Pet food definition

Pet food means any commercial feed prepared and distributed for consumption by dogs or cats.
Pet food means any commercial feed prepared and distributed for consumption by pets.
Pet food means food for pet animals containing Category 3 material. ‘Technical products’ means products directly derived from certain animal by-products, intended for purposes other than human or animal consumption, including tanned and treated hides and skins, game trophies, processed wool, hair, bristles, feathers and parts of feathers, serum of equidae, blood products, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, bone products for china, gelatine and glue, organic fertilizers, soil improvers, rendered fats, fat derivatives, processed manure and milk and milk-based products;

Examples of Pet food in a sentence

  • Pet food and supply stores shall comply with the Rules for Essential Retail Establishments set out in Exhibit A.

  • Housekeeping Food Cleaning and toiletries Newspapers and magazines Cigarettes, Tobacco Alcohol Laundry and dry cleaning Clothing and footwear Nappies and baby items Pet food Other (needs to be explained) Total£C.

  • Pet food expenses, pet toys and veterinary expenses for pets that reside in an HCS group home are not allowable.

  • Pet food scientists have discovered that animals love the taste of these sprayed fats.

  • Given these mixed signals, the outlook for cooperatives in theFigure 5-2Higher market concentration in sales of branded products Pet food SoupsBreakfast cerealsBaby foods Snack food Noodles Ice creamConfectionary Ready mealsCheeseMilk Rice Bread Firm 1Firm 2Firm 3Firm 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Percent of global sales by top four firms Source: Euromonitor, 2003.

More Definitions of Pet food

Pet food means a commercial feed prepared and distributed for
Pet food means any commercial feed manufactured and distributed for consumption by pets.
Pet food means any commercial feed prepared and distributed for consumption by petsdogs or cats.
Pet food. China has agreed to immediately resume imports of pet food containing poultry ingredients and to lift the ban on ruminant ingredients. In addition, China has agreed to allow imported animal- origin ingredients in pet food. China has also agreed to limit the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing to pet food with non-ruminant ingredients, which is to be done on a risk-based selection of shipments. China agreed to streamline the facility registration process, by eliminating the requirement for facility questionnaires, and to immediately register 24 facilities that had been waiting to be listed on GACC’s website. USDA estimates U.S. exports could exceed $300 million annually. • Tariff Rate Quotas and Domestic Support for Corn, Wheat, and Rice: Related to the WTO dispute brought and won by the United States, China has agreed to comply with its WTO obligations for the administration of TRQs for wheat, corn, and rice by December 31, 2019. In addition, in this Agreement, China has agreed to ensure that it administers its TRQ for corn, wheat, and rice with specific obligations to: ▪ Allocate the full TRQ by January of each year; ▪ Not discriminate between state trading enterprises and non-state trading enterprises; ▪ Reallocate unused or returned TRQ amounts; ▪ Ensure that allocations are made in commercially viable shipping amounts; ▪ Enhance transparency of the eligibility criteria and allocation principles; ▪ Ensure there is a sufficient number of state trading enterprises and non-state trading enterprises eligible to receive allocations and that full utilization of the TRQs is not inhibited; ▪ Provide relevant allocation and reallocation information upon request of the United States; and ▪ Make public on a website existing laws, regulations and announcements on the administration of the TRQs. Regarding its domestic support, China confirms that it will respect its WTO obligations to publish in an official journal its domestic support laws, regulations and related measures. Separately, through dispute settlement proceedings at the WTO, China has already agreed to come into compliance with a panel report on domestic support for wheat and rice by March 31, 2020. The United States maintains its rights in those dispute settlement proceedings should China not come into compliance.
Pet food means any solid or liquid substance or product constituted of feed ingredients, which is intended for the feeding of companion animals;
Pet food. China has agreed to immediately resume imports of pet food containing poultry ingredients and to lift the ban on ruminant ingredients. China has also committed to streamline the timelines and procedures for registering U.S. facilities.
Pet food means feed intended for pets as defined in Article 3(2), point (f), of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council6; 1. ‘pet food’ is feed within the meaning of Article 3, point (46), of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and means feed intended for pets as defined in Article 3(2), point (f), of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council6;