Examples of Installer in a sentence
The normal hours of work for Installer Techs may be reduced by up to 2.5 hours per week between January 01 and March 31 as the workload dictates.
Installer Techs may be scheduled to work on Saturdays in lieu of a weekday provided that no individual is required to work more than five (5) Saturdays per year excluding on-call Saturdays.
Annex 7: Monitoring and Evaluation Data Dictionary Template The Grant Recipient will provide data and information in accordance with the Monthly Report Template for monitoring and evaluating purposes which will be requested as part of the Monthly reporting, this includes (but may be subject to change): Application or Property Details Information, Installed Measures, Installer Details, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and their forecast.
An Installer shall be paid an hourly rate calculated as a percentage of the hourly rate for CATV Journeyman Technicians in accordance with the following: 1st 2nd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th term term term tern term term term tern months months months months months months months months months (Final Rate) Foremen shall receive a rate of ten percent above a CATV Journeyman Technician.
FOR THE EMPLOYER: FOR THE EMPLOYEES: KINCARDINE CABLE TV LIMITED POWER WORKERS’ UNION CUPE Local 1000 President Vice President Appendix A Job Classification Prerequisites FEB 2008 FEB 2009 FEB 2010 Installer Tech Level 1 Eight (8) years, as an Installer Tech or equivalent experience including successful completion of probationary period.