Industrial User means a nondomestic discharger, as identified in 40 CFR Part 403, introducing pollutants to a POTW.
Industrial User means a nondomestic discharger, as identified in 40 CFR 403, introducing pollutants to a publicly-owned treatment works.
Industrial User means a source of Indirect Discharge.
Examples of Industrial User in a sentence
An Industrial User subject to a categorical Pretreatment Standard or categorical Standard.
Except as provided in the General Pretreatment Regulation 10 CSR 20-6.100, the term Significant Industrial User means:1.
A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the Industrial User becomes aware of the bypass.
If additional pretreatment and/or O and M will be required to meet the Pretreatment Standards; the shortest schedule by which the Industrial User will provide such additional pretreatment and/or O and M.
Only the non-dissipative contribution of this condition must be considered for modal analysis.
More Definitions of Industrial User
Industrial User or "user" means a source of indirect discharge.
Industrial User means a non-domestic discharger, as identified in 40 CFR 403, introducing pollutants to a publicly owned treatment works.
Industrial User means an indirect discharger.
Industrial User means:
Industrial User means any of the following:
Industrial User means any industry discharging liquid waste into the System either with or without pretreatment.
Industrial User means any nongovernmental user of publicly owned treatment works identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented, under the following divisions: