Actual use definition

Actual use means actual activities that are taking place on the property;
Actual use means that the property is currently being used by a humane society to provide services or care related to homeless animals or "lost and found" pets, or to prevent cruelty to animals within the state.
Actual use means how the owner uses the property as of the date of assessment.

Examples of Actual use in a sentence

  • The Company’s recent financing activities are summarized in the table below.Intended Use of Proceeds Actual Use of ProceedsDuring 2021, the Company received net proceeds of $18.1 million in connection with a brokered at-the-market offering issued under prospectus supplements, $0.8 million in connection with warrants exercised and $0.2 million in connection with stock options exercised.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, if the Lessee signs the Certificate of Transfer for Actual Use with the Major Defects available, the penalty under Clause 9.6.2 of the Preliminary Agreement shall be neither charged by the Lessee, nor paid by the Lessor.

  • The Reduced Actual Use Fee shall be charged by the Lessor and paid by the Lessee only for the following period to be determined by the following formula: 2*X, where: X means the number of calendar days between the date of actual signing the Certificate of Transfer for Actual Use by the Parties and expiration of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the target Access Date specified in Clause 4.1 of the Preliminary Agreement; * means the mathematical sign of multiplication.

  • Provider will calculate its charges for each month at the applicable rate provided for in Exhibit E, on the basis of Provider's accurate Switched Minutes of Actual Use report produced by Automatic Machine Accounting (AMA) equipment.

  • If, according to Clause 5.10 of the Preliminary Agreement, an Acceptance Certificate is signed at once instead of the Certificate of Transfer for Actual Use, the relevant provisions regarding acceptance of the Premises with the Major Defects are contained in Clause 5.6 of the Lease Agreement.

  • The Lessee may not refuse to sign the elimination certificate for the Major Defects, if the Major Defects listed in the Certificate of Transfer for Actual Use have been eliminated by the Lessor, and such refusal shall be considered a material breach of the Preliminary Agreement conditions / the Lessee’s evasion from signing the elimination certificate for the Major Defects.

  • If the Certificate of Transfer for Actual Use is signed after the Indexation Date, the rates of the Basic Lease Payment, Parking Fees and Operating Expenses will be applied with a view to calculate the Actual Use Fee with account for the Indexation under Clause 6.3 of the Preliminary Agreement.

  • The Company’s recent financing activities are summarized in the table below.Intended Use of Proceeds Actual Use of ProceedsDuring 2023, the Company received net proceeds of $5.2 million in connection with a brokered at-the-market offering issued under prospectus supplements.

  • Page MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021Intended Use of Proceeds Actual Use of ProceedsDuring 2020, the Company received net proceeds of $4.7 million in connection with a brokered at-the-market offering issued under prospectus supplements and $3.7 million in connection with warrants exercised.

  • The Company’s recent financing activities are summarized in the table below.Intended Use of Proceeds Actual Use of ProceedsDuring 2020, the Company received net proceeds of $4.7 million in connection with a brokered at-the-market offering issued under prospectus supplements and $3.7 million in connection with warrants exercised.

More Definitions of Actual use

Actual use means the purposes for which the relevant Property is used brief details of which are given in relevant Property Schedules of each of the CTL Agreement, CTL (Malaysia) Agreement, CTSL Agreement and CTRL Agreement;
Actual use means use in the ordinary course of trade that demonstrates real commercial purpose targeting the public.
Actual use means when the Mobile Stage is in use and required by the Purchaser in order to set up and perform productions presented by the Purchaser;
Actual use means the purposes for which the Property is used being the Business and purposes ancillary thereto Buildings means the buildings at the Property which:
Actual use of any of the Additional Premises and/or Space Pockets is defined as when Tenant moves into and uses the offices/workstations, if any, in such designated Additional Premises including those that Tenant had previously designated as Space Pockets for any purpose other than inactive storage or when Tenant moves into and uses any of such designated Additional Premises which does not contain office/workstations. Once offices/workstations that were previously Space Pockets are in Actual Use, then the square footage of Rentable Space added to the Premises to calculate the Rent equals the deemed square feet of Rentable Space of those Space Pockets offices/workstations in Actual Use. For example, using the same Space Pocket per office/workstation number as set out in the example in Section 6.b. above, if Tenant placed 10 additional offices/workstations in Actual Use, then Tenant would start paying Rent on 3,000 additional square feet of Rentable Space. The calculation is 10 offices/workstations times 300 square feet of Space Pocket per office/workstation equals 3,000 square feet of Rentable Space of total Space Pockets now in Actual Use. The use of Circulation Space around offices/workstations that are designated as Space Pockets is not deemed to be Actual Use. The setup or storage of furniture in offices/workstations is also not deemed to be Actual Use. d. Maximum Amount of Space Pockets. Tenant shall have the right to Space Pocket up to twenty five percent (25%) of any Required or Optional Expansion Premises included in any Designated Expansion Premises. All Space Pockets designated in Designated Expansion Premises shall be deemed to be in Actual 31 <PAGE> Use six (6) months from the date of Tenant's first occupancy of any of the Designated Expansion Premises in which such Space Pockets are located. The sizes, locations, and configurations of the Space Pockets shall be determined by Tenant prior to Tenant's occupancy of any of the Designated Expansion Premises in which such Space Pockets are located and Landlord shall be given written notice, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit J ("Space Pocket Designation") of the sizes, locations and configurations of the Space Pockets prior to the date Tenant takes occupancy of any such Designated Expansion Premises. Tenant shall give Landlord five (5) days prior written notice when Tenant desires to place in Actual Use any portion of the Space Pockets, provided such Actual Use shall occur only on the first or fifteenth of ...

Related to Actual use

  • Actual Uptime means, of the Total Operation Hours, the aggregate number of hours in any month during which each equipment is actually available for use.

  • Industrial use means the use of natural gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or other fuels:

  • Commercial Use means the use to which the material can commercially be put.

  • Principal use means when a vessel is used on waters of this state for one hundred eighty-three days or more.

  • Residential use means the use in or around a home, apartment building, sleeping quarters, and similar facilities or accommodations.

  • Industrial User means a nondomestic discharger, as identified in 40 CFR Part 403, introducing pollutants to a POTW.

  • Actual/360 means that interest is calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed in a year of 360 days.

  • Personal use means for the private use of the individual

  • Municipal use means all those uses of water common to the municipal water supply of a city, town, or other similar population group, including uses for domestic purposes, uses for the purposes of commerce, trade or industry, and any other use incidental thereto for any beneficial purpose.

  • Medical use means the intentional internal or external administration of radioactive material or the radiation from radioactive material to patients or human research subjects under the supervision of an authorized user.

  • Conditional use means a land use that, because of its unique characteristics or potential impact on the municipality, surrounding neighbors, or adjacent land uses, may not be compatible in some areas or may be compatible only if certain conditions are required that mitigate or eliminate the detrimental impacts.

  • occasional use , in relation to departure, means a right to utilise land for a purpose granted on a temporary basis for a specific occasion or event;

  • Actual/365 (Fixed) means that interest or any other relevant accrual factor shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed in a year of 365 days, regardless of whether accrual or payment occurs during a calendar leap year.

  • Residential Uses means lands, Buildings or structures or portions thereof used, or designed or intended for use as a home or residence of one or more individuals, and shall include Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-Detached Dwelling, Multiple Dwelling, Apartment Dwelling, and the residential portion of a mixed-use Building or structure;

  • General-use hand or body cleaner or soap means a cleaner or soap designed to be used routinely on the skin to clean or remove typical or common dirt and soils. “General-use Hand or Body Cleaner or Soap” includes, but is not limited to, hand or body washes, dual-purpose shampoo-body cleaners, shower or bath gels, and moisturizing cleaners or soaps. “General-use Hand or Body Cleaner or Soap” does not include prescription drug products, “Antimicrobial Hand or Body Cleaner or Soap,” “Astringent/Toner,” “Facial Cleaner or Soap,” “Hand Dishwashing Detergent” (including antimicrobial), “Heavy-duty Hand Cleaner or Soap,” “Medicated Astringent/Medicated Toner,” or “Rubbing Alcohol.”

  • Institutional use means use within the lines of, or on property necessary for the operation of buildings such as hospitals, schools, libraries, auditoriums, and office complexes.

  • Agricultural use means the use of any pesticide or method or device for the control of pests in connection with the commercial production, storage or processing of any animal or plant crop. “Agricultural Use” does not include the sale or use of pesticides in properly labeled packages or containers which are intended for: (A) Home use, (B) Use in structural pest control, or (C) Industrial or Institutional use. For the purposes of this definition only:

  • Non-Commercial Use means any use or activity where a fee is not charged and the purpose is not the sale of a good or service, and the use or activity is not intended to produce a profit.