Laboratory definition

Laboratory or “LANL” means the geographical location of Los Alamos National Laboratory, a federally funded research and development center owned by the DOE / NNSA.
Laboratory means a facility where the "laboratory use of hazardous chemicals" occurs. It is a workplace where relatively small quantities of hazardous chemicals are used on a non-production basis.
Laboratory means a laboratory approved by the Director as

Examples of Laboratory in a sentence

  • Laboratory analysis of the air monitoring samples will be completed.

  • This capability supports passive and active surveillance when preparing for, responding to, and recovering from biological, chemical, and radiological (if a Radiological Laboratory Response Network is established) public health threats and emergencies.

  • Milk can be tested prior to Milk collection, randomly at testing Laboratory, by transport or ACM customer.

  • All electrical items purchased under this Contract or used in the performance of approved and eligible grant-funded activities must meet all applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and regulations, and bear the appropriate listing from Underwriters Laboratory (UL), Factory Mutual Resource Corporation (FMRC), or National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).

  • Perform activities in support of the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement and the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (“ASPR”) Activities including but not limited to: continuing Level 3 chemical laboratory surge capacity activities, complying with new Laboratory Response Network (“LRN”) requirements for biological laboratories, coordinating with public health preparedness partners, and analyzing real-time clinical specimens.

More Definitions of Laboratory

Laboratory means a laboratory to be entrusted with the custody of narcotic drugs and the use of controlled dangerous substances or controlled substance analogs for scientific, experimental, and medical purposes and for purposes of instruction approved by the Department of Health.
Laboratory means an area owned by an eligible academic entity where relatively small quantities of chemicals and other substances are used on a non-production basis for teaching or research (or diagnostic purposes at a teaching hospital) and are stored and used in containers that are easily manipulated by one person. Photo laboratories, art studios, and field laboratories are considered laboratories. Areas such as chemical stockrooms and preparatory laboratories that provide a support function to teaching or research laboratories (or diagnostic laboratories at teaching hospitals) are also considered laboratories.
Laboratory means a laboratory licensed under this chapter as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and entrusted to have custody of any of the following drugs and to use the drugs for scientific and clinical purposes and for purposes of instruction: dangerous drugs that are not controlled substances, as defined in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code; dangerous drugs that are controlled substances, as defined in that section; and controlled substances in schedule I, as defined in that section.
Laboratory means a laboratory certified by the Authority under ORS 438.605 to 438.620 and authorized to sample or test marijuana items for purposes specified in these rules.
Laboratory means a laboratory approved by the Director as proper to be entrusted with the custody of controlled dangerous substances and the use of controlled dangerous substances for scientific and medical purposes and for purposes of instruction;
Laboratory means a facility licensed under ORS 438 and certified by CMS, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), as qualified to participate under Medicare and to provide laboratory services (as defined in this rule) within or apart from a hospital. An entity is considered to be a laboratory if the entity derives materials from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of or the assessment of the health of human beings. If an entity performs even one laboratory test, including waived tests for these purposes, it is considered to be a laboratory under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA).
Laboratory means the state hygienic laboratory at the University of Iowa or other independent medical cannabidiol testing facility accredited to Standard ISO/IEC 17025 by an ISO-approved accrediting body, with a controlled substance registration certificate from the Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice and a certificate of registration from the Iowa board of pharmacy, and approved by the department to examine, analyze, or test samples of medical cannabidiol or any substance used in the manufacture of medical cannabidiol.