PACE Program definition

PACE Program means a program implemented by a municipality to stimulate energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in conformity with Act 270.
PACE Program means the property assessed clean energy program implemented by the County pursuant to Act 270 and the PACE Program Report to stimulate energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in conformity with Act 270.
PACE Program means a program of all-inclusive care for the elderly operated by an approved PACE organization that provides comprehensive health care services to enrollees in Iowa in accordance with a PACE program agreement.

Examples of PACE Program in a sentence

  • The Local Government has chosen to follow the administrative principles, program processes, and model documents of the uniform Texas PACE in a Box model program.1 Xxxxx made under the PACE Program will be secured by assessments on the property that are voluntarily imposed by the owner.

  • In consideration for the Financing advanced or to be advanced to Property Owner by Lender for the Project under the PACE Program pursuant to the PACE Lender Contract, Property Owner hereby requests and agrees to the imposition by Local Government of the Assessment in the principal amount of $ , as set forth in the Notice of Contractual Assessment Lien.

  • Pursuant to Section 399.019 of the PACE Act, the Lender acknowledges that the members of the governing body and employees of the Local Government, and board members, executives, employees, and contractors of the Authorized Representative are not personally liable as a result of exercising any rights or responsibilities under the PACE Program or any agreement in furtherance of the PACE Program.

  • As described in this Report, the Local Government is establishing the commercial PACE Program to encourage private sector investment in energy efficiency and water conservation.

  • The Assessment includes the application and administration fees authorized by the PACE Program and Section 399.006(e) of the PACE Act.

More Definitions of PACE Program

PACE Program means the property assessed clean energy program implemented by the County pursuant to the PACE Statute and the PACE Program Report to stimulate renewable energy systems, energy efficiency improvements, water usage improvement, and environmental hazard projects in conformity with the PACE Statute.
PACE Program means the program established by the Municipality under which owners of Qualifying Properties may apply for and obtain financing for Energy Efficiency Upgrades.
PACE Program means a program established by a municipality
PACE Program means a residential property assessed clean energy program financing the installation of distributed generation renewable energy sources, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, or energy or water efficiency improvements and established pursuant to:
PACE Program means the component of the medicaid program the department of aging administers pursuant to section 173.50 of the Revised Code.
PACE Program means a program of all-inclusive care for the elderly, operated by an approved PACE organization (an entity that is approved as a PACE program by the Iowa department of human services and that has in effect a PACE program agreement between the entity, CMS, and the Iowa department of human services to operate a PACE program) that provides comprehensive health care services to enrollees in Iowa, pursuant to Section 1894 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395eee) and Iowa Administrative Code rules 441—88.21(249A) through 441—88.28(249A).
PACE Program means a program established by the Municipality under which owners of Qualifying Properties may obtain financing for Clean Energy Upgrades;