Generally Disclosed definition

Generally Disclosed means information that has been released via a news release distributed through a widely circulated news or wire service.
Generally Disclosed means the dissemination of information to the public in a manner calculated to effectively reach the marketplace and the passage of a reasonable amount of time (generally at least 24 hours but it could be longer or shorter, depending on the circumstances) for the public to analyze the information, and generally disclose means to disseminate information in this manner.
Generally Disclosed means disseminated to the public by way of a press release together with the passage of a reasonable amount of time (48 hours, unless otherwise advised that the period is longer or shorter, depending on the circumstances) for the public to analyze the information.

Examples of Generally Disclosed in a sentence

  • Any person to whom this Policy applies and who has knowledge of Undisclosed Material Information must treat the Material Information as confidential until the Material Information has been Generally Disclosed.

  • During a Quiet Period, Spokespersons may respond to unsolicited inquiries about information either that is not Material Information or that has been Generally Disclosed.

  • When reviewing analysts’ reports, comments of Directors, Officers, Employees and Contractors must be limited to identifying factual information that has been Generally Disclosed that may affect an analyst’s model and pointing out inaccuracies or omissions with respect to factual information that has been Generally Disclosed.

  • If Material Information that has not been Generally Disclosed is inadvertently disclosed, the Company shall contact the parties to whom the Material Information was disclosed and inform them: (a) that the information is Undisclosed Material Information, and (b) of their legal obligations with respect to the Material Information.

  • When participating in shareholder meetings, news conferences, analysts’ conferences and private meetings with analysts or institutional investors, Spokespersons must only disclose information that either (1) is not Material Information or (2) is Material Information but has previously been Generally Disclosed.

More Definitions of Generally Disclosed

Generally Disclosed means: (i) the information has been disseminated in a manner calculated to effectively reach the market place; and (ii) public investors have been given a reasonable amount of time to analyze the information.
Generally Disclosed means the public disclosure of information in a manner reasonably intended to result in broad dissemination to the marketplace and the passage of sufficient time to permit adequate dissemination in the market and to give investors reasonable time to analyze the information, and to “Generally Disclose” means to disseminate information in that manner. For purposes of the preceding sentence, “sufficient time” will generally mean 24 hours, but may vary depending on factors such as the nature and complexity of the information disclosed, the manner of dissemination, how broadly FCR is followed by analysts and various other factors; for instance, in the case of quarterly and annual earnings releases it will generally mean the earlier of (i) two Trading Days or (ii) three calendar days.
Generally Disclosed means the information has been disseminated in a manner calculated to effectively reach the marketplace and public investors have been given a reasonable amount of time to analyze the information. For example, information that has been released via a news release distributed through a widely circulated news or wire service and through a press conference and conference call. Postings to the Corporation’s website are generally not considered to be sufficient to meet “Generally Disclosed” requirements.
Generally Disclosed means that the Material Information has been disseminated to the general public and the public has had enough time to absorb the Material Information. Generally, two full trading days following General Disclosure is regarded as sufficient for dissemination and interpretation of Material Information.
Generally Disclosed means disseminated to the public by way of a press release together with the passage of a reasonable amount of time (one full trading day following the date of dissemination to the public by way of a press release, unless otherwise advised that the period is longer or shorter, depending on the circumstances) for the public to digest and analyze the information.
Generally Disclosed means that the information has been disseminated to the general public and the public has had enough time to digest the information. Generally, one full trading day following general disclosure is regarded as sufficient for dissemination and interpretation of material information.
Generally Disclosed means the public disclosure of information in a manner calculated to result in broad dissemination to the marketplace and the passage of a reasonable amount of time (generally at least 24 hours but it could be longer, depending on the circumstances) to permit adequate dissemination in the market and to give investors a reasonable time to analyze the information, and “Generally Disclose” means to disseminate information in that manner.