Performance Management Report definition

Performance Management Report means the report produced by the Supplier following the Framework performance review as further described in paragraph 1.2 of Part 3 (Key Performance Indicators) of Schedule 1 (Services) of this Framework Agreement;
Performance Management Report means the report provided to the Authority by the Supplier on request, detailing performance information in respect of the Services; Premises means the location where the Services are to be principally performed as set out in the Order Form executed by the Supplier and the Contracting Body in relation to the Call Off Agreement; Processing has the meaning given to it under the Data Protection Legislation but, for the purposes of this Framework Agreement and Call Off Agreement, it shall include both manual and automatic processing. Process and Processed shall be interpreted accordingly;
Performance Management Report means a report containing, as the context requires, the information at paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Annex D of Framework Schedule 1;

Examples of Performance Management Report in a sentence

  • Performance will be managed in two, inter-linked ways: At Framework level by the Authority, by the reporting of aggregate performance of the Services, using the Performance Management Report template, at a frequency to be agreed by the Parties, (but will not be less than once every six (6) Months), which shall be reviewed by the Authority.

  • Director's Recommendation THAT the Performance Management Report be received.

  • Performance will be managed in two, inter-linked ways: At Framework level by the Authority, by the reporting of aggregate performance of Goods and Services, using the Performance Management Report template, at a frequency to be agreed by the Parties, (but will not be less than once every six (6) Months), which shall be reviewed by the Authority.

  • As reported in the Financial and Performance Management Report considered by Cabinet at their meeting on 14 September, a number of current schemes, amounting to around £2.4m in total, have been put on hold owing to the present lack of capital receipts to finance them.

  • Full details of the main variances to Quarter 2 can be found in the Quarter 2 Performance Management Report presented to Cabinet on the 11 December 2018.

  • Strategic risks are brought to the attention of Cabinet in that they are linked to the corporate priorities of the council in the Quarterly Performance Management Report (QPMR).

  • The Performance Management Report is discussed at these meetings and is available via the Trust’s website.

  • An abridged version of the Performance Management Report is presented quarterly to the Audit Committee highlighting where targets are not being achieved.

  • Measurement against key indicators on human resources and diversity are included in the Performance Management Report.

  • The production of controversial weapons26No. of companies excluded:179No. of companies on observation list2 Some of the companies were excluded based on several criteria.Storebrand also does not invest in companies that have been excluded by Norges Bank from the Government Pension Fund – Global, where the exclusion principle is the same as the Storebrand standard.Companies that Storebrand Does Not Invest In 1.

Related to Performance Management Report

  • Project Management Report means each report prepared in accordance with Section 4.02 of this Agreement;

  • Performance Monitoring System has the meaning given to it in paragraph 1.1.2 in Part B of Schedule 6 (Service Levels, Service Credits and Performance Monitoring);

  • Performance Review means a summative evaluation of a teacher other than a beginning teacher and used to determine whether the teacher’s practice meets school district expectations and the Iowa teaching standards, and to determine whether the teacher’s practice meets school district expectations for career advancement in accordance with Iowa Code section 284.7.

  • Performance Report has the meaning set out in clause 8.2;

  • Targeted case management means services that assist a beneficiary to access needed 2 medical, educational, social, prevocational, vocational, rehabilitative, or other community services. The 3 service activities may include, but are not limited to, communication, coordination and referral;

  • Annual performance report means a written appraisal of the teaching staff member's performance prepared by the teaching staff member’s designated supervisor based on the evaluation rubric for his or her position.

  • Performance Milestone means an act or event specified in section 5.1 and described in section 9 of the EPLA.

  • Performance Corridor means the acceptable range of results around a Performance Target.

  • Root Cause Analysis Report means a report addressing a problem or non-conformance, in order to get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem, which thereby assists in correcting or eliminating the cause, and prevent the problem from recurring.

  • Project Management Plan means the management plan that (i) sets out a high level workplan to describe the manner in which the Design-Builder will manage the Project, including to address related matters such as traffic management and communications, and (ii) is prepared by or for the Design-Builder and submitted to the Owner;

  • Performance evaluation means evaluation of work and program participation as well as other areas of behavior.

  • Earned value management system means an earned value management system that complies with the earned value management system guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748.

  • Performance audit means an objective and systematic assessment of a state agency or agencies or any of their programs, functions, or activities by the state auditor or designee in order to help improve agency efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. Performance audits include economy and efficiency audits and program audits.

  • Performance Metrics means criteria established by the Administrator relating to any of the following, as it may apply to an individual, one or more business units, divisions, or Affiliates, or on a company-wide basis, and in absolute terms, relative to a base period, or relative to the performance of one or more comparable companies, peer groups, or an index covering multiple companies:

  • Summary Subcontract Report (SSR) Coordinator, as used in this clause, means the individual at the department or agency level who is registered in eSRS and is responsible for acknowledging or rejecting SSRs in eSRS for the department or agency.

  • Performance Data means a rating, ranking, quotation, discussion or analysis regarding an aspect of the investment performance of an investment fund, an asset allocation service, a security, an index or a benchmark;

  • Performance Test means all operational checks and tests required to determine the performance parameters including inter-alia capacity, efficiency and operating characteristics of the Stores as specified in the Contract.

  • Evaluation Committee Report means a report prepared by the Procurement Manager and the Evaluation Committee for contract award. It will contain written determinations resulting from the procurement.

  • Development Report means a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appendix B.

  • Acceptable earned value management system means an earned value management system that generally complies with system criteria in paragraph (b) of this clause.

  • Incentive Management Fee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.2(e) hereof.

  • Base Management Fee means the base management fee, calculated quarterly in arrears, equal to 25% of the Fee Amount;

  • Financial Monitoring Report or “FMR” means each report prepared in accordance with Section 4.02 of this Agreement;

  • Program Plan means the tobacco settlement program plan dated February 14, 2001, including exhibits to the program plan, submitted by the authority to the legislative council and the executive council, to provide the state with a secure and stable source of funding for the purposes designated by section 12E.3A and other provisions of this chapter.

  • Case management means a care management plan developed for a Member whose diagnosis requires timely coordination. All benefits, including travel and lodging, are limited to Covered Services that are Medically Necessary and set forth in the EOC. KFHPWA may review a Member's medical records for the purpose of verifying delivery and coverage of services and items. Based on a prospective, concurrent or retrospective review, KFHPWA may deny coverage if, in its determination, such services are not Medically Necessary. Such determination shall be based on established clinical criteria and may require Preauthorization.

  • Performance Target means the level of performance expected of the HSP in respect of a Performance Indicator or a Service Volume; “person or entity” includes any individual and any corporation, partnership, firm, joint venture or other single or collective form of organization under which business may be conducted;