Monitored definition

Monitored. Credit Product means any Credit Product that is not specified as Point-in-time in the Fee Agreement or letter assigning the Credit Product;
Monitored means to receive information about entities, either directly or indirectly.
Monitored. Credit Product means any Credit Product that is not specified as Point-in-time in the Fee Agreement or letter assigning the Credit Product; ES COPIA FIEL F itch R atings, Inc. 33 W hitehall S treet, N ew Y o rk , N Y 10004 T +1 212 908 0 5 0 0 |+ 1 800 89 FITC H DEL ORIGINAL w w w .fitch ratin g x.xx m H - c ^ ER C ED ^ S B. YP 0 RRE m (E PRO«. AUTÍNT1FICACIÓH ï COKUKiCACIOKtS COORDINACIÓN DE ACTUACIONES Min, de Ecdnomía y Servicios Públicos ♦^ltchiiatmgs ResoluciónN4 9 9 . 1 _ Un Producto de Crédito "Monitorizado" es cualquier Producto de Crédito no especificado como de Punto en el tiempo en el Acuerdo de Honorarios o en la carta de asignación del Producto de Crédito;

Examples of Monitored in a sentence

  • We approximate 220 properties by the end of year one as being Monitored in Rentalscape.

  • The principal will place a teacher on a Monitored Professional Development Plan whenever he or she is rated Developing on one or more standards on the Teacher Summary Evaluation Rating Form.

  • A Monitored Professional Development Plan will, at a minimum, identify the standards and elements to be improved, the goals to be accomplished, the activities the teacher should undertake to achieve Proficiency, and a timeline which allows the teacher one school year to achieve Proficiency.

More Definitions of Monitored

Monitored. Credit Product means any Credit Product that is not specified as Point-in-time in the Fee Agreement or letter assigning the Credit Product; Prodotto Creditizio “monitorato” indica un Prodotto Creditizio non indicato come point-of-time nell’Accordo sulle Commissioni o nella comunicazione con cui viene assegnato il Prodotto Creditizio;
Monitored can also mean that results are currently unavailable and that a school is tracking its results. CRITICAL: The results obtained are drastically below the target and may require adjustments to the strategy in order to progress towards meeting the target. ************************* MELS/EMSB GOALS: • Increase the percentage of students who obtain certification and qualification before the age of 20 • Improve the Mastery of French and English (Reading and Writing) • Improve student retention and success of certain target groups, particularly students with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning disabilities • Promote a healthy and safe environment through violence prevention • Increase the number of students under the age of 20 in Vocational Training MELS/EMSB GOALS AND SCHOOL OBJECTIVES MELS Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students who obtain certification and qualification before the age of 20 Considering the target set by EMSB on the percentage of students who obtain certification and qualification before the age of 20 by 2014, as well as the target set in your MESA, how do you evaluate your current situation? School Objective 1: Maintain the rate of LHA students who graduate obtaining and qualifying after 7 years. Baseline Year: 2010-2011 Current Year: 2013-2014 Target Year: 2013-2014 1a) Baseline:88% (Starting Point) Result: 90.0% (7th year) Target 1: 88% To be obtained by the end of MESA Agreement
Monitored can also mean that results are currently unavailable and that a school is tracking its results. CRITICAL: The results obtained are drastically below the target and may require adjustments to the strategy in order to progress towards meeting the target. ************************* MELS/EMSB GOALS:  Increase the percentage of students who obtain certification and qualification before the age of 20  Improve the Mastery of French and English (Reading and Writing)  Improve student retention and success of certain target groups, particularly students with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning disabilities  Promote a healthy and safe environment through violence prevention  Increase the number of students under the age of 20 in Vocational Training MELS/EMSB GOALS AND SCHOOL OBJECTIVES MELS Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students who obtain certification and qualification before the age of 20 Considering the target set by EMSB on the percentage of students who obtain certification and qualification before the age of 20 by 2014, as well as the target set in your MESA, how do you evaluate your current situation? School Objective 1 : (Increase Math success rate of cycles 1 and 2 on EOC exams- Competency 2: Mathematical Reasoning) Year: 2012-2013 Year: 2013-2014 Year: 2014-2015 Results: Cycle 1 Result:82.1% Cycle 2 Result:92.3% Results: Cycle 1 Target: 96.4% Result: 92.9% Cycle 2 Target: 60% Result: 46.7% Results: Cycle 1 Target: 97.9% Result: 84% Cycle 2 Target: 51.7% Result: 53.8% Evaluation of Objective 1: Comment: Cycle 1 Comp. 2 Monitored Cycle 2 Comp. 2 Monitored Satisfactory Monitored Critical OVERALL EVALUATION OF GOAL 1: Global evaluation of Goal 1: Satisfactory Monitored Critical Were the strategies listed in your MESA for attaining the objectives implemented as planned? Yes No (explain) Partially (explain) Comment : Monitored not critical since it is only one EOC exam. There are many possible explanations such as a difficult exam and the ability of the cohort. Analysis within competency 2: two skills are being evaluated (problem solving and mathematical reasoning). Our struggle lies in transferring the knowledge learned in different contexts. If necessary, list objectives and/or strategies to be: (1) modified (2) discontinued and/or (3) added. Suggestions for Math: For cycle 1, 2, 3 dedicate specific topics for each grade level in that all topics will be covered over a 2 year cycle Meeting with other immersion school cycle 2 teachers and consu...
Monitored means Vodafone provides proactive remote monitoring of the LAN when the Equipment is owned by Customer. Monitored Service must be purchased with Maintained Service.
Monitored means Vodafone provides proactive remote monitoring of the LAN when the Equipment is owned by Customer. Monitored Service must be purchased with Maintained Service.Element; (d) these Service Terms; and (e) the General Terms.
Monitored means to check, track, or observe.

Related to Monitored

  • Monitor means the corporate body known as Monitor as provided by section 61 of the 2012 Act;

  • Stable in relation to land, means land form dimensions are or will be stable within tolerable limits now and in the foreseeable future. Stability includes consideration of geotechnical stability, settlement and consolidation allowances, bearing capacity (trafficability), erosion resistance and geochemical stability with respect to seepage, leachate and related contaminant generation.

  • Monitoring means the measurement of radiation, radioactive material concentrations, surface area activities or quantities of radioactive material and the use of the results of these measurements to evaluate potential exposures and doses. For purposes of these regulations, "radiation monitoring" and "radiation protection monitoring" are equivalent terms.

  • Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.

  • Monitoring well means a water well intended for the purpose of determining groundwater quality or quantity.

  • Monitoring System means a system established by BNY to fulfill the Responsibilities specified in clauses (d) and (e) of Section 1 of Article III of this Agreement.

  • Population means the population as ascertained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published;

  • Unsupervised means not in the presence of:

  • Screening means the evaluation process used to identify an individual's ability to perform activities of daily living and address health and safety concerns.

  • E-Verify system means an Internet-based system operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of newly hired employees; and

  • Sustainability means the use, development, and protection of resources at a rate and in a manner that enables people to meet their current needs while allowing future generations to meet their own needs; “sustainability” requires simultaneously meeting environmental, economic and community needs.

  • Sustainable means a technology or concept that allows the use of a natural resource

  • Dedicated means equipment and personnel com- mitted to oil spill response, containment, and cleanup that are not used for any other activity that would make it difficult or impossible for that equipment and personnel to provide oil spill response services in the time frames specified in this chapter.

  • CAISO-Approved Meter means any revenue quality, electric energy measurement meter furnished by Seller, that (a) is designed, manufactured and installed in accordance with the CAISO’s metering requirements, or, to the extent that the CAISO’s metering requirements do not apply, Prudent Electrical Practices, and (b) includes all of the associated metering transformers and related appurtenances that are required in order to measure the net electric energy output from the Generating Facility.

  • Coefficient means a number that represents the quantified relationship of each variable to the assessed value of a property when derived through a mass appraisal process

  • Site means the place or places where the permanent Works are to be carried out including workshops where the same is being prepared.

  • Stability (7) means the standard deviation (1 sigma) of the variation of a particular parameter from its calibrated value measured under stable temperature conditions. This can be expressed as a function of time.

  • Monitoring Indicator means a measure of HSP performance that may be monitored against provincial results or provincial targets, but for which no Performance Target is set;

  • Guide means the Xxxxxxx Mac Multifamily Seller/Servicer Guide, as the same may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

  • Monitoring device means the total equipment used to measure and record (if applicable) process parameters.

  • New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual or “BMP Manual” means the manual maintained by the Department providing, in part, design specifications, removal rates, calculation methods, and soil testing procedures approved by the Department as being capable of contributing to the achievement of the stormwater management standards specified in this chapter. The BMP Manual is periodically amended by the Department as necessary to provide design specifications on additional best management practices and new information on already included practices reflecting the best available current information regarding the particular practice and the Department’s determination as to the ability of that best management practice to contribute to compliance with the standards contained in this chapter. Alternative stormwater management measures, removal rates, or calculation methods may be utilized, subject to any limitations specified in this chapter, provided the design engineer demonstrates to the municipality, in accordance with Section IV.F. of this ordinance and N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), that the proposed measure and its design will contribute to achievement of the design and performance standards established by this chapter.

  • Disinfection profile means a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is contained in s. NR 810.34.

  • Opiate means any substance having an addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability similar to morphine or being capable of conversion into a drug having addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability. It does not include, unless specifically designated as controlled under section 124.201, the dextrorotatory isomer of 3-methoxy-n-methylmorphinan and its salts (dextromethorphan). It does include its racemic and levorotatory forms.

  • Emission control system means the electronic engine management controller and any emission related component in the exhaust or evaporative system which supplies an input to or receives an output from this controller.