Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Sample Clauses

Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Ministre des Mines et de la Geologie Date: September 22, 2006 For the Contractor: /s/Famourou Kourouma Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Vice President SCS Corporation Date: September 22, 2006 Witnessed by: /s/Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Minister of Finance APPENDIX A Attached to and made part of this Contract between the Government of the Republic of Guinea and the Contractor. CONTRACT AREA The Contract Area represented on the attached map consists of an area deemed equal to approximately 80,000 sq. km. The points indicated on this map are defined hereinafter with WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) datum. Point Latitude Longitude A 10:49:55:N 15:10:33:W B 10:39:49:N 15:20:32:W C 10.39:49:N 15.34:16:W D 09.23:27:N 17:35:00:W E 08.30:00:N 17.30:00:W F 08.10:00:N 16:30:00:W G 08.35:00:N 15:30:00:W H 08.10:30:N 14:21:12:W I 09:00:50:N 13:23:54:W The coastal boundary is the line between Point A and Point I wherever the water depth is greater than 25 meters.
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Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxx Xxxxx and Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxx declare: We represent the whole registered share capital of Merlin GmbH. Waiving all contractual and statutory requirements for convening a shareholders' meeting we hereby hold an extraordinary shareholders' meeting of Merlin GmbH and unanimously resolve as follows: We consent to the GmbH shares transfers provided for in this Agreement pursuant to ss. 10 of the shareholders' agreement. Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, as managing director of Merlin GmbH with authority to represent it by herself, conveys the consent of Merlin GmbH to the Parties.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxxxxxx X. Aladj Xx. Xxxxxx X. Alberico Dr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Alberico Dr. and Xxx. Xxxx X. Xxxx Xx. Xxxxx X. Alexander Xx. Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Alexander Jr. Mr. and Xxx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxx X. Alley Xx. Xxxxxx X. Allgeier and Xxx. Xxxx X. Thatcher CAPT and Xxx. Xxxx X. Allgeier Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx All Words German Mr. and Xxx. Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx X. Alperin AmazonSmile Foundation Xxxx Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxx American Endowment Foundation Xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxx Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Amorosso Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx MG and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Anderson, USA (Xxx.) Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxx X. Anderson Jr. Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Angle Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Antonucci Apple Inc. Xx. Xxxxx X. Archbell Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxx X. Arias Xx. Xxxxxx X. Clarkson Xx. Xxxxxxx X. Clarkson Class of 1980 Class of 1981 Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Drs. Xxxx X. and Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx Xx. Xxxxx X. Clifford Xx. Xxxxxx X. Clinton Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Coburn Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Codington Xx. Xxxxxx X. Cohen Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Cohen Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx X. Cohen Dr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Cohn Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Coker Dr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Cole Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxxx X. Cole Xx. Xxxxxxxx X. Cole and Dr. Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xx. Xxxxxx X. Coleman and Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xx. Xxxxx X. Coleman Colgate-Palmolive Company Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Collenberg II Mr. and Xxx. X. X. Xxxxxxx Mr. and Xxx. Xxxx X. Compton Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxx X. Conley Xx. Xxxxxxx X. Connors Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xx. Xxxxx X. Conway Xx. Xxxxxx X. Cook Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Cooke Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Cooper Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx Mr. and Xxx. Xxxx X. Cooper Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, PLLC Xx. Xxxxxxx X. Cooper Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Cooper Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxx X. Copeland Mr. and Xxx. Xxxx X. Coppedge Jr. Xx. Xxxx X. Cornetta Xx. Xxxxx X. Cornetta Mrs. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx X. Couch Mr. and Xxx. Xxxx X. Couser Xx. Xxxxxxxxx X. Cox Dr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Cox Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Mr. and Xxx. Xxxx X. Craig Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Crawford CAPT and Xxx. Xxxxxxxx X. Crawford, USN (Xxx.) Xx. Xxxxx X. Cress Xx. Xxxx X. Cress Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Cress Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx Family Foundation The Honorable and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Glassman Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Glenn Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Gohr Xx. Xxxxx X. Goldburg Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Goldburg Mr. and Xxx. Xxxxxxx X. Goldman Xxxxxxx Xxxx...
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. | Co-Owner; Operations Xxxx0xx Xx0xx, Jr. graduat9d fr0m Y0ungst0Wn Stat9 UniV9rsity With a XxXx0x0x 0x XXx0xX0 d9gr99 in Busin9ss Administrati0n. H9 Will b9gin 0nlin9 studi9s at Dr9x9l UniV9rsity in Philad9lþhia t0 þursu9 a Mast9r’s d9gr99 in X0xxxxxXxx0x Xxxxx0x0xx. Xxxx0xx has W0rk9d at Sim0n R00fing f0r th9 þast six summ9rs in th9 ar9as 0f Data AnalytiCs, ACC0unting, Human R9s0urC9s, S9rViC9, Installati0n, R9st0rati0ns, SR Pr9Visi0n and Sal9s. Ex9Cutiv9 OffiC9fS Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx Xx0xx0x Xxxx0x 0X0xx00x th9 day t0 day manag9m9nt d9Cisi0ns 0f Sim0n R00fing. With m0r9 than 37 y9ars 0f r00fing 9xþ9ri9nC9, h9 has Vast kn0Wl9dg9 0f all þhas9s 0f th9 industry, inCluding 9stimating, installati0n, Quality C0ntr0l, sal9s, þr0duCts, s9rViC9, administrati0n and distributi0n. H9 Was instrum9ntal in th9 start-uþ and imþl9m9ntati0n 0f th9 m9tal r00fing diVisi0n 0x Xxx0x X00xxxx. Xx0xx0x x0xxx a baCh9l0r’s d9gr99 in Busin9ss Administrati0n fr0m Muskingum UniV9rsity and is list9d in Wh0’s Xx0 Xx0xx Am9riCan Busin9ss Ex9CutiV9s. H9 has sþ0k9n and Xxxxx0x xx0xx many r00f-r9lat9d t0þiCs f0r b0th manufaCtur9rs and C0nsultants. Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxx | Pr9sid9nt, SR Pr0duCts S0luti0ns Gr0uþ; H0n. AIA Pr9sid9nt MiCha9l has 43 y9ars 0f C0mbin9d 9xþ9ri9nC9 in th9 arChit9Ctural industry and r00fing/Wat9rþr00fing industry. His Car99r b9gan at ArChit9Cts and Engin99ring firms, f0ll0W9d by W0rking With s9V9ral nati0nal r00fing syst9m manufaCtur9rs. In his Curr9nt r0l9 as Pr9sid9nt 0f SR Pr0duCts S0luti0ns Gr0uþ, a diVisi0n 0f Sim0n X00xxxx, XxXxx0x is r9sþ0nsibl9 f0r all faC9ts 0f th9 busin9ss. Pri0r t0 b9C0ming þr9sid9nt, h9 s9rV9d as its XxX0 Xx0xxx0xx 0x Xxx0x Xx0x0 h9 Was r9sþ0nsibl9 f0r sal9s and mark9ting 9ff0rts f0Cus9d at Vari0us þubliC and þriVat9 9ntiti9s. His suþþ0rt t0 building d9sign þr0f9ssi0nals and þartiCularly t0 th9 XxXxxx0Xxxxxx Xx0x0xxx0x x0x t0 th9 d9V9l0þm9nt 0f a þr0gram kn0Wn as “Mark9ting Thr0ugh EduCati0n”. This þr0gram ultimat9ly d9V9l0þ9d int0 th9 C0ntinuing EduCati0n Syst9m that is n0W in þlaC9 With th9 Am9riCan Institut9 0f ArChit9Cts. MiCha9l has b99n r9C0gniz9d f0r th9 d9V9l0þm9nt 0f a 5-W99k X0xx0x0 x0X0x C0urs9 0n r00fing t9Chn0l0gy, WhiCh Was taught at K9nt Stat9 UniV9rsity SCh00l 0f ArChit9Ctur9. B9Caus9 0f his 9ff0rts, h9 Was induCt9d int0 th9 Am9riCan Institut9 0f ArChit9Cts as an X0x0xxxx X0xx0x. H9 has s9rV9d as a jur0r f0r th9 AIA’s þr9stigi0us H0n0rs AWards f0r Outstanding ArChit9Ctur9 and USGBCs’ Pr0f9ssi0nal D9V9l0þm9nt C0mmitt99....
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx) Task/WP related to the WP1, Task 1.1 Deliverable: D1.1 Type 1: R Reviewer(s): SIVECO,PBN, MH, UniBucharest Contractual Date of Delivery July 2016 Actual Date of Delivery June 2016 Abstract: This statement describes an overview of the State of the Art in multi-domain cognitive computerized training to prevent the decline in cognitive functions of healthy elderly. Methodologies and outcomes of recent studies and reviews are summarized, providing useful indications for B@H research implementation. Keywords: Aging, cognitive decline, cognitive functions, computerized cognitive training and VR Project Co-ordinator Company name : SIVECO Romania S.A. Name of representative : Xxxxxx XXXXXX Address Building Bucharest, RO : 00-00 Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, X0, Xxxxxxxx 0, 000000, Phone number : +0 (000) 000 0000 Fax number : + 0 (000) 000 0000 E-mail : xxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx Website : Version Control 1 Deliverable Type: P (Prototype), R (Report), O (Other) Version Description of Change Date V1.0 Initial draft 06/05/2016 V2.0 Revision of Introduction and Conclusions 15/06/2016 V3.0 Final indications 22/06/2016 Table of Contents
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx and Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (the “Guarantors”) have provided personal guarantees of the debts of APS identified on Schedule 11(a) to this Agreement (the “Personal Guarantees”). From the date of this Agreement and through and after the Closing Date, the Guarantors will cooperate with ARCS and ARCS will use its best efforts for the purpose of releasing the Guarantors from the Personal Guarantees. If arrangements have not been made to release the Guarantors from the Personal Guarantees as of the Closing Date, then ARCS will issue up to a maximum of two million (2,000,000) shares of common stock to the Guarantors (to be allocated between them as they determine) to compensate them for providing the continuing guarantees. The number of shares to be issued will be: · On the Closing Date, one million (1,000,000) shares multiplied by the Remaining Percentage on the Closing Date. · On the date that is 90 days after the Closing Date, five hundred thousand (500,000) shares multiplied by the Remaining Percentage on that date. · On the date that is 180 days after the Closing Date, five hundred thousand (500,000) shares multiplied by the Remaining Percentage on that date. For purposes of this Section, the “Remaining Percentage” shall be a fraction whose denominator is the aggregate amount of the Personal Guarantees shown on Schedule 11(a) and whose numerator is the aggregate amount of the Personal Guarantees that remain unreleased as of the measurement date.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Dr.
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Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. X.X. Xxxxxx The studies described in this thesis have been performed at the division of Medi- cal Pharmacology of the Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (LACDR) and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), The Netherlands. This research was financially supported by The Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO/ ZonMW) and the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and was part of a col- laboration with Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Université de Bordeaux, France. Financial support for the printing of this thesis was kindly provided by: - Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (LACDR) - Noldus Information Technology B.V. - X.X. Jurriaanse Stichting science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx (1872-1970) Voor mijn vader Preface 9 chapter 1: General introduction 11 chapter 2: Adrenalectomy prevents behavioural sensitisation of mice 51 to cocaine in a genotype-dependent manner chapter 3: Strain differences in the effects of adrenalectomy on the 75 midbrain dopamine system: implication for behavioural sensitisation to cocaine chapter 4: Critical time-window for the actions of adrenal 93 glucocorticoids in behavioural sensitisation to cocaine chapter 5: Behavioural sensitisation to cocaine: cooperation between glucocorticoids and epinephrine 113 chapter 6: General discussion 133 chapter 7: Summary 163 chapter 8: Samenvatting (Dutch) 169 chapter 9: References 177 List of abbreviations 229 Curriculum Vitae 231 Publications 233 Not every individual who experiments with cocaine will acquire compulsive drug use. The mechanism underlying this individual difference in susceptibility to drug addiction is still poorly understood. Recent studies have identified genes and ad- verse life events (stress) as risk factors. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the contribution of the adrenal stress hormones glucocorticoids and epinephrine to the psychostimulant effects of cocaine in the inbred DBA/2 and C57BL/6 mouse strains. Behavioural sensitisation, measured as an enhanced locomotor response to repeated cocaine exposure, was used as a model for the long-term neural adapta- tions underlying certain aspects of drug addiction. The results demonstrate that adrenal hormones play a critical role in cocaine sensitivity, which depends on genetic background because surgical removal of the adrenals or ‘adrenalectomy’ fully prevented cocaine sensitisation in the DBA/2, but...
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx; Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx; Xxxxx Xxxx; XX Xxxxxx; Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx; Xx.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, vice xxxxxxx, Xxxxx Office of Interna- tional Affairs; and Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, director of Educational Programs at The Xxxxxx Center. NEWSBRIEFS Providing firsthand experiences were Xxxxxx Center interns Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, a graduate student at Georgia State Uni- versity, and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, a junior at Emory University. “Conversations” will start the new year with “Millennium Bugs: Fighting Diseases in 2000 and Beyond” on Feb.
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