examples of Relocation Assistance in a sentence

  • SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with (a) the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (URA), and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 and 24 CFR 570.606(b); (b) the requirements of 24 CFR 570.606(c) governing the Residential Anti-displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan under section 104(d) of the HCD Act; and (c) the requirements in 24 CFR 570.606(d) governing optional relocation policies.

  • Subrecipient shall comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (URA), 42 USC 4601 – 4655, 49 CFR part 24, 24 CFR part 42, and 24 CFR 570.606.

  • The Borrower agrees to comply with (a) the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (URA), and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 and 24 CFR 570.606(b); (b) the requirements of 24 CFR 570.606(c) governing the Residential Anti- displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan under section 104(d) of the HCD Act; and (c) the requirements in 24 CFR 570.606(d) governing optional relocation policies.

  • Act As applicable, Recipient shall comply with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) to provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal or federally assisted programs.

  • To the extent applicable, local relocation law as well as the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act, 49 CFR Part 24, including Appendix A to Part 24, shall apply.

More Definitions of Relocation Assistance

Relocation Assistance means financial assistance provided to an Employee to assist him/her in coordinating and arranging for his/her move.
Relocation Assistance means assistance to an eligible
Relocation Assistance means the monetary assis- tance provided under this chapter, including reimbursement for the costs of relocation as well as cash assistance provided to allow the tenant to secure new housing.
Relocation Assistance means a relocation payment and the right of first refusal to reoccupy a residential structure, as defined in this section.
Relocation Assistance means reasonable assistance in locating a comparable affordable unit, including the payment of any broker’s fees and the payment of reasonable moving expenses within a thirty (30) mile radius of the Development.
Relocation Assistance means the assistance provided to displaced persons/families to cover
Relocation Assistance means substitute housing or cash payment in an amount as specified in Section 18.14.030 (2).