Property 1 definition

Property 1 means all that land and premises set out in Part 1 of the Schedule of this Agreement together with the building/s erected/to be erected thereon;
Property 1 means unit no. 3 on the real property (including all buildings forming part thereof) located St. Kongensgade 100, 1264 København K, Denmark with title no. 0263a, Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, København.
Property 1 means the Glenville Building property located at 7606 – 42 street, Leduc, Alberta, legally described as Plan 142199, Block 8, Lot 39;

Examples of Property 1 in a sentence

  • Purchaser will not, except with the express prior written consent of Seller, directly or indirectly, (a) disclose or permit the disclosure of any information to any person or entity, except persons who are bound to observe the terms hereof, or (b) use or permit the use of all information pertaining to the Property (1) in any way detrimental to the Seller or (2) for any purpose other than evaluating the contemplated purchase of the Property.

  • In order to secure all claims by Landlord 1 under the Tenant agreement for Landlord Property 1, the Tenant shall, no later than 14 days before the start of the Tenant, pay Landlord 1 a Tenant deposit equivalent to three months' rent pursuant to Section 3, paragraph 1, item a) for the apartment (without flat-fee for operating costs).

  • At the end of the Tenant, the Tenant shall return Landlord Property 1 completely empty of any items brought in by the Tenant, and in accordance with the regulations in Section 14.

  • If the Property is placed under contract for sale after the time of execution of this Agreement Guest will be notified in writing of the following within 10 days after the transfer of the Property: 1.

  • In order to determine the need to perform work or the condition of the Landlord property, Landlord 1 is entitled to enter Landlord Property 1 after arranging a date for viewing with the Tenant.

  • Owner represent and warrants that the sale or lease of the above Property is exempt from the disclosure obligations under 42 U.S.C. 4852d because the Property (1) the Property is not residential real property (2) the Property was constructed in 1978 or later or (3) other (describe) (checked based on selections)B.

  • The parties agree to place Property #1 on the market for sale by (date) .

  • Transfer of property by quit claim deed The (Select one) plaintiff defendant shall transfer all right title, and interest in and to Property #1 to the: (Select one) (Select one) plaintiff plaintiff defendant defendant by (date) .

  • Other terms: Refinance of Mortgage(s) Secured by Property The (Select one) plaintiff defendant shall refinance the mortgage on Property #1 listed above so as to remove the other party's name from the mortgage by no later than (date) .

  • The (Select one) plaintiff defendant shall pay the following expenses of Property #1 pending the sale: Other terms: The court shall retain jurisdiction over the sale of Property #1.

More Definitions of Property 1

Property 1. Any fault-free processor Pi can detect dormant faulty links that are connected to the fault-free processor Pi, where 1≤ i ≤ n.
Property 1 an approximately 0.107-acre property located at 00000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx within the Centerville area of the Project Area (provided, however, that Property 1 shall no longer be subject to this Agreement under the circumstances described in Section 6(c));
Property 1. The West 500 feet of the East 1,600 feet of the South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1/2 S1/2 SW1/4) of Sectxxx 00, Xxxxxxxx 00 Xxxxx, Xxxxx 00 Xxxx xx the 6th P.M., in the City of Omaha, in Dougxxx Xxxnty, Nebraska, lying between the North line of "F" Street and the South line of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way (known as lane cutoff), EXCEPT the West 50 feet 4 inches thereof, being sometimes more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly, on the East line of said South half 50.00 feet, to the North line of "F" Street; thence Westerly on a line 50 feet North of and parallel to the South line of said South Half (the North line of said "F" Street), 1,100.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing Westerly, on a line 50.00 feet North of and parallel to the South line of said South Half (the North line of said "F" Street), 449.67 feet; thence Northerly, on a line perpendicular to the last described course, 443.00 feet, to the South line of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence Easterly, on the South line of said Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way, 449.67 feet; thence Southerly, on a line perpendicular to the South line of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way, 443.65 feet, to the Point of Beginning. PROPERTY 2: That part of the South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1/2 S1/2 SW1/4) of Sectxxx 00, Xxxxxxxx 00 Xxxxx, Xxxxx 00 Xxxx xx the 6th P.M., in the City of Omaha, in Dougxxx County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly, on the East line of said South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter, 50.00 feet to the North line of "F" Street; thence Westerly, on a line 50.00 feet North of and parallel to the South line of said South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (the North line of said "F" Street), 1,759.67 feet, to the Southerly extension of the West wall line of an existing building and the Point of Beginning; thence continuing Westerly, on a line 50.00 feet North of and parallel to the South line of said South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (the North line of said "F" Street), 840.94 feet, to the East line of 96th Xxxxxx; xxence Northerly, on a line 50.00 feet East of and parallel to the West line of said South Half of the South Half of the...
Property 1. One Night with the King" Feature Film Distribution Rights: Solely owned by Gener8Xion Entertainment Rights are assigned to Gener8Xion per agreement for the worldwide exploitation in perpetuity (distributed/assigned to Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx as a dividend)
Property 1 means the parcel of real property described on Schedule C.

Related to Property 1

  • Property line means the division line between two units of land.

  • Mixed-use property means an eligible property that includes three or more residential units and may also contain a commercial property component in the same building.

  • Personal Property means any machinery, equipment, tools, vehicles, furniture, leasehold improvements, office equipment, plant, parts and other tangible personal property.

  • Condominium Property means the lands, leaseholds, and personal property that are subjected to condominium ownership, whether or not contiguous, and all improvements thereon and all easements and rights appurtenant thereto intended for use in connection with the condominium.

  • Intangible Property shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 2.1(c) hereof.

  • Property Owner means any person shown as the owner of land on the last equalized assessment roll or otherwise known to be the owner of land by the city council. “Business owner” means any person recognized by the city as the owner of the business. “Owner” means either a business owner or a property owner. The city council has no obligation to obtain other information as to the ownership of land or businesses, and its determination of ownership shall be final and conclusive for the purposes of this part. Wherever this part requires the signature of the property owner, the signature of the authorized agent of the property owner shall be sufficient. Wherever this part requires the signature of the business owner, the signature of the authorized agent of the business owner shall be sufficient.

  • Property Income means cash rents (excluding non‑cash straight‑line rent) and other cash revenues received by the Borrower or a Material Subsidiary in the ordinary course for any Eligible Property or Property which secures Other Recourse Debt, but excluding security deposits and prepaid rent except to the extent applied in satisfaction of any Tenants’ obligations for rent.

  • Operating Property means any property owned, leased, or operated by the Party in question or by any of its Subsidiaries or in which such Party or Subsidiary holds a security interest or other interest (including an interest in a fiduciary capacity), and, where required by the context, includes the owner or operator of such property, but only with respect to such property.

  • the Property means the Property more particularly described in Condition 2 of the Conditions of Sale (as defined in 1.6 below);

  • Property Owner Association Property means, for each Fiscal Year, any property within the boundaries of IA No. 1 that was owned by a property owner association, including any master or sub-association, as of January 1 of the prior Fiscal Year.

  • Hotel Property for any hotel means the Real Property and the Personal Property for such hotel.

  • Income Property means, in respect of each Sub-Fund, (a) all interest, dividends and other sums deemed by the Trustee, (after consulting the auditors either on a general or case by case basis), to be in the nature of income (including taxation repayments, if any) received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of the Deposited Property of the relevant Sub-Fund (whether in cash or, without limitation, by warrant, cheque, money, credit or otherwise or the proceeds of sale or transfer of any Income Property received in a form other than cash); (b) all interest and other sums received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of (a), (c) or (d) of this definition; (c) all cash payments received or receivable by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund in respect of an Application; and (d) all Cancellation Compensation received by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund; (e) any payments to be received or are receivable by the Trustee under any contractual agreements in the nature of investments for the benefit of the relevant Sub-Fund but excluding (i) the Deposited Property; (ii) any amount for the time being standing to the credit of the distribution account for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund or previously distributed to Unitholders; (iii) gains for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund arising from the realisation of Securities; and (iv) any sums applied towards payment of the fees, costs and expenses payable by the Trust from the Income Property of the relevant Sub-Fund;

  • Condominium Project Real estate including the separate ownership in fee, or on a satisfactory leasehold estate, of a particular residential unit with an indivisible interest in the real estate designated for common ownership strictly by unit owners.

  • Leasehold condominium means a condominium in which all or a portion of the real estate is subject to a lease the expiration or termination of which will terminate the condominium or reduce its size.

  • Property means any interest in any kind of property or asset, whether real, personal or mixed, or tangible or intangible.