Purchasing Entity definition

Purchasing Entity means a state (as well as the District of Columbia and US territories), city, county, district, other political subdivision of a State, or a nonprofit organization under the laws of some states if authorized by a Participating Addendum, that issues a Purchase Order against the Master Agreement and becomes financially committed to the purchase.
Purchasing Entity means a Participating State or another legal entity, such as a political subdivision, properly authorized by a Participating State to enter into a contract for the purchase of goods described in this solicitation. Unless otherwise limited in this solicitation or in a Participating Addendum, political subdivisions of Participating States are Purchasing Entities and Participants authorized to purchase the goods and/or services described in this solicitation.
Purchasing Entity means a person that purchases 10% or more of the stock of a distribution utility on or after the effective date of this section.[PL 1997, c. 316, §3 (NEW).]

Examples of Purchasing Entity in a sentence

  • Any order placed by a Participating Entity or Purchasing Entity for a product and/or service available from this Master Agreement shall be deemed to be a sale under (and governed by the prices and other terms and conditions) of the Master Agreement unless the parties to the order agree in writing that another contract or agreement applies to such order.

  • Each Purchasing Entity will identify and utilize its own appropriate purchasing procedure and documentation.

  • In accordance with this section, Contractor shall report to NASPO ValuePoint all Orders under this Master Agreement for which Contractor has invoiced the ordering entity or individual, including Orders invoiced to Participating Entity or Purchasing Entity employees for personal use if such use is permitted by this Master Agreement and the applicable Participating Addendum (“Sales Data”).

  • Any waiver by the Lead State, Participating Entity, or Purchasing Entity must be in writing.

  • Absent any such condition or explicit permission, this limitation does not prohibit: payments by employees of a Purchasing Entity for Products; sales of Products to the general public as surplus property; and fees associated with inventory transactions with other governmental or nonprofit entities and consistent with a Purchasing Entity’s laws and regulations.

More Definitions of Purchasing Entity

Purchasing Entity means a Participating State, or other legal entity, properly authorized by a Participating State to enter into a contract for the purchase of goods and/or services described in the cooperative procurement. Unless otherwise limited in the cooperative procurement or in a Participating Addendum, political subdivisions of Participating States are deemed Purchasing Entities.
Purchasing Entity means any entity to which Bidvest transmits any part of the business it has acquired by reason of the Trade Sale during the term of this award.
Purchasing Entity. The individual specified in the applicable Purchase Order. Contractor: The individual designated by Contractor in writing to the Purchasing Entity.
Purchasing Entity means a Participating State, or other legal entity, properly authorized by a Participating
Purchasing Entity means a "State Agency " and/or "Political Subdivision".
Purchasing Entity means any entity or organization that has been authorized by the State to place Orders with the Contractor, and may include, without limitation, agencies of the State, government supported institution of higher education within the State, political subdivisions of the State, authorized non-profit organizations and other authorized entities. CMS # 175280
Purchasing Entity means a PSAP, state agency, educational institution, or a non-state entity, properly authorized by the State to purchase the goods described in this solicitation.