Project Implementation Unit definition

Project Implementation Unit or “PIU” means the implementation unit for the Project referred to in Section I.A.1 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.
Project Implementation Unit means the unit to be established by the Recipient pursuant to Section I.A.2 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.
Project Implementation Unit means each unit established by the Project Implementing Agency to manage the day-to-day implementation of city demonstration projects under Part 2 of the Project.

Examples of Project Implementation Unit in a sentence

  • The Recipient shall ensure that the aforementioned implementation support agencies shall maintain a focal point to interface with the Project Implementation Unit and provide inputs to the Annual Work Plans and Budget.

  • The Borrower, through MoH, shall establish and thereafter operate and maintain throughout Project implementation a Project Implementation Unit (“PIU”) with functions, resources and staffing acceptable to the Bank, including, inter alia: a Project coordinator, a procurement specialist, a financial management specialist, an environmental specialist and a social specialist, as further detailed in the Project Operations Manual.

More Definitions of Project Implementation Unit

Project Implementation Unit means the implementation unit to be established and maintained within the National Renewable Energy Center pursuant to Section I.A.1 of the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement, for purposes of assisting in the carrying out the implementation of the Project.
Project Implementation Unit or “PIU” means the Unit to be established and maintained in the State Primary Education Board and responsible for activities pertaining to the primary level in Participating States;
Project Implementation Unit or “PIU” means the unit to be established by the Borrower to oversee the day-to-day implementation of the Project and referred to in paragraph 4 of Schedule 4 to this Agreement;
Project Implementation Unit means the unit established in each implementing agency participating in the Project and responsible for procurement, monitoring and managing of technical assistance provided under the Project;
Project Implementation Unit or “PIU” means the Project Implementation Unit under the ACTD, established pursuant to Government Decree No. 986, dated August 11, 2003, or any legal successor thereto satisfactory to the World Bank.
Project Implementation Unit or “PIU” means the unit referred to in Section I.A.1(b) of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.
Project Implementation Unit and “PIU” means, each, the implementation unit established within MoH, and referred to in Section I.A.3 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.