a Partner definition

a Partner means the number of Series A Preferred Units owned by the Partner multiplied by the quotient obtained by dividing $50 by $24.25 (the Value of a Share on June 25, 1998).
a Partner s "interest in partnership profits" for purposes of determining its share of the nonrecourse liabilities of the Partnership within the meaning of Regulations Section 1.752-3(a)(3) shall be such Partner's Percentage Interest.
a Partner means the other member of a couple, where “couple” means:

Examples of a Partner in a sentence

  • A Partner shall not, and shall have no right, to sell, assign, pledge or mortgage his interest in the Partnership, or the Partnership property or assets, except with the written consent of all the Partners, and any such prohibition transfer, if attempted, shall be void and without force or effect.

  • A Partner, Director or authorised signatory, in his/her own name, on behalf of the Bidder must sign the declaration.

  • A Partner of one Joint Venture/Consortium is also a Partner in another Joint Venture/Consortium participating in this bidding process, orb.

  • A Partner Jurisdiction Financial Institution includes (a) any Financial Institution resident in the UK, but excluding any branches of such Financial Institution that are located outside the UK and (b) any UK branch of a Financial Institutional not resident in the UK.

  • A Partner does not have the right to request modification to this Agreement.

  • Several applications of DSmT have been proposed recently in the literature and show the potential and the efficiency of this new theory.

  • A Partner Bank Card may be issued to minors over 14 years of age without any limitations.

  • A Partner may participate in more than one application, provided each application demonstrates capacity.

  • A Partner Authority may approve the Draft Action Plan subject to a reservation in respect of any particular matter that it has concerns with.

  • A Partner ☐ can ☐ cannot participate, directly or indirectly, in a business related to the acts conducted by the Partnership.

More Definitions of a Partner

a Partner means any other person who controls, controls or jointly controls such a person, if control means that the person has, directly or indirectly, the power to direct the person's administration and policies through either voting securities, a contract, a family relationship or other ownership. 1.24 A person means and contains an individual who: a joint venture, limited liability company, entity or trust, an uninsciled organisation, a group or its Board of Directors or any other department or agency or any entity. 1.25 Business refers to the sale of the custom OEM BTS filters listed in Article 2(2) : LICENCE GRANTS 2.1.
a Partner means an operator in Finland or elsewhere that offers electric vehicle charging services and with whom Semel Oy has signed a mutual cooperation contract or who is involved in the Hubject GmBH’s network or some other similar network that enables the use of the EVpay application at the said charging station.

Related to a Partner

  • Partner means any General Partner or Limited Partner.

  • General Partner has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Transferee Company means any company or body corporate established in the Islands or in any other jurisdiction.

  • Business Partner means a legal entity that requires use of a training service in connection with Customer’s and its Affiliates’ internal business operations. These may include customers, distributors, service providers and/or suppliers of Customer.

  • Limited Partner means, prior to the admission of the first Additional Limited Partner to the Partnership, the Initial Limited Partner, and thereafter any Person named as a Limited Partner in Exhibit A, as such Exhibit may be amended from time to time, upon the execution and delivery by such Person of an additional limited partner signature page, or any Substituted Limited Partner or Additional Limited Partner, in such Person’s capacity as a Limited Partner of the Partnership.

  • Purchasing Party means a Party requesting or receiving a Service from the other Party under this Agreement.

  • Faculty Member means any person hired by the college or District to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the college to be a member of faculty.